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What we're doing to keep you safe

We are all responsible for creating a safe and inclusive campus. Here at Federation University we have, and continue to take action to proactively prevent, as well as responsibly respond to, issues of violence and sexual harm.

We have implemented changes to make our learning spaces, campuses, residences and broader community safer and more respectful places for everyone to enjoy.

This is a snapshot of the many actions we have taken:

  • Being a signatory organisation to Communities of Respect and Equality - a project aimed at ending gendered violence through equity targets and goals.
  • Every year we provide intensive face-to-face and online training for our student about preventing and responding to violence including sexual harassment and assault. The training is delivered to Student Senate members, Student Academic Leaders and club and society leaders.
  • Every year we deliver tailored face to face training to students living in our halls of residence.  This training informs these students about preventing and responding to violence including sexual harassment and assault, consent training, respectful behaviours, intersectional inequality, what sexual harm is, and what resources are available to students if they experience incidents of this nature.
  • Our online training course about equity, respect and consent, Equal Rights are Your Rights, is delivered to all students on enrolment through the Moodle platform.
  • Our Safer Campuses team as well as Risk, Health and Safety committees regularly review safety concerns including the handling of threats, the safety of our physical environments and cyber-safety.
  • All Federation University staff undertake the online training, Prevention of discrimination, sexual harm and harassment as part of their staff induction and are required to complete this training every 2 years.
  • As part of Federation University’s ongoing commitment to the prevention of gender-based violence on campus, we have partnered with Our Watch’s Educating for Equality to jointly develop training materials and webinars tailored for students and staff for delivery throughout 2022.