Mastering your exam prep: my 10 study hacks for exam period
Tamim - 2 October 2023

Hey there, fellow students! I'm Tamim and, just like you, I'm navigating the exciting and challenging journey of pursuing a Master of Technology at Federation University. As the exam period approaches, the pressure and responsibilities can feel overwhelming, but fear not – I've been there and learned some invaluable study hacks that I'm thrilled to share with you. Let's dive into some practical strategies to conquer those exams while keeping your cool.
1. Calm is key: prioritize your wellbeing
Picture this: You're up late, cramming for an exam, and anxiety takes over. Sound familiar? The first step to acing exams is staying calm. Proper sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet can work wonders. As tempting as it is to rely on energy drinks and junk food, opt for brain-boosting meals and remember that a refreshed mind is a productive one.
2. Know thy schedule: be exam-ready
Knowing your exam schedule is like having a treasure map. Mark those dates on your calendar, set reminders, and plan your study timetable accordingly. Don’t just focus on the first exam or you’ll find yourself ill prepared for the next one. When you're organized, you'll tackle your studies more effectively.
3. Break it down: small steps, big rewards
Studying while juggling a part-time job, chores, and a social life is no joke. Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks. Short, focused bursts with regular breaks are much more effective than marathon sessions.
4. Deep dive: understand before you memorize
Rather than racing to find answers, take a deep breath and understand the material. Dive into the core concepts, ask questions, and critically analyze what you've learned over the past semester. Your lecturer will provide tips on what course material you should focus on too! This understanding forms a strong foundation that makes memorization easier and more meaningful.
5. Study services to the rescue
Find yourself stuck on a topic? Want to practice your writing or receive help with referencing? FedUni has a wide range of academic study support services available. You can even book a 1:1 meeting with a Study Skills Advisor or attend group PASS sessions free of charge! Learn more here:
6. Step outside and recharge
Feeling cooped up? Step outside, stretch your legs and take a breather. Fresh air revitalizes your mind and boosts focus. During my first semester, a simple walk around the dorm and a chat with friends worked wonders for my mood. Try changing your study location too. Head to the library, a local park or your favourite cafe.
7. Study buddies: together we thrive
Studying with friends who share your course can be a game-changer. Group sessions allow for brainstorming, sharing insights, and clearing doubts. Collaborating with others often makes studying more engaging and enjoyable.
8. Highlight your way to success
Highlighting key points while reading helps you focus on the essentials. It also comes in handy during revision, triggering faster recall of important information.
9. Speak out loud and write it down
If you need to remember something, say it out loud. This technique reinforces your memory. Additionally, jotting down key points multiple times can enhance retention.
10. The zen zone: the day before
As exams draw near, resist the urge to cram. Instead, take a breather, relax, and review key concepts. Panicking won't help. Focus on what's most important and utilize the remaining time strategically.
Mastering exam periods at FedUni requires a blend of smart strategies, self-care, and a positive mindset. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Lean on your peers, Professors, and the fantastic resources available to you. Believe in your abilities, stay focused, and let your determination lead you to success.