Vocational Education and Training (VET)
About VET
Students who enrol in our VCAL courses also enrol in an accredited VET qualification. This enables you to complete both the VCAL and a vocational qualification at the same time.
Students undertake one of the following VET programs:
Completion at Federation College will help students gain employment, including Australian apprenticeships and traineeships or progress to further study.
How to apply
- Applicants can download the VET/TAFE application form (pdf, 283 kb). Alternatively please phone Federation College on 5327 8386 to have an application form mailed to you.
- Return the completed application form in person at SMB Campus, S Building, Cnr Grant and Moyle Streets Ballarat, or mail to Federation College, PO Box 663, Ballarat 3353.
- Federation Youth staff will then contact you to arrange an interview. Suitable identification (pdf, 20kb) is required at the time of interview.
- A letter of offer will be posted within two weeks of the interview. Unsuccessful applicants will be contacted by telephone in the first instance. Enrolment details are included with the letter of offer.
Enrolment sessions commence in December each year. Federation Youth will advise the session times and fee details in the letter of offer.
A payment plan may be arranged with the University Finance Department. Presentation of a current concession card is required at the time of enrolment to obtain the concession rate.
Fees cover tuition, materials and excursions required for the year.
Detailed fee schedules are provided with letters of offer or on request.
Fee schedules also provide details on any additional requirements (for example toolbox, safety boots).
Further information
For more information on our VET programs, please contact Federation College on 03 5327 8386.