Hong Kong Chapter

Hong Kong Chapter logo

The alumni chapter in Hong Kong was successfully formed in October 2006. The University now has several thousand graduates living and working in Hong Kong, a number which will surely continue to grow every year. It is through the joint and tireless efforts of your fellow visionary alumni, that the alumni chapter in Hong Kong was formed.

The Alumni Chapter aims to help our University promote and enhance its good name and reputation in Hong Kong, and also strive to promote a lifelong relationship between the University and its alumni, and to provide opportunities of engagement for all graduates and friends of the University in Hong Kong.

The Chapter aspires to provide a place to grow, to learn, to share and to perpetuate lasting relationships with alumni of all ages. A place that provides opportunities for members to demonstrate leadership, assist in mentoring and community service initiatives and to develop both personally and professionally. The Chapter hopes to provide a voice that collectively represents the interests and ambitions of all alumni in Hong Kong.

For further information on the Hong Kong Chapter please visit Federation Alumni Hong Kong.