FedCopyright : decision tool for teaching staff

Please make a selection from the available options


Yes. Photocopied handouts in class are permitted under s.113P and other licences.

Limits?  One chapter or 10% of a book, whichever is greater,  per course per semester. More if out-of-print - check with Copyright staff.

Is a notice required? Yes.  Attach the S.113P notice required if relying on that licence.

Exceptions: ©FedUni content; content licenced for reuse or sharing  (ie Creative Commons, OER); material in which the copyright has expired; with permission of copyright owner

Contact the Copyright Office for further information.

on Moodle

Yes, but digitised copies must go through Learning Resources team first

Limits?  One chapter or 10% of a book, whichever is greater,  per unit per semester. More if out-of-print - check with Copyright staff.

Is a notice required?  S.113P notice or attribution. This is automatically added through Learning Resources processes. If you email content copied under this licence the notice should be included.

You MUST go through the Learning Resources service to comply with the terms of our licence and not upload directly to Moodle.

Exceptions: ©FedUni content; content licenced for reuse or sharing  (ie Creative Commons, OER); material in which the copyright has expired; with permission of copyright owner

on publicly accessible sites

No. You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, Federation University web pages, Course Hero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content, or content licensed for reuse ie. Creative Commons
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner


It depends. You can provide photocopies as handouts in class under s.113P and other licences, though it may not be covered by the terms of the licence of the eBook.  Check with the Library about the licence. Or better still, link directly to the eBook for students.

Limits?  One chapter or 10% of a book, whichever is greater,  per course per semester under s.113P,  if printing for the class is permitted.

Is a notice required? S.113P notice required if relying on that licence.

Exceptions: ©FedUni content; content licenced for reuse or sharing  (ie Creative Commons, OER); material in which the copyright has expired; with permission of copyright owner

on Moodle

Yes. Link to the book on the Library catalogue, or add to your Learning Resources list.

No Limits: No limits apply as linking is not a copyright activity.

No notice is required.

on publicly accessible sites

No. You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, Federation University web pages, Course Hero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content, or content licenced for reuse ie. Creative Commons
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

in hardcopy

Yes. You can provide photocopies as handouts in class under s.113P and other licences.

Limits? One article from a journal issue / newspaper may be copied and handed out to students, and more than one from the same issue if the articles are about the same subject or for the same course of study.

Is a notice required?  Yes.  S.113P notice must accompany each article.

Exceptions: ©FedUni content; content licenced for reuse or sharing  (ie Creative Commons, OER); material in which the copyright has expired; with permission of copyright owner

on Moodle

Yes, but digitised copies must go through Learning Resources first

Limits?  One chapter or 10% of a book, whichever is greater,  per course per semester. More if out-of-print - check with Copyright staff.

Is a notice required?  S.113P notice or attribution, this is automatically added through Learning Resources. If you email content copied under this licence the notice must be included.

You MUST go through the Learning Resources service to comply with the terms of our licence and not upload directly to Moodle.

Exceptions: ©FedUni content; content licenced for reuse or sharing  (ie Creative Commons, OER); material in which the copyright has expired; with permission of copyright owner, Fair Dealing exception

on publicly accessible sites

You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, FedUni web pages, CourseHero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

in hardcopy

Yes. Photocopied handouts in class are permitted under s.113P and other licences. Or better still, link directly to the article using the permalink or through Course Readings for students to access themselves.

Limits?  1 article per journal issue, or more if they are on the same topic.

Is a notice required? Yes.  Attach the S.113P notice required if relying on that licence.

Exceptions: ©FedUni content; content licenced for reuse or sharing  (ie Creative Commons, OER); material in which the copyright has expired; with permission of copyright owner

Contact the Copyright Office for further information.

in Moodle / Course Readings

Yes. Link directly to the article using the permalink from the database, or copy the 'share' link. You can build a durable link for any item [this makes sure it goes through FedUni's authentication system for off-campus access].

Limits?  Check the terms and conditions of the database or ask the Library.

Is a notice required? Depends on requirements of database. Attribution required.

on publicly accessible sites

You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, FedUni web pages, ResearchGate, CourseHero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

in hardcopy

It depends.  Check the website terms and conditions or copyright statement.  Best practice is to link to item, or send link to students so students can access the content themselves. If necessary you can print out a limited amount under the Educational Statutory Licence and hand copies to students.

Limits? It depends, as above. If relying on s.113P to copy you are limited to 10% of words, or 1 article from a journal issue or more if on same subject or for same course of study.

Is a notice required? It depends. If the terms and conditions of the website allow copying and printing it may state their requirements. Attribution necessary. If copied and printed under s.113P notice is required.

in Moodle

It depends.

Best practice is to link to online content, though ensure the content you are linking to has been made available legitimately.

You can assess for this by asking these questions - Is there a paywall to the material?  Is it the content creators own site, or a third party site content may have been loaded to without copyright owners' consent?

Limits: Linking is not a copyright action, therefore no limits apply.

on publicly accessible sites

You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, FedUni web pages, CourseHero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

in hardcopy


The educational statutory licence s.113P allows staff to copy and communicate images (photographs, paintings, drawings, cartoons, diagrams, graphic art etc) for educational purposes.

Notice required? Yes. Attach the s.113P notice with the handout.

Alternatives? Try open content licenced material such as Creative Commons or search through Flickr

in Moodle


The educational statutory licence s.113P allows staff to copy and communicate images (photographs, paintings, drawings, cartoons, diagrams, graphic art etc) for educational purposes.

There are no limits, the whole image can be copied, though images taken from print sources cannot be available individually at a commercial price and in a reasonable time. No check is required for electronic sourced images. Under s.113P you can copy and communicate images (photographs, paintings, drawings, cartoons, diagrams, graphic art etc.) for educational purposes without seeking permission from the copyright owner.  You cannot adapt or remix the image.

Notice required? Yes. Electronic copies must have the s.113P notice displayed immediately before or at the same time as the image.

Alternatives? Try open content licenced material such as Creative Commons or search through Flickr

in a lecture recording


The educational statutory licence s.113P allows staff to copy and communicate images (photographs, paintings, drawings, cartoons, diagrams, graphic art etc) for educational purposes.

Notice required? Yes. Electronic copies must have the s.113P notice displayed immediately before or at the same time as the image. [Place on the PPT, or other presentation format]

Alternatives? Try open content licenced material such as Creative Commons or search through Flickr

via Moodle / Course Readings


Limits?  You can link and upload content from entire broadcasts from radio and TV (including cable and satellite), and other items such as ABC podcasts to Moodle through Course Readings. There are databases which aggregate this content for ease of use,  including ClickView and EduTV available through the Library you can link from.

Is a notice required? Yes, all copies must be attributed and display the s.113P notice at the beginning, or immediately as they are communicated to students electronically.  Databases from the Library (ie EduTV) utilising this licence will have this notice included automatically.

Exceptions: ©FedUni content; content licenced for reuse or sharing  (ie Creative Commons, OER); material in which the copyright has expired; with permission of copyright owner

in a lecture

Yes.  If recording the lecture pause the recording when showing/playing content.

Limits?  You can play entire broadcasts from radio and TV (including cable and satellite), and other items such as ABC podcasts to Moodle. There are databases which aggregate this content for ease of use,  including ClickView and EduTV to easily source content.

Is a notice required? Yes. All copies must be attributed and display the s.113P notice at the beginning, or immediately as they are communicated to students electronically.  [Link] Databases from the Library utilising this licence will have this notice included automatically.

More information in available from Screenrights

on publicly accessible sites

No. You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, FedUni web pages, CourseHero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content, or content licenced for reuse ie. Creative Commons
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

About the licence

The Statutory Broadcast licence  under s.113P allows Federation University to copy and communicate (via email, or on Moodle for instance),  TV and radio content for educational purposes, provided the content has already been broadcast. This is a remunerated licence, with payment made to Screenrights.

The Statutory Broadcast licence covers:

  • TV broadcasts from free to air TV (ABC, 7,9 10, etc)
  • Radio broadcasts from free to air radio
  • Pay TV (ie Foxtel)
  • Online TV/radio 'catch-up' programs from broadcaster's website, provided the content has already been broadcast.

The Statutory Broadcast licence does not cover:

  • Streaming services (Netflix, Stan)
  • Purchased TV programs from iTunes, Google Play, online or retail stores (ABC stores, Booksellers) in any format .
  • Online videos* or games

*There may be provision to copy a limited amount from online videos under another provision.

TV and radio broadcast (which include podcasts), pay TV broadcasts (eg Foxtel), catch up TV from website as long as already broadcast, can be recorded, copied, and communicated via email or Moodle, for the University's educational purposes under the Statutory licence Federation University pays for- the 'Screenrights' licence.

'Educational purposes' - for teaching purposes, used as part of a course of study, retained for library use as a teaching resource.

via Moodle / Course Readings

Not permitted.

Individual subscriptions will not allow for use.The educational statutory licence does not cover non-broadcast online video content.

Alternatives: Link to streamed content via Library databases including Kanopy, ClickView, EduTV.

in a lecture being recorded

Not permitted.

Individual subscriptions will not allow for use.The educational statutory licence does not cover non-broadcast online video content.

Alternatives: Link to streamed content via Library databases including Kanopy, ClickView, EduTV.

on publicly accessible sites

You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, FedUni web pages, CourseHero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

via Moodle

Not permitted.

The Educational Statutory Licence does not cover non-broadcast or online content. You cannot copy a commercial DVD and place on Learning Resources or Moodle (ie Content from ABC shop, iTunes etc or borrowed from the Library)

Alternatives: Link to streamed content via Library databases including Kanopy, ClickView, EduTV. Contact the Library for purchasing or advice.

in a lecture being recorded


You can play commercially produced DVD or video content in a lecture. Pause the recording of the lecture while video is playing.

Alternatives: Link to streamed content via Library databases including Kanopy, ClickView, EduTV.

on publicly accessible sites

You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, FedFlix, CourseHero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

via Moodle / Course Readings

Yes. Link or embed a YouTube video to Moodle. Do not download and then upload. Ensure the content you are linking to is not infringing and is from the content creators' own YouTube site.

Limits? Linking is not a copyright activity, therefore no limits apply.

Notice required? No notice, but you must attribute.

in a lecture recording


Link to the video in a lecture theatre or other recording enabled venue. Ensure the content you are linking to is not infringing and is from the content creators' own YouTube site.  Pause the recording while the video is playing.

on publicly accessible sites

You cannot post third-party content onto publicly accessible/external sites without permission of the copyright owner.

eg YouTube, FedFlix, CourseHero etc; Presenting at a conference; other external site.


  • Use public domain content
  • Seek permission from the copyright owner

FedCopyright for teaching staff

Navigate to see what you can use and where... the formats and sites to deliver third-party learning materials to students with limits and notice requirements.

*Hardcopy refers to copies of item printed (handouts).

*Publicly available website refers to open access web sites, blogs, pages, and outside of Federation University password protected systems.

*Remember to acknowledge and cite everything.

This work is derived from "Delivering unit readings and other learning materials" by Murdoch University
under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence.

It is licenced under CCBY University Copyright Coordinator, Federation University Australia, 2019