Wed 19 Feb - Sat 15 Mar 2014
Visual arts staff and research associates
Opened by Associate Professor Jennifer Jones-O'Neill, Deputy Dean Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Education and Arts, Federation University Australia on Thu 20 Feb @ 5.30 at the Post Office Gallery, Ballarat.
The Post Office Gallery's very popular annual survey exhibition showcased practising contemporary artists who are lecturers or research associates of the Arts Academy, Ballarat and for the first year visual arts lecturers at Gippsland Campus in the mix!
Artists included Lisa Anderson, Rosalind Atkins (& Ex de Medici), Phil Berry, Loris Button, Graeme Drendel, Rodney Forbes, Alister Heighway, Debbie Hill, Julian Holcroft, Paul Mah, Ben Mangan, Sanne Mestrom, Jill Orr, Jimmy Pasakos, Peter Pilven, Susan Purdy, Ewen Ross and Carole Wilson.
Image: Carole Wilson, Bird Atlas, 2013 (detail) hand cut maps on paper 100 x 110cm