Natasha Johns-Messenger
Natasha Johns-Messenger is an artist/filmmaker who works between Melbourne and New York Using standard materials in inventive ways her work examines spatial perception, site and viewer interaction. Often, the works are a complex process of imitation, illusion and trickery activated by architectural interventions and optical physics. Employing the principles of architecture and optical illusion into a new experiential ‘live’ sculptural framework, individuals, in most instances, do not know what is real and what is not in the immediate space or view.
The general conceptual agenda underlying Johns-Messenger’s installation works has been three-fold: one, to dissolve parameters between art-object and its site; two, to change the way immediate space is perceived or viewed by using ‘real-time’ image capture inside optical viewing structures; and three, to create artworks that are predominantly experiential and interactive.
Image: Wallthrough, 2016, plywood, mirror, 180 x 150 x 75cm. Photo: Jeremy Weihrauch (left) and (right) Christian Capurro. Courtesy the artist