Camp Street

Heading reads 2024 Orientation. Welcome to Camp St Campus. Basically in the coolest  part of Ballarat.

Camp St Campus is where it's at.

You’re going to be spending a lot of time on campus. Lucky it’s a good one.

Planes, trains and automobiles
Okay, we lied about the planes. But seriously, there are so many ways to get to campus you’ll never have to excuse yourself for being late to class.

  • By local bus: Buses 11, 12, 22, 24, 25, 26 and 30 stop near the corner of Sturt and Camp Street.
  • V/line train and coach: If you’re coming from outside Ballarat, you can use V/Line’s trip planner to plan your trip to Ballarat Railway Station. From there, we’re about a 5 minute walk away.
  • Cycling: There is bike parking between C and F Buildings.

Here's a quick tip for when you arrive: The closest free parking is in the Field Street Car Park. There is also paid parking nearby.

Facilities that will inspire you
Camp St Campus is basically a creative student’s dream. Fine art studios, tick, professional galleries, tick, multiple performance spaces, tick (hello 150-seat theatre).

What's on this week at Camp Street

Want all of your Orientation event info in one place? No problem. To access the complete Camp St schedule, either view the flip book or download the PDF booklet

Do a deep dive

Have gaps in your Orientation Schedule and want to know what else is on? Good idea. You can download a full campus schedule here.

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time

Access for everyone

We’re committed to making Orientation and studying at Fed accessible and barrier-free for everyone. Our mobility access map has information on accessible parking, toilets and pathways.

HOT TIP: Explore your campus on Google Maps for an inside-out preview! Plan ahead for all your needs.

TAKE CARE: The access routes shown are stair-free but the gradient of some paths may not be suitable for all users. See Page 3

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