A Relic of Memories

Nóırín O’ Síocháın: A Relic of Memories
Wed 11 Mar - Sat 21 Mar 2015
Opened by Dr Loris Button, Adjunct Research Fellow, Faculty of Education and Arts, Federation University Australia, on Thu 12 Mar 2015.
Nóırín O' Síocháın's work and art practice explores memory with the value of 'sensory memory' particularly important to her ongoing research.
In her upcoming Masters Examination exhibition, Relic of Memories, Nóırín presents a series of watercolours on paper that act as an exposition into memory, nostalgia and longing as it relates to the potency and symbolism of place.
In interrogating her subject, working mainly with watercolour on watercolour paper as her preferred medium, the strength yet fragility of the paper support is also significant. For Nóırín, this relates to the strength of the human condition and the personal and physical stamina required to undertake the emotional journey. As an artist, the ongoing working and reworking of the paper, despite the apparent fragility of the surface withstanding the ravages of the water-based medium, act as a metaphor for the lived human experience, withstanding and enduring what is uncovered and revealed over time.
Image: Nóırín O’ Síocháın Sough 2, 2014 watercolour on Saunders Waterford paper 76 x 56cm