ONEIRIC VEIL: Kelly Devrome
Wed 13 Jul - Sat 23 Jul 2011
The exhibition was opened by Dr Jennifer Jones-O’Neill, Deputy Dean, Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Arts Academy, University of Ballarat on Thursday 14 July 2011 @ 5.30pm.
Kelly Devrome’s studio practice is informed by architectural space which she uses as a historic and metaphoric vantage point for the context of her work. Her recent experience as a resident living in Kuwait City in particular has significantly influenced this body of work, of abstract paintings and works on paper. Devrome’s subtle yet rigorous meditation on abstract form evokes a sense of allusive space beyond the surface - of light and shade, deep and flat and absence and presence.
Image: Kelly Devrome In-between, 2009-10 (detail) oil on linen courtesy the artist