Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL)

Ballarat Cybersecurity Meetup

Welcome to the Ballarat Cybersecurity Meetup, we are providing a series of beginner-friendly talks to build the local cybersecurity community. Our talks are designed to be accessible to anyone, no matter their background or experience. Join us to learn that cybersecurity can be interesting and deeply engaging. Our next meetup will be held at the Ballarat Hackerspace, 6:00 pm on Friday the 12th of July 2024 (details below).

Merill FernandoMicrosoftUsing Policy as Code to Secure your Microsoft Tenant with Maester
Sean ParkTrend Micro / ICSLHeading Towards Pure AI Reverse Engineer
Tarek ChaalanSecurity Centric / ICSLAdversarial Attacks in Modern Machine Learning

No tickets needed.


Friday 12th of July 2024,
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Ballarat Hacker Space
136a Albert Street,
Ballarat Central


The Ballarat Cybersecurity Meetup gratefully acknowledges the following supporters:


Eurekative: create innovative prototypes that help businesses launch their projects quickly and efficiently. Their services include designing and developing bespoke software and hardware solutions tailored the client's specific needs. We offer a fast, reliable and cost-effective way to get businesses off the ground

Internet Commerce Security Lab: The ICSL at Federation University has been a strong proponent of cybersecurity in the Ballarat region since 2008, resulting in the successful completion of many cybersecurity Masters and PhD students.

Previous Meetups

DateSpeaker1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3
14/04/2023 Kumar Soorya, Fortian - An Introduction to Cybersecurity Paul Black, ICSL - Getting Started in Reverse Engineering Tim Haintz: Microsoft - From Helpdesk to Cybersecurity
09/06/2023 James Anderson: Google - An Introduction to Red Teaming Matt Tett: Enex Testlab - Global Cybersecurity Lessons Learned from OT/IoT risks Ian Firns: Eurekative - Ancedotes of an Eclectic Cybersecurity Career  From ADF to the private sector.
11/08/2023 Erica Muir: IBM Fraud Prevention For Small Business  
13/10/2023Nang Tip, Ryan Jukes
An Introduction to AISA
Simon McAloon - Vitrafy
Cybersecurity at a Biotech Startup
Tim Haintz - Prompt Engineering Open AI/Chat GPT and Semantic Kernel for Cybersecurity
22/03/.2024Jonathon Oliver:
Pragmatic Approaches to Clustering Malware
Paul Black:
An Introduction to Software Exploitation
24/05/2024Frank Schiliro:
Cybercrime - Taxonomy and Behaviors
Sabih Saeed:
Autonomous Cyber Operations
Matt Murrell:
Personal and Professional Development in Cybersecurity