Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL)


ICSL Research publications 2017-2020

Torney, R., Vamplew, P. and Yearwood, J. (2012), Using Psycholinguistic Features for Profiling First Language of Authors. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(6), 1256-1269. Threat profiling
Uddin, M. A., Stranieri, A., Gondal, I., & Balasubramanian, V. (2018). Continuous Patient Monitoring With a Patient Centric Agent: A Block Architecture. IEEE Access, 6, 32700-32726.Blockchains
Uddin, M. A., Stranieri, A., Gondal, I., & Balasubramanian, V. (2018). A Patient Agent to Manage Blockchains for Remote Patient Monitoring.To appear Global Telehealth Conference ColomboBlockchains
Moniruzzaman, Md, Bagirov, A., Gondal, I., Brown, S. (2018). A server side solution for detecting WebInject: A machine learning approach, Australasian Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-security 
Black, P., Gondal, I., Layton, R. (2017).  A Survey of Similarities in Banking Malware Behaviours. Journal of Computers & Security. doi: 10.1016/ j.cose.2017.09.013 Malware
Seifollahi, S., Bagirov, A., Layton, R.,  Gondal, I. (2017). Optimization Based Clustering Algorithms for Authorship Analysis of Phishing Emails” Journal Neural Process Letters. doi 10.1007/s11063-017-9593-7 Threat Profiling
Truong, M., Gibbs, L., Pradel, V., Morris, M., Gwatirisa, P., Tadic, M., de Silva, A., Hall, M., Young, D., Riggs, E., Calache, H., Gussy, M., Watt, R., Gondal, I., Waters, E. (2017). A Cultural Competence Organizational Review for Community Health Services: Insights From a Participatory Approach. Journal of Health Promotion Practice. Health
Maruatona, O., Vamplew, P., Dazeley, R. and Watters, P. (2017), Evaluating Accuracy in Prudence Analysis for Cyber Security, 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017).  
Torney, R., Vamplew, P. and Yearwood, J. (2012), Using Psycholinguistic Features for Profiling First Language of Authors. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(6), 1256-1269. Threat profiling
Kaisar, S., Kamruzzaman, J., Chandra Karmakar, G. and Gondal, I.  (2016). Decentralized Content Sharing Among Tourists in Visiting Hotspots. Journal of Network and Computer Applications.  
Liang, H., Yang, G., Xu, Y., Gondal, I., Wu, C., (2016). Wake up Timer and Binary exponential Back-off for ZigBee Based WSN for Flexible Movement Control System of a Self-lifting Scaffolds.  International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.  
Mamunur Rashid, M., Gondal, I., Kamruzzaman, J., (2016). Dependable Large Scale Behavioral Patterns Mining from Sensor Data using Hadoop Platform. Journal of Information Sciences.  
Kopp, C., Sillitoe, J., Gondal, I., & Layton, R. (2016). The Role of Love stories in Romance scams. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, India 10(1).  
Kopp, C., Sillitoe, J., Gondal, I., & Layton, R. (2016) The Online Romance Scam: A complex two-layer scam. JPER Romania 24 (2), November, 144-161  
Mamunur Rashid, M., Amar, M., Gondal, I., Kamruzzaman, J. (2016). A Data Mining Approach for Machine
Gibbs, L., Young, D., Riggs, E., de Silva, A.M., Christian, B.,  Tadic, M., Gold, L., Watt, R., Gussy, M., Gondal, I.  Waters E., and Moore, L., (2016). Child oral health in migrant families: A cross-sectional study of caries in 1-4 year old children from migrant backgrounds residing in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Community Dental Health.  
Truong, Mandy; Gibbs, Lisa; Pradel, Veronika; Morris, Michal; Gwatirisa, Pauline; Tadic, Maryanne; de Silva, Andrea; Hall, Martin; Young, Dana; Riggs, Elisha; Calache, Hanny; Gussy, Mark; Watt, Richard; Gondal, Iqbal; Waters, Elizabeth. (2016). A cultural competence organizational review for community health services: insights from a participatory approach. Journal, Health Promotion Practice. 
Amar, Muhammad, Gondal, Iqbal, Wilson, Campbell, Sekercioglu, Ahmet " Translation Invariant Features from Cascaded Wavelet and Fourier Transforms for Bearing Fault Pattern Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network" International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol 5, No. 1 Feb 2015 Sensor networks
Layton, R., & Watters, P. A. (2015). Indirect Attribution in Cyberspace. In M. Cruz-Cunha, & I. Portela (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Digital Crime, Cyberspace Security, and Information Assurance (pp. 246-262). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6324-4.ch016 Attribution
Black, P.; Layton, R., (2015) "Be Careful Who You Trust: Issues with the Public Key Infrastructure," Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Conference (CTC), 2014 Fifth , vol., no., pp.12,21, 24-25 Nov. 2014
doi: 10.1109/CTC.2014.8
Threat profiling
Layton, R.; Azab, A., (2015) "Authorship Analysis of the Zeus Botnet Source Code," Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Conference (CTC), 2014 Fifth , vol., no., pp.38,43, 24-25 Nov. 2014
doi: 10.1109/CTC.2014.14
Threat profiling
Azab, A.; Layton, R.; Alazab, M.; Oliver, J.(2015), "Mining Malware to Detect Variants," Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Conference (CTC), 2014 Fifth , vol., no., pp.44,53, 24-25 Nov. 2014
doi: 10.1109/CTC.2014.11
Alam, Kh. M., Kamruzzaman, J., Karmakar ., G. and Murshed, M. (2014) "Dynamic adjustment of sensing range for event coverage in wireless sensor networks," Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 46, pp. 139-153, 2014. (IF 1.772, CORE A) Sensor networks
Amar, M., Gondal, I., Wilson, C., (2014) Vibration Spectrum Imaging: A Bearing Fault Classification Approach, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62:1, pp:492-502, 30 May 2014. Condition monitoring
Amar, M., Gondal, I., Wilson, C., (2014) Autonomous Behaviour Modeling Approach for Diverse Anomaly Detection Application, International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies (ICOSST) 2014 Condition monitoring
Armaghani, F., Gondal, I., Kamruzzaman, J., Green, D., (2014) Sensor Selection for Tracking Multiple Groups of Targets, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 36, pp.36-47, Elsevier, Impact factor: 1.25 Condition monitoring
Gibbs, L., Waters, E., de Silva, A., Riggs, E., Moore, L., Armit, C., Johnson, B., Morris, M., Calache, H., Gussy, M., Young, D., Tadic, M., Christian, B., Gondal, I., Watt, R., Pradel, V., Truopng, M., Gold, L., (2014) An exploratory trial implementing a community based child oral health promotion intervention for Australian families from refugee and migrant backgrounds: A protocol paper for Teeth Tales. BMC Public Health (accepted 10 Feb 2014) Impact factor: 2.08 Health
Hassan, R., Karmakar, G.,and Kamruzzaman, J.(2014) "Reputation and user requirement based price modelling for dynamic spectrum access," IEEE Transaction on Mobile computing, vol.13, no.9, pp. 2128-2140, 2014. (IF 2.912, 5-yr IF 3.349, CORE A*) Wireless communications and price modelling
Layton, R., Watters, P.A. (2014) A methodology for estimating the tangible cost of data breaches, Journal of Information Security and Applications 19 (6), pp. 321-330 Risk monitoring
Layton, R., Watters, P.A. (2014) Indirect Attribution in Cyberspace, Handbook of Research on Digital Crime, Cyberspace Security and Information Assurance, vol 1:16 pp. 246-263 Cybercrime attribution
Nowsheen, N., Karmakar, G., and Kamruzzaman, J.(2014) "An adaptive approach to opportunistic data forwarding in underwater acoustic sensor networks," Proceedings 13th IEEE Symposium on Network Computing & Applications (NCA), Cambridge, MA, pp. 105-110, 2014 (CORE A) Sensor networks
Nowsheen, N., Karmakar, G. and Kamruzzaman, J. (2014) "MPDF: Movement predicted data forwarding protocol for underwater acoustic sensor networks," Proceedings 20th Asia Pacific Conf. on Networking (APCC2014), Thailand. Best Paper Award Sensor networks
Perez, C., Birregah, B., Layton, R., Lemercier, M., Watters, P., (2014) REPLOT: Retrieving Profile Links on Twitter for malicious Campaign discovery, IA Communications (a paraitre) Cybercrime attribution
Rashid, M.M., Gondal, I., Kamruzzaman, J., (2014) A Novel Algorithm for Mining Behavioural Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks, Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014 International Joint Conference on. pp. 3713-3719 Condition monitoring
Rashid, M.M., Gondal, I., Kamruzzaman, J., (2014) A Parallel and Distributed Framework for Mining Share-Frequent Sensor Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks, The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2014. Condition monitoring
Rashid, M.M., Gondal, I., Kamruzzaman, J., (2014) Share-Frequent Sensor Patterns Mining from Wireless Sensor Network Data, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ERA A*, Impact factor: 2.2 Condition monitoring
Rashid, M.M., Gondal, I. Kamruzzaman, J., (2014) Mining Associated Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transaction On Computers published online 28/08/2014. ERA A*, Impact factor: 1.5 Condition monitoring
Rashid, M.M., Gondal, I. Kamruzzaman, J., (2014) A Technique for Parallel Share-frequent Sensor Pattern Mining from Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal Procedia Computer Science, 29, pp.124-133 Condition monitoring
Siddique, A.R. and Kamruzzaman, J. (2014) "An analytical approach for voice capacity estimation over WiFi network using ITU-T E-model," IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 360-372, 2014. (IF 1.776, 5-yr IF 2.344, CORE rank A) Wireless communications and VoIP
Yaqub, M.F., Gondal, I., Kamruzzaman, J., Haider, A., Self and Static Interference Mitigation Scheme for Coexisting Wireless Networks, Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, 40:2, pp. 307-318 Elsevier, Impact factor: 0.733 Condition monitoring
Alazab, Ammar; Abawajy, Jemal; Hobbs, Michael; Layton, Robert; Khraisat, Ansam, "Crime Toolkits: The Productisation of Cybercrime," Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2013 12th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1626,1632, 16-18 July 2013 Threat profiling
Alazab, Mamoun, Venkatraman, Sitalakshmi, Watters, Paul and Alazab, Moutaz 2013, Information security governance : the art of detecting hidden malware, in IT security governance innovations : theory and research, IGI Global, Hershey, Pa., pp.293-315. Malware
Amuchi, F., Al-nemrat, A., Alazab, M., Layton, R., Identifying cyber predators through forensic authorship analysis of chat logs, Proceedings – 2012 3rd Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop, CTC 2012, IEEE, pp 28-37, 2013. Threat profiling
Azab, A., Watters, P.A., Layton, R., Characterising network traffic for Skype forensics, Proceedings – 2012 3rd Cybercrime and trustworthy Computing Workshop, CTC 2012, IEEE, pp 19-27, 2013 Forensics
Buitinck, L., Louppe, G., Blondel, M., Pedregosa, F., Mueller, A., Grisel, O., & Varoquaux, G. (2013). API design for machine learning software: experiences from the scikit-learn project. arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.0238 Security
Layton, R., Mccombie, S., Watters, P. A., Authorship attribution of IRC messages using inverse author frequency, , Proceedings – 2012 3rd Cybercrime and trustworthy Computing Workshop, CTC 2012, IEEE, pp 7-13, 2013 Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters, P. A., Dazeley, R., Unsupervised authorship analysis of phishing webpages, 2012 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT 2012, pp 1104 - 1109 Threat profiling
Layton, R., Perez, C., Birregah, B., Watters, P., & Lemercier, M. (2013). Indirect Information Linkage for OSINT through Authorship Analysis of Aliases. In Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 36-46). Springer Berlin Heidelberg Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters, P. A., Dazeley, R. (2013) Automated unsupervised authorship analysis using evidence accumulation clustering, Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press, pp 95-120 Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters, P. A., Dazeley, R., (2013) Evaluating authorship distance methods using the positive Silhouette coefficient, Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press, pp 517-535. Threat profiling
Layton, R., Perez, C., Birregah, B., Watters, P., Lemercier, M., Indirect information linkage for OSINT through authorship analysis of aliases. The ;International Workshop on Data Mining Applications in Industry Government (DMApps 2013), 1–12. 2013. Threat profiling
Layton, R., Perez, C., Birregah, B., Watters, P., Lemercier, M., Indirect Information Linkage for OSINT through Authorship Analysis of Aliases, Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7867, 2013, pp 36-46 Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters, P.A., Dazeley, R., Re-centred local profiles for authorship attribution, Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press, pp 293- 312, 2013 Threat profiling
Perez, C., Birregah, B., Layton, R., Lemercier, M., & Watters, P. (2013). REPLOT: Retrieving Profile Links On Twitter for suspicious networks detection. In 2013 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2013) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. Threat profiling
Prichard, J., Spiranovic, C., Watters, P. and Lueg, C. (2013), Young people, child pornography, and subcultural norms on the Internet. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci., 64:992–1000. doi:10.1002/asi.22816 Threat profiling
Ureche, O.E., Layton, R., Watters, P.A., Towards an implementation of information flow security using semantic web technologies, Proceedings – 2012 3rd Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop, CTC 2012, IEEE, pp75-80, 2013 Malware
Watters, P., (2013) "Modelling the effect of deception on investigations using open source intelligence (OSINT)", Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 16 Iss: 3, pp.238 – 248 Threat profiling
Watters, P.A. et al. Patterns of ownership of child model sites: Profiling the profiteers and consumers of child exploitation material. First Monday, [S.l.], Jan. 2013. ISSN 13960466. Date accessed: 03 Jan. 2014. doi:10.5210/fm.v18i2.4300. Threat profiling/Forensics
Zhou J, Maruatona O, Wang W, 'Parameter optimization for support vector machine classifiers with IO-GA' in unknown (ed(s)), Proceedings of 2011 First International Workshop on Complexity of Data Mining (unknown, IEEE, 2011), pp. 117-120. Threat profiling
Abawajy, J. & Kelarev, A. V. (2012). A multi-tier ensemble construction of classifiers for phishing email detection and filtering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7672 LNCS pp.48-56. (Berlin, Germany) Springer Verlag Melbourne, Australia, 12/12/2012 CIAO Xiang, Yang, Lopez, Javier, Kuo, C.C. Jay, Zhou, Wanlei Threat profiling
Alazab, M., Watters, P.A., Venkatraman, S., Alazab, M. and Alazab, A. (2012). Malware Forensics: The Art of Detecting Hidden Maliciousness in Mellado, D., Sánche, L.E., ), Fernández-Medina, E., and Piattini, M. G., IT Security Governance Innovations: Theory and Research,. IGI Global. 11, 293-315. Malware
Alazab, M., Watters, P.A., Venkatraman, S., Alazab, M. and Alazab, A. (2012). Malware Forensics: The Art of Detecting Hidden Maliciousness Book in IT Security Governance. IGI Global. Malware
Azab, A., Watters, P.A. and Layton, R. (2012). Characterising network traffic for Skype forensics. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Forensics
Dekker, A., Perez-roses, H., Pineda-villavicencio, G. & Watters, P. A. (2012). The Maximum Degree & Diameter-Bounded Subgraph and its Applications. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 11 (3), pp.249-268. Security
Goyal, R., Sharma, S., Bevinakoppa, S. & Watters, P.A. (2012). Obfuscation of Stuxnet and Flame malware. Proceedings of the AICT Conference, Barcelona. Malware
Kelarev, A.V., Yearwood, J. L., Watters, P.A., Wu, X., Ma, L., Abawajy, J. & Pan, L. (2011). A Groebner-Shirshov algorithm for applications in internet security. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 36(1), 87-100. Threat profiling
Layton, R., McCombie, S. & Watters, P.A. (2012). Authorship attribution of IRC messages using inverse author frequency. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters, P. A. & Dazeley, R. (2012). Re-centred local profiles for authorship attribution. Natural Language Engineering, 18 (3), pp.293-312. Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters P.A. & Dazeley, R. (2012). Evaluation Authorship Distance Metrics using the Positive Silhouette Coefficient. Journal of Natural Language Engineering. Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters, P. A. & Dazeley, R. (2012). Unsupervised authorship analysis of phishing webpages. 2012 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT 2012, pp.1104-1109. (Queensland) IEEE Gold-Coast, Australia 2/10/2012 CIAO Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Threat profiling
Maruatona, O. O., Vamplew, P. & Dazeley, R. (2012). RM and RDM, a Preliminary Evaluation of Two Prudent RDR Techniques. Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Intelligent Systems: 12th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition workshop, LNCS7457 pp.188-194. (Berlin) Springer Malaysia 5/09/2012 CIAO BH Kang and D Richards Fraud
McCombie, S., Pieprzyk, J., Watters, P.A. & Layton, R. (2012). Russia, Ukraine and Global Cybercrime: The Australian Perspective. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cybercrime, Security & Digital Forensics Threat profiling
Ng, A., Watters, P.A., & Chen, S. (2012). A consolidated process and technology model for identity management. Information Resources Management Journal. Security
Pineda-Villavicenio, G., Perez, H., Dekker, T., & Watters, P.A. (2012). The maximum degree & diameter-bounded subgraph and its applications. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (DOI: 10.1007/s10852-012-9182-8) Security
Prichard, J., Spiranovic, C., Watters, P.A., & Lueg, C. (2012). Young people, child pornography and subcultural norms on the Internet. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Threat profiling
Ureche, O., Layton, R., & Watters, P.A. (2012). Towards an implementation of information flow security using semantic web technologies. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Malware
Watters, P. A. & Phair, N. (2012). Detecting illicit drugs on social media using Automated Social Media Intelligence Analysis (ASMIA). Cyberspace Safety and Security, 7672 pp.66-76. (ONLINE) Springer Verlag MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA 12/12/2012 CIAO Yang Xiang, Javier Lopez, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Wanlei Zhou Threat profiling
Watters, P.A., McCombie, S., Layton, R. & Pieprzyk, J. (2012). Characterising and Predicting Cyber Attacks Using the Cyber Attacker Model Profile (CAMP). Journal of Money Laundering Control, 15(4). Threat profiling
Watters, P.A. (2012). Challenges to Automated Allegory Resolution in Open Source Intelligence. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing. Forensics
Alazab, M., Venkatraman, S., Watters, P.A. & Alazab, M. (2011). Zero-day Malware Detection based on Supervised Learning Algorithms of API call Signatures. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Data Mining Conference. Malware
Alazab, M., Venkatraman, S., Watters, P.A., Alazab, M & Alazab, A. (2011). Cybercrime: The case of obfuscated malware. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3); Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 9 (Springer). Malware
Bruck, S. & Watters, P.A. (2011) The Factor Structure of Cybersickness. Displays, 32(4), 153-158. Security
Islam, M., Watters, P.A. & Yearwood, J. (2011). Child face detection using age specific luminance invariant geometric descriptors. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA 2011) Forensics
Islam, M., Watters, P.A. & Yearwood, J. (2011). Real-time detection of children's skin on social networking sites using Markov Random Field Modelling. Information Security Technical Report, 16(2), 51-58. Forensics
Kelarev, A.V., Yearwood, J.L., & Watters, P.A. (2011). A data mining application of the incidence semirings. Houston Journal of Mathematics. Security
Kelarev, A.V., Yearwood, J. L., Watters, P.A. (2011). Optimization of classifiers for data mining based on combinatorial semigroups. Semigroup Forum, 82, 242–251. Security
Kelarev, A., Brown, S., Watters, P.A., Wu, X. & Dazeley, R. (2011). Establishing Reasoning Communities of Security Experts for Internet Commerce Security. In J. Yearwood and A. Stranieri (Eds) Technologies for Supporting Reasoning Communities and Collaborative Decision Making: Cooperative Approaches IGI Global. ISBN 1-60960-091-6 Security
Layton, R., Watters, P.A., & Dazeley, R. (2011). Re-centred local profiles for authorship attribution. Natural Language Engineering, DOI: 10.1017/S1351324911000180. Threat profiling
Layton, R., Watters, P.A., & Dazeley, R. (2011). Automated Unsupervised Authorship Analysis Using Evidence Accumulation Clustering. Natural Language Engineering, DOI: 10.1017/S1351324911000313 Threat profiling
Prichard, J., Watters, P.A. & Spiranovic, C. (2011). Internet subcultures and pathways to the use of child pornography. Computer Law & Security Review, 27, 585-600. Threat profiling/Forensics
Watters, P.A. & Layton, R. (2011). Fake file detection in P2P networks by consensus and reputation. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Complexity and Data Mining, 80-83. Threat profiling
Watters, P.A., Layton, R., & Dazeley, R. (2011). How much material on BitTorrent networks is infringing content? Information Security Technical Report, 16(2), 79-87. Threat profiling
Watters, P.A. & McCombie, S. (2011). A methodology for analysing the credential marketplace. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 14(1), 32-43. Threat profiling
Yan, F., Wang, W. & Watters, P.A. (2011). Determining the Influence of Visual Training on EEG Activity Patterns Using Association Rule Mining. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Complexity and Data Mining, 64-67. Threat profiling
Zhang, L., Yu, S., Wu, D. & Watters, P.A. (2011). A Survey on Latest Botnet Attacks and Defences. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 53-60. Malware