Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

  • Category Foundation
  • Location Ballarat
  • Annual value $7,000
  • Open date 06/01/2025
  • Close date 02/03/2025
  • Study sector Higher education
  • Study level Bachelor; Honours; Postgraduate
  • Student type Domestic
  • Student status New / commencing
  • Scholarships available 1

How to apply

Applications open 6 January, 2025.

You can log in and view eligibility requirements and information on how to apply.

Once applications open, you can apply through the Scholarships and Grants portal.

About Dr Gordon

Ian Gordon was appointed President of the newly created Council of the State College of Victoria at Ballarat in 1973. As President, he led the merger of the State College of Victoria Ballarat with the Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education, the Ian Alexander Gordontertiary division of the School of Mines and Industries Ballarat. Out of the merger the Ballarat College of Advanced Education was established.

Ian Gordon became the first Vice-President of the new Council and was involved with the plan to transfer the former State College of Victoria Ballarat to the Mt Helen site.

In 1981, Ian Gordon became President of the Ballarat College of Advanced Education Council. Ian held his position until December 1993, the eve of the creation of the University of Ballarat.

Ian Gordon was the only person to remain a member of the Ballarat College of Advanced Education and Ballarat University Council for the whole of their existence.

The Council of the University of Ballarat, at its meeting in 1995 resolved to recognise Ian Gordon's contribution to the University's predecessor institutions and the Ballarat region, by naming the southern wing of the Education building at the Mt Helen Campus "Ian Gordon".

The Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship was established to honour the life of Dr Gordon who passed away in 2012 and was awarded for the first time in 2015.

Image: Ian Alexander Gordon


2024 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2023 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2022 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2021 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2020 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2019 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2018 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2017 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2016 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship

2015 Ian Alexander Gordon Scholarship