Learning Through Play

This course is designed to allow teachers to explore historical and contemporary theories of play and their implications on teaching practice. Teachers will also understand how play contributes to development, learning and wellbeing in young children from birth to age eight across curriculum areas. Approaches to play will be explored with a particular focus on nature play, the use of natural spaces and materials in children's play. Various strategies will be explored in the planning of play-based experiences for young children. Notions of diversity, including cultural diversity and play as a socially inclusive practice will be explored.

Single subject short-course cost: $795

Program code: XC01

How to apply

  1. Navigate to apply.federation.edu.au
  2. Login/ register if you are a new applicant to Federation University.
  3. Select semester of commencement (Semester 1 or 2).
  4. Type the program code that relates to your desired course and click search.
  5. Select the program and complete application - please include the name of the course you would like to enrol into in the personal statement section. 
  6. Submit.

Note. Each course you want to enrol in will need a separate application.