BEZA, Stephanie
Bachelor of Music Theatre
Graduation year
Current position
Brainstorm Productions
What are some of your career highlights?
The biggest would have to be Faust with Opera Australia. I had the opportunity to perform at the State Theatre in the Arts Centre with some of the loveliest actors I’ve ever met. Everyone was so supportive and kind, and the show itself was some of the most fun I’ve had onstage. Highlights also include performing with Broadway Unplugged in the Botanic Gardens and reading “Henrietta: There’s No One Better” for Story Box Library. This year my career takes me on tour around the east side of Australia performing for kids aged between 5 and 18. I’ll be travelling with Dan Hillman, another Federation University acting graduate.
Describe the most enjoyable and challenging aspects of your job
Generally, the most enjoyable aspect is meeting and working with like-minded people who bring so much knowledge and experience to the table. Everyone is there to work and create, but also to generate a fun atmosphere. The most challenging aspect can be maintaining the required level of energy for every single performance regardless of how you’re feeling that day. The audience deserves a spectacular show and it’s your job as the actor to tell the story.
What are your strongest memories while you were studying at the University?
Third year as a whole, to be honest. It brought some of the most challenging, yet rewarding times at uni. If I had to choose my favourite though, it would be Chicago, our final semester show. We were so lucky to have the opportunity to perform such an iconic broadway musical. Our Director requested that we wear black to every rehearsal as a kind of uniform, so we could create an ensemble mindset. The result was everyone worked together so well and produced an amazing piece of theatre.
Do you have any advice about life after study to pass on to current students?
Get. A. Hobby. Find something you can do regularly, that’s inexpensive, and has NOTHING to do with your field of study. One of the biggest challenges I had after finishing uni was filling all the free time I suddenly had. How much you dedicate yourself to your career and further training is entirely up to you, but I would highly recommend a completely different activity to take your mind off it.