Our team

Meet our senior Library team, including our Director, Associate Librarians and Managers

Acting Director, University LibraryMarion Slawson

Marion Slawson

Email: director.library@federation.edu.au

Mt Helen Campus

The Client Services teams support the core activities of the University through a range of self-service and personal service structures. The Library Frontline Services team delivers the InfoPoint service to all Federation students, staff and researchers, both in person and online. The Research and Learning Services team provides programs and resources to enable students as learners, as well as supporting academic and research staff with their core teaching and research activities. The Library website underpins and supports all library clients in their activities, providing point-of-need access to resources, library collections and services whenever and wherever they are located.

Associate Librarian, Client ServicesMarion Slawson

Marion Slawson

Email: marion.slawson@federation.edu.au

Phone: +613 5122 6124

Mt Helen Campus

Coordinator, Library Frontline Services

Ange Jenkins

Email: a.jenkins@federation.edu.au

Phone: +613 5327 8292

Mt Helen Campus

Team Leader, Library Learning Services

Beth Deans

Email: b.deans@federation.edu.au

Phone: +613 4313 7978

Berwick Campus

Contact your Liaison Librarian >

Library Research Services staff provide skills development, online resources and services which contribute to the University's achievement of quality and quantum of research. These services include training and advice on research metrics, open access publishing, research data management, and EndNote.

Associate Librarian, Research Services

Kay Steel

Email: kay.steel@federation.edu.au

Phone: +613 5122 6536

Gippsland Campus

Team Leader, Library Research ServicesCheryl Claridge

Cheryl Claridge

Email: c.claridge@federation.edu.au

Phone: +613 5327 9263

Mt Helen Campus

Contact your Liaison Librarian >

The Resources team is responsible for the selection, acquisition, processing, cataloguing and classification of information resources for the Library, including books, journals and databases in print and electronic format and for the provision of Document Delivery Services and Course Readings.

Manager, Library ResourcesRoger Clark

Roger Clark

Email: r.clark@federation.edu.au

Phone: +613 5327 8077

Mt Helen Campus

Library Resources services

Submit your learning resources >

Document delivery requests >

Suggest an item for the collection >

Report database and journal outages or access issues >

Report a repository issue >

Apply for an ISBN, ISSN or DOI >

Team contacts

Historical Collection

Email: gbrc@federation.edu.au

Gippsland & Regional Studies Collection

Email: grsc@federation.edu.au