Andrew Smith

Phone (03) 5327 9371
Room H 111
Position Lecturer
Discipline Nursing


RN, BN, Master of Primary Health Care (MPHC)

Teaching areas

Foundations of Nursing 1 & 2, Population Health Stream

Research interests

Farm family health (especially farm men) – With a particular focus on how nurses work with and address health promotion challenges with this population group (health literacy)

Health professional knowledge and skills related to Health literacy. In particular how health literacy knowledge and skills should be embedded/developed in nursing curriculum.


Brumby, S. & Smith, A. (2009) 'Train the Trainer' model: implications for health professionals and farm family health in Australia .Journal of Agromedicine, Volume 14, p. 112 – 118

Smith, A & Peck, B. The teacher as the digital perpetrator: implementing web 2.0 technology activity as assessment practice for higher education. Innovation or imposition. Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences 2. 4800-4804.