Bonnie Lane
Guirguis New Art Prize 2013
Working primarily in video and video installation, Bonnie Lane's practice has included video projection onto objects and unusual surfaces (such as water, fog, mirrors, furniture) in an attempt to make the inanimate come alive. Loops, repetition, circles and black voids reoccur as an autobiographical expression of anxiety, fear, loss and disappointment. Her creations become sculptural forms on continual loop with no beginning, middle or end, creating the sense of a virtual environment to be stepped into.
Her video installations also question our ordinary understandings of time and space, attempting to generate an emotional connection with the audience and contain an unrelenting searching and longing, played out amid ideas of existentialism, absurdity and aloneness.
In Lane's mesmeric, playful kaleidoscopic video Make Believe a sense of infinity and eternity is juxtaposed with ideas surrounding monotony and aimlessness and the unrelenting human condition of searching and longing.
Image: Make Believe, 2012 video still HD video. Courtesy the artist and Anna Pappas Gallery, Melbourne