Research data

Data you create and use may be covered by copyright.

Data is varied and can include numbers or figures, soil samples or interview text to name a few examples. It can attract copyright in Australia if it meets a threshold level of human authorship, demonstrating creativity in the selection and arrangement of the data.

Generally there can be no copyright protection for information such as numbers, words, names or strictly factual data. However, if the information is collected and compiled, then copyright may subsist in the compilation of that information. Therefore, databases, datasets and directories of information may be protected by copyright.

For more information see the ANDS Guide to research data management.

Licensing your data for reuse

Licence type pros and cons are outlined in this How to License Research Data report (pdf, 580kb) : Ball, A. (2014). ‘How to License Research Data’. DDC.  Also check Licensing your work  for more information.


Research data created by staff in the course of their employment is owned by the University in accordance with Federation University Australia’s Statute 8.2 - Intellectual Property (pdf, 11kb) subject to any relevant third party agreements, or licences in favour of the University.


Intellectual property rights in research data created by students of the University are owned by the University, while the student retains copyright in any thesis produced. Refer to the Federation University Intellectual Property Policy.


If a researcher leaves the institution, the University will remain the custodian of research data and primary research materials acquired during a researcher’s formal association with the institution – refer to Retention of Research Data and Primary Research Materials section of the Research Data Management Procedure.