Planning essential for good research — the stats back it up

12 November 2020

Research enabling is the quiet cog in the research process and a statistician can help researchers get the most from their project while allowing them to avoid ‘black holes’.

The science of compassion and empathy

5 November 2020

Researching the scientific understanding of empathy and compassion has never been more important amid the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and a volatile political landscape.

Comfort from the past: not all is unprecedented

28 October 2020

The challenges experienced by Ballarat Technical Art School students during the first half of the 20th century are not dissimilar to the challenges many are having today.

Researchers find high blood pressure does not increase COVID risks

27 October 2020

A Federation University Australia study has helped allay fears that high blood pressure and taking medication for the condition increases the chance of coronavirus infection and complications.

Rapid testing the key to opening up our borders

22 October 2020

Fast and accurate biochemical testing for COVID-19 could pave the way for international borders reopening, with world-leading technology under development at Australia’s National Phenome Centre.

How a warming climate is increasing bushfire risks

21 October 2020

A warming climate is creating severe weather conditions that have sparked a rising number of bushfires, with modelling from climate researchers warning that these events will continue to increase.

Smoking and alcohol consumption increases amid COVID-related distress

20 October 2020

Ongoing restrictions, social isolation, economic impact and feelings of uncertainty are impacting on the psychological wellbeing of many Australians, researchers find.

As tattoos become more mainstream, are perceptions changing?

14 October 2020

More women now have tattoos than men but they are judged more harshly, mirroring other behaviours where women are judged more negatively than men for engaging in ‘masculine’.

Apprenticeship expert cautions on potential pitfalls of new funding

12 October 2020

A leading apprenticeship researcher warns the wage subsidies for apprenticeships and traineeships announced in the Federal Budget need to be administered properly to avoid adverse consequences.

Researchers on track to revolutionise truck steering

24 September 2020

Researchers have teamed up with Australia’s largest semi-trailer maker to develop a ‘virtual rail’ steering system to make trucks safer for other road users and reduce road damage in urban areas.

Drawing inspiration from the past to transform lives

22 September 2020

Liam Sloan credits the VET sector for transforming his life and giving him opportunities that he otherwise would never have had.

How the visual arts will re-emerge from lockdown

17 September 2020

The Post Office Gallery has had to get creative for the shows to go on after the premature end of a key exhibition and the cancellation of others.

Thank you for supporting our essential workers of tomorrow

16 September 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that this year has been a tumultuous one for many of us, and even more so for those who work in education and health.

The imagination muscle

15 September 2020

Amid the lockdown, staff and students are building skills that can be used to problem-solve, visualise and experiment with ideas and materials, contributing to communities, workplaces and industries.

Let’s stop self-isolating when we no longer have to self-isolate

9 September 2020

If we as a society are going to move forward towards better mental health outcomes beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to find a way to better engage with our communities and the people around us.

Program inspires emerging STEM leaders

7 September 2020

A Federation University researcher will take part in a STEM leadership program that is supporting mid-career women who want to progress into leadership roles across academia, government and industry.

Overcoming hydrogen’s burning issue

1 September 2020

A hydrogen project in the Latrobe Valley that is tapping into the abundant reserves of brown coal long used to produce electricity could be a game-changer for energy generation.

Protecting Queensland’s koalas

28 August 2020

Researchers are studying koala DNA in a project that aims to bolster the animals' conservation in Brisbane and across southeast Queensland.

New Vice-Chancellor brings a world of experience to Federation

24 August 2020

New Vice-Chancellor Professor Duncan Bentley spent his youth on coffee plantations and game reserves in Africa, which provided lessons that he has carried through his life.

Weeding out invasive species to protect our food

14 August 2020

Global warming and severe weather events are taking a heavy toll on ecosystems and raising fears for global food security.

Learning is child’s play for children with disabilities

31 July 2020

Play-based learning is providing opportunities for children with disabilities to demonstrate their individuality and independence, a researcher has found.

Controlling the controllable: A student’s journey through the COVID-19 landscape

23 July 2020

Like many other tertiary students across the world, this year has been very different from the one Gemma Foord imagined when she attended face-to-face classes in week one of 2020.

Ticking all the boxes at tax time

21 July 2020

It's a new financial year and with more employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is increased interest in what expenses taxpayers can claim deductions for.

How we’re learning about COVID-19

20 July 2020

Researchers are discovering the ways in which people have been learning about key aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why we need to know about sub-concussion

16 July 2020

Concussion has attracted great interest in the sport science and health research community over the past few decades. But what about head knocks where there is no concussion?