Creating habitat for native wildlife

11 August 2022

VIDEO  Student and staff volunteers are planting indigenous trees and shrubs along a boundary of Federation University’s Mt Helen campus. The plants will help protect birds, possums, kangaroos and koalas.


'Cleaning' shark teeth could have surprising benefits for humans

2 August 2022

Researchers are catching some of Australia’s largest species of sharks and cleaning their teeth in a vast study aiming to understand the microbes living inside the sharks.

Creating positive legacies through sport

29 July 2022

With Australia hosting major sporting events over the next decade, there's work to be done to get the best result for the communities staging them.

Navigating relaxed restrictions during a pandemic

28 July 2022

Isn’t COVID-19 getting weaker? I’ve been vaccinated – why aren’t I fully protected? The recent findings that may help people decide on the ‘right’ balance of protection for themselves.

Making hospitals more accessible for First Nations people

25 July 2022

A Federation University researcher says changes are needed in hospitals so that First Nations people feel welcome, safe, understood and able to access full medical care.

Keeping women and girls in sport

21 July 2022

Federation University researchers are identifying strategies to increase women’s participation in sports and to understand the many barriers deterring them from participating in physical activity.

Reskilling and upskilling: overcoming manufacturing’s regional challenges

15 July 2022

The pandemic has highlighted the fragility of supply chains and the need for manufacturers to adapt and look at human resources they may not have previously considered.

High achievers to target learning disadvantage

8 July 2022

Federation University will prepare and support high-achieving pre-service teachers in a program targeting learning disadvantage throughout Victoria.

Innovation champions enhance the student experience

4 July 2022

A pilot project between Adobe and Federation has seen academic and teaching staff from across higher education and TAFE selected to serve as innovation champions and showcase digital capability.

Hip flexors get weak when we sit too much – but simple stretches and strengthening exercises can leave you less stiff

4 July 2022

I am sure you’ve been told you should stand and move away from your desk or use a standing desk where possible. One of the major benefits of doing this is to activate and stretch the hip flexor area.

Solving sheep’s can of worms

1 July 2022

Tiny worms in sheep and goats cause one of the biggest problems in the meat and wool industries. Affecting health, reproduction rates and wool production, worms can cripple a farming enterprise.

Research shows tropical cyclones have decreased alongside human-caused global warming – but don’t celebrate yet

28 June 2022

The annual number of tropical cyclones forming globally decreased by about 13 per cent during the 20th century compared to the 19th, according to research published in Nature Climate Change.

HEDx event – Gender Equity and Inclusion

22 June 2022

VIDEO  What is the current position of Australian universities in advancing gender equity and inclusion, and how do we accelerate our progress? HEDx posed these questions at an important discussion.

Developing reliable energy systems for remote communities

21 June 2022

Federation University researchers are working on the development of microgrid power systems that could provide energy to remote towns where power has been cut in extreme weather conditions.

Tech research with bite

16 June 2022

Electric toothbrushes that can track which part of your mouth you are brushing could have significant implications for oral health care, particularly for children and the elderly.

Regular checks vital for good health

14 June 2022

Men's Health Week should be a reminder for males to pay more attention to their bodies and minds by having regular check-ups, a Federation University chronic illness and addiction researcher says.

Biodiversity conservation: Moving forward with lessons learned

3 June 2022

A biodiversity conservation conference will share positive stories and highlight new ecological research to natural resource managers and the research community.

New bus safety system promotes independence for travellers

27 May 2022

Health and engineering researchers have developed a containment system to improve safety for passengers who use wheelchairs and mobility devices on buses without needing intervention from the driver.

Uncovering Ballarat’s dark criminal past

25 May 2022

VIDEO  A Federation University historian is behind a series of guided tours of the old Ballarat Gaol, now the site of the SMB Campus.

The new Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill: Will it work?

13 May 2022

Cyber abuse, such as trolling and cyberbullying, have remained unchecked for too long. There is an urgent need to address and manage these harmful behaviours in a meaningful way.

Why we need to take a cautious approach with long COVID

6 May 2022

Immunology researcher Professor Stuart Berzins discusses the latest research surrounding long COVID, including its causes, symptoms and emerging treatments.

Engaging in change to grow women’s sports

4 May 2022

The explosion in popularity of women's professional sport leagues means a rethink is needed to set the direction for future research into sports knowledge and practice.

Art school heritage on show in new exhibition

28 April 2022

VIDEO  A major exhibition at Federation University’s Post Office Gallery will showcase the history of one of the University’s key predecessor institutions — the former Ballarat Technical Art School.

Does pickle juice really help sport performance?

27 April 2022

Pickle juice is a relatively new idea that has gained popularity among athletes in many sports like basketball, several football codes, including the NFL in the USA, soccer worldwide and the AFL.

Lifelong learning: The key to impactful life and work in the digitally enhanced post-pandemic world

15 April 2022

COVID-19 has caused significant changes to life and work, encompassing new ways of working, teaching and learning with urgent needs for skilling, up-skilling and re-skilling.