Menzies Oration Series presents, Do I have a future? A better deal for young people in Australia


Federation University Australia was delighted to co-host the 2022 Menzies Foundation Oration 'Do I have a future? A better deal for young people in Australia'.

Leading in to the 2022 Federal Government's Jobs and Skills Summit, we ask that priority be given to Australian youth – how do we build pathways for our young people to thrive?

Executive Director of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and our Orator for the evening, Travers McLeod, was joined by a panel of young leaders to set a future agenda for the 'greater good'.

This hybrid event was moderated by Daniel Ziffer, ABC journalist.


2022 Menzies Orator

  • Travers McLeod, Executive Director, Brotherhood of St. Laurence

Moderator and MC

  • Dan Ziffer, ABC Journalist

Hosts of the Oration

  • Liz Gillies, Chief Executive Officer, Menzies Foundation
  • Professor Duncan Bentley, Vice-Chancellor and President, Federation University Australia

Youth Panel

  • Raneem Bajjour, Youth Development Coach - Brotherhood of St Laurence
  • Rachel Wilks, Project Coordinator of the Level Up Project, Beyond the Bell
  • Johannah (Jo) Thompson, Diploma of Nursing student and Federation University Foundation Scholarship recipient
  • Gurmaan Kaur, Chair, Federation University Student Senate and Bachelor of Psychological Science student

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