Sanuja Waduthanthri imageDegree

Master of Social Work (Qualifying)

Graduation year


Current position

Social Worker / The Orange Door Hub Practitioner - Child Wellbeing Specialist


Anglicare Vcitoria

What are some of your career highlights?

I joined Anglicare Victoria soon after I graduated as a Grade 2 Social Worker in The Orange Door Victoria State Family Violence program.  I am also a registered Social Worker at AASW and registered member at ACWA.

Describe the most enjoyable and challenging aspects of your job

Working in the government space is specialist child wellbeing context.  Working with clients who have been experiencing or experienced family violence.

What are your strongest memories while you were studying at Federation University?

I enjoyed spending time with friends, and the opportunity to explore options to find your own placements during COVID.

Do you have any advice about life after study to pass on to current students?

Have a plan all the time;
Time specific;
Thrive for opportunities.