Mark Shorter
Guirguis New Art Prize 2015
Mark Shorter works across painting, sculpture and performance. His practice draws on a grotesque and unsettling humour to unpick established conventions and social mores.
Interested in developing and performing different identities such as the bawdy, country music singer Renny Kodgers; the quixotic journeyman Tino La Bamba; and the time-travelling, landscape painting critic Schleimgurgeln, these three performance investigations express a unique, contemporary grotesquerie and propose a criticality in art that is visceral, guttural and funny. Shorter regularly presents and enacts work in atypical venues to reflect a core concern of his practice, which is to consider the function of art both inside and outside conventional modes of display.
Letter to Some Dead Greek Guy is a video and sculpture installation that continues Shorter's investigation into the myths and histories that have shaped our understanding of antipodean space. In Meteorologica the Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed a southern land based on the rigorous observation of the planets weather patterns and a principle of counter balance. The artist's installation is a response to this declaration and a missive to a long-dead Greek man.
Image: Letter to Some Dead Greek Guy, 2015 (production still) video Courtesy the artist