Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL)

Cybersecurity Talks

Meetup recordings

12 July 2024

Merril FernandoMicrosoftUsing Policy as Code to Secure your Microsoft Tenant with Maester
Sean ParkTrend Micro / ICSLHeading Towards Pure AI Reverse Engineering
Tarek ChaalanSecurity Centric / ICSLAdversarial Attacks in Modern Machine Learning

24 May 2024

Sabih SaeedMicrosoft / ICSLAutonomous Cyber Operations

Industry supervisor talks

Daniel RodriguezAustralian Federal PoliceCybercrime Investigation 101
Negar ShababMicrosoftAn Introduction to Cybersecurity Roles

MRE webinar recordings

17 February 2021

Willi Ballenthin FireEye FLARE Team CAPA Automatically Identify Malware Capabilities
Daniel Plohmann University of Bonn Identifying Library Functions in a Large Malware Dataset

.Play webinar

13 May 2021

Adil Baghirov Federation University An Introduction To Malware Clustering
Marek Milkovic Avast Anti-Virus Yara Next Generation (YaraNG)
Ian Welch,
Harith Al-Sahaf
Victoria University of Wellington Application of AI to Analysis of Malicious Behaviour by Code, Bots, & Humans

Play  webinar

12 August 2021

Mayur Kriplani Telstra Cyber Security Managed Endpoint Detection and Response for Enterprise Customers
Paul Black ICSL Cross Compiler Bipartite Vulnerability Search
Tarek Chaalan ICSL Building SOAR From the Ground Up

Play  webinar

Robert Layton Data Pipeline An Introduction to Quantitative Attribution Techniques

Play  webinar