
Discover the invaluable assistance provided to current and prospective students experiencing financial hardship through grants.

  • Category Foundation
    Description This scholarship is open to students who are undertaking studies in Business, Engineering with a focus on civil, chemical, mechanical or mining,  Science with a focus in Ecology or Environmental or Information Technology at the Gippsland Campus. Preference will be given to students who reside in the East Gippsland region, but is open to other students who will commit to being directly involved with East Gippsland Water. If studying Engineering, the students will focus on one or more of the following technical areas within the business: Water and Sewer networks engineering Water and Sewer Treatment process engineering Recycled water treatment and operations Drinking Water Quality and Recycled Water Quality Risk Management Dams management and oversight Strategic and Long term infrastructure planning Safety and Compliance (Department of Health and EPA) Operations and maintenance Asset management Network modelling and Master Plans Options engineering and Multicriteria assessment Design and development Project management Construction oversight and management.
    Locations Gippsland
    Status Open
    Value $5,000
  • Category Deadly
    Description The Deadly Relocation/Accommodation Costs Scholarship (ICACS) aims to improve higher education access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’, particularly for those who need to relocate from regional and remote areas in order to access study.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 06/01/2025
    Closes 05/12/2025
    Value Up to $7,000
  • Category Deadly
    Description The Deadly Education Costs Scholarship (ICECS) aims to improve higher education access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 06/01/2025
    Closes 05/12/2025
    Value $4,000
  • Category Grant
    Description The FedSuccess Book Grant provides financial support to purchase text books and other materials. Eligible students are provided with a $200 credit to assist with the cost of textbooks. 
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 10/02/2025
    Closes 05/12/2025
    Value Up to $200
  • Category Grant
    Description The FedSuccess Hardship Support Grant aims to provide assistance to students facing significant financial hardship which is impacting their program participation and progression.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online; Wimmera
    Status Open
    Opens 06/01/2025
    Closes 05/12/2025
    Value Up to $1,200
  • Category Grant
    Description The FedSuccess - Nursing Kit Grant provides a voucher to obtain a Nursing Kit from the Federation University FedStore. Available to commencing students only.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland
    Status Open
    Opens 10/02/2025
    Closes 05/12/2025
    Value Up to $150
  • Category Grant
    Description The FedSuccess Placement Grant supports eligible Domestic Undergraduate students who otherwise would not be able to complete required placement and prevent program progression.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 06/01/2025
    Closes 05/12/2025
    Value Up to $1,000
  • Category Grant
    Description The FedSuccess - Uniform Grant provides eligible students with a voucher to use at a Federation University FedStore to purchase required uniforms for placements and labs etc. Available to commencing students only.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 10/02/2025
    Closes 05/12/2025
    Value Up to $50
  • Category External
    Description The Pinarc Disability Support Allied Health Bursary Scheme supports career pathways to speech pathology, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy employment within the disability sector in either regional Ballarat or western metropolitan Melbourne (Melton). This scheme supports final year allied health students with a commitment to working in the disability sector by providing financial assistance and work experience opportunities as therapy assistants whilst completing the final year of their degree. Bursaries valued at $10,000 each are available to be awarded to final year allied health students studying speech pathology, occupational therapy, or physiotherapy in Victoria. Bursary recipients are required to commit to a full time two-year return of service at Pinarc Disability Support’s Ballarat or Melton site upon completion of their degree. .
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Value Up to $10,000
  • Category External
    Description The American Australian Association is the largest privately funded non-profit organization dedicated to broadening, strengthening and developing ties across the Pacific. For 76 years, our programs have connected our two cultures, guided our people and provided new opportunities for a diverse network of trail blazers. The American Australian Association proudly supports individuals pursuing graduate education, fostering groundbreaking solutions to global challenges, and nurturing artistic excellence. With scholarships of up to US$40,000, we assist Australian and Americans with tuition and living expenses at accredited institutions in the USA or Australia. To date, we’ve awarded almost US$18 million to over 1,100 scholars, including veterans, researchers, and artists shaping the future.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 01/01/2025
    Closes 31/03/2025
    Value Up to $40,000
  • Category External
    Description Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships support new undergraduate and postgraduate teaching students to meet the costs of their study in exchange for teaching in government schools or government-run early learning settings for a period of time after graduating from their degree. Scholarships of $40,000 per student are available for full-time undergraduate initial teacher education (ITE) students ($10,000 per year for a four-year qualification) and $20,000 for full-time postgraduate ITE students ($10,000 per year for a two‑year qualification).
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Value Up to $40,000
  • Category External
    Description The Equity Rural Placement Scholarship Program is an initiative to provide financial assistance to students experiencing financial hardship to undertake placements/work integrated learning activities in rural and remote settings.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 01/01/2025
    Closes 30/11/2025
    Value Up to $1,500
  • Category Government Funded Scholarships
    Description The Federation Excellence Scholarship is offered to eligible high achieving international students applying for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. This scholarship is the equivalent of 20% of your annual tuition fees for the duration of your course. To maintain the scholarship an awardee must maintain a GPA of at least 5 while studying.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland
    Status Open
    Value Up to 20% of annual tuition fees
  • Category Government Funded Scholarships
    Description Federation University Australia is pleased to offer a Pathways Scholarship to international students who commence in a Federation University pathway course in 2024. The Federation Pathways Scholarship is equivalent to 20% of the annual tuition fees of a pathway course such as Foundation or Higher Education Diploma.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland
    Status Open
    Value Up to 20% of annual tuition fees
  • Category External
    Description The Going Rural - Student Placement Support Scheme has been developed to assist students with the associated costs of accommodation and travel when completing a clinical placement in a rural setting across Hume, Ovens, Murray, Goulburn, Ballarat and Grampians region
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland
    Status Open
    Opens 20/01/2022
    Value Up to $2,500
  • Category External
    Description Graduate Women Victoria offers an annual program of scholarships and bursaries for women and non-binary/gender-diverse students enrolled in universities in Victoria. Scholarships available in 2025 Category: Indigenous Marilyn Godley Undergraduate indigenous Award $5,000 Marilyn Godley Postgraduate Indigenous Award $5,000 Category: Honours Arts/Humanities Taines Scholarship $6,000 Category: Masters of Teaching/Education E.D. Daniels Scholarship $7,000 Bursary $3,500 Category: Masters by Coursework or Research, Extended Masters Philippa McCall Scholarship $7.000 *May Kentish Scholarship $8,000 *Judith Rodriguez Bursary $5,000 Bursary $3,500Bursary $3,500 Category: PhD William and Elizabeth Fisher Scholarship $8,000 *Members Scholarship $8,000 Feminist Fathers Bursary $5,000 *Madeleine Capicchiano Bursary $4,000 Awards marked with an asterisk are intended for certain areas of study. These conditions are explained in the application form, and you will have an opportunity to ask to be considered for them at that time. Asking to be considered for one of these awards does not exclude your application from being considered for any other award in the category.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 01/01/2025
    Closes 31/03/2025
    Value Up to $8,000
  • Category External
    Description As part of our community support program, Jade Finance Australia is awarding a $5000 academic scholarship to support tertiary studies students in advancing their studies. The Jade Finance Scholarship will be awarded to the applicant, selected by our expert panel, who has been judged to have submitted the most outstanding written response to our selection criteria.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 17/01/2025
    Closes 01/11/2025
    Value Up to $5,000
  • Category External
    Description Larsen Jewellery recognises the need to support and educate young adults wishing to begin a career in jewellery, design or visual arts; or who wish to further their studies in a jewellery, design or visual arts related course.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 01/01/2025
    Closes 30/11/2025
    Value Up to $3,000
  • Category External
    Description The Masters of Psychology – Rural Placement Program was established in 2016. The program aims to grow the rural workforce by supporting students to undertake rural placements and building the capacity of host sites and supervisors to support students. This program is funded by the Australian Government Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training program. Support provided can include financial assistance/bursary (eligibility criteria applies), education support, mentoring assistance, cultural training, support to supervisors, placement matching & placement development.
    Locations Ballarat
    Status Open
    Value Up to $2,000
  • Category Government Funded Scholarships
    Description This scholarship supports students who choose to live in University accommodation in Victoria and is valued at $1000 per semester for two semesters (total annual value $2000 AUD).
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland
    Status Open
    Value Up to $2,000
  • Category External
    Description 2025 WIL Australia Student Scholarships A small number of scholarships of $1,500 provide financial support for students undertaking a WIL placement in Australia as part of their 2025/2026 university studies. 2025 Applications: Opening 17 February 2025 Criteria for applicants Scholarships are open to students who: Are from institutions with WIL Australia Full Institutional Membership. Are based in an RRMA1-RRMA2 location  in an RRMA3-RA5 location or in an  RRMA6-RRMA7 location You must travel more than 60 kms into another RRMA location to be eligible for a WIL Scholarship. For example – you are moving from an RRMA1-RRMA2 location to an RRMA3-RA5 location for placement and travelled more than 60 kms. Students can be domestic or international. Genuine relocation is required.  3 weeks duration minimum and occur between 1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026 Placement must be full time.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland; Online
    Status Open
    Opens 17/02/2025
    Closes 02/05/2025
    Value Up to $1,500
  • Category External
    Description Recruiting and retaining allied health professionals in rural areas is a long-standing problem in Australia and overseas, and strategic action is required to grow and better equip Victoria’s rural workforce. In active recognition of this problem, RFDS Victoria offers rural students support through the Give Them Wings scholarship program. Since 2012, these scholarships have been awarded annually to university students from regional, rural and remote Victoria who are studying nursing or allied health.
    Locations Ballarat; Berwick; Gippsland
    Status Open
    Opens 17/03/2025
    Closes 14/04/2025
    Value Up to $6,000