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Professor Wendy Wright

Dean, Graduate Research

Graduate Research School


Graduate Research School


Churchill Campus, Online

Available for:

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Professor Wendy Wright is an expert in wildlife conservation research, based at Federation University’s Gippsland Campus. Dr Wright’s research interests are focused around the interactions between people and wild animals – and their habitats. Wendy’s research projects have focused on how wildlife is impacted by fire in Victoria, by rapid infrastructure development in Sichuan, China, by changing land use in Indonesia, and by human-wildlife conflict in Nepal.

Wendy was a co-convenor of the Living with Bushfire Community Conference in Gippsland with colleagues from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Country Fire Authority and Latrobe City Council.

Research interests

Environmental science

Field of Research

  • Conservation and biodiversity
  • Terrestrial ecology
  • Wildlife and habitat management

Human influence on burrow activity of the Chinese pangolin in Nepal

The impact of nature-led recovery initiatives for individual and community health post disaster: a systematic literature review

Why have eight researcher women in STEMM left academic research, and where did they go?

Delineating genetic management units of sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) in south-eastern Australia, using opportunistic tissue sampling and targeted scat collection

Seeking Approval from Universities to Research the Views of Their Staff. Do Gatekeepers Provide a Barrier to Ethical Research?

Spatiotemporal water dynamic modelling of Ramsar-listed lakes on the Victorian Volcanic Plains using Landsat, ICESat-2 and airborne LiDAR data

Statistical Calibration of Long-Term Reanalysis Data for Australian Fire Weather Conditions

Assessing the conservation and enhancement value of revegetated strips on arthropod assemblages in a pasture landscape

Examining population dynamics of arthropod communities in habitats neighboring arable lands is...

A survey of early-career researchers in Australia

Early-career researchers (ECRs) make up a large portion of the academic workforce and their...

Equitable sharing of benefits from tiger conservation: Beneficiaries' willingness to pay to offset the costs of tiger conservation

Costs of large predator conservation may not be equitably distributed among stakeholders; these...

Patterns and trends in two decades of research on Nepal’s mammalian fauna (2000–2019): examining the past for future implications

Review of Nepal's protected area laws in relation to human wildlife conflict

Laws and policies are critical in facilitating positive or negative outcomes where humans and...

  • Book Chapters

A DNA toolbox for non-invasive genetic studies of sambar deer (Rusa unicolor)

Invasive sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) are having significant detrimental impacts on natural...

Detectability and activity patterns of sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) in Baw Baw National Park, Victoria

Introduced sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) are increasing in abundance and distribution across much...

Ethnobotany, rattan agroforestry, and conservation of ecosystem services in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Rattan agroforestry is an important land use system in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, providing a...

Feminist Institutionalism and Gendered Bureaucracies: Forestry Governance in Nepal

This book examines the processes for the inclusion of women, and the role of women employees in...

Predicting deer-vehicle collision risk across Victoria, Australia

The risk of deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) is increasing in south-east Australia as populations...

The tourism spectacle of fire making at Coranderrk Aboriginal Station, Victoria, Australia–a case study

This paper explores the emergence of traditional Aboriginal fire making practices as a tourism...

Community conservation in Nepal – opportunities and challenges for pangolin conservation

This chapter highlights Nepal’s successful approach to conserving high-profile trafficked...

Exchange on the maritime frontier of southern Australia

  • Book Chapters

Isolating DNA sourced non-invasively from koala scats: a comparison of four commercial DNA stool kits

Genetic sampling from faeces is a useful method for obtaining DNA samples non-invasively. The...

Managing human-tiger conflict: lessons from Bardia and Chitwan National Parks, Nepal

Successful conservation outcomes for the tiger (Panthera tigris) have been achieved in Nepalese...

Opportunities for intra-university collaborations in the new research environment

New opportunities for research collaborations within universities are explored through reflection...

Understanding maritime explorers and others as ngamadjidj

This chapter examines Indigenous narratives of first contact in south eastern Australia with a...

  • Book Chapters

Challenges of Conserving Blue Bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus) Outside the Protected Areas of Nepal

Blue bull, or ‘Nilgai’ (Boselaphus tragocamelus, Pallas, 1766) is the sole member of its genus....

Genetic structure and diversity of the koala population in South Gippsland, Victoria: a remnant population of high conservation significance

In the Australian state of Victoria, the history of koalas and their management has resulted in...

Population Status and Diurnal Behaviour of the Indian Flying Fox Pteropus giganteus (Brünnich, 1782) in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

This study documents the population status and behaviour of the Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus...

Using non-invasive sampling methods to determine the prevalence and distribution of Chlamydia pecorum and koala retrovirus in a remnant koala population with conservation importance

Context Pathogenic infections are an important consideration for the conservation of native...

Cultural Ecosystem Services of Rattan Garden: The Hidden Values

Ecosystem Services (ES) are services provided to local communities by natural resources. Cultural...

Examining Nepalese Forestry Governance from Gender Perspectives

This article examines Nepalese forestry governance from gender perspectives. We argue that...

Fuzzy analysis of airborne LiDAR data for rainforest boundary determination

Airborne LiDAR data have advantages over passive remote sensing data in detailed description of...

Global lessons from successful rhinoceros conservation in Nepal

Landscape, koalas and people: A historical account of koala populations and their environment in South Gippsland

We present an ecological history of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) population and its...

Shifting paradigms for Nepal's protected areas: history, challenges and relationships

The modern history of protected area (PA) management in Nepal dates back to 1973 when the...

Validating the use of non-invasively sourced DNA for population genetic studies using pedigree data

Non-invasive genetic sampling has provided valuable ecological data for many species - data which...

A non-invasive tool for assessing pathogen prevalence in koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations: detection of Chlamydia pecorum and koala retrovirus (KoRV) DNA in genetic material sourced from scats

Pathogenic diseases may threaten the viability of wild animal populations, especially when...

Conquests of the Jiuzhaigou National Nature ReserveA World Heritage Site at the edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (China)

  • Book Chapters

Illegal Hunting of Prey Species in the Northern Section of Bardia National Park, Nepal: Implications for Carnivore Conservation

We interviewed 48 people from communities around Bardia National Park in Nepal, including...

Influence of Various Environmental Factors on Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence of a Noxious Environmental Weed: Green Galenia (Galenia pubescens)

Green galenia is a South African woody prostrate perennial that was first recorded in Australia...

Investigations into the effects of elevated carbon dioxide and drought on the growth and physiology of carpet weed (Galenia pubescens Eckl. & Zeyh.)

The present study aimed to examine the interactive effects of elevated atmospheric CO2...

  • Conference Proceedings

The Basics of Getting Biology Courses Online

  • Book Chapters

Winda Lingo Parugoneit or Why Set the Bush [On] Fire? Fire and Victorian Aboriginal People on the Colonial Frontier

There is an ethnographic and historical record that, despite its paucity, can offer specific...

The Inclusion of Women in Nepalese Forestry Governance: Perspectives from Feminist Institutionalism

  • Conference Proceedings

Feature assessment in object-based forest classification using airborne LiDAR data and high spatial resolution satellite imagery

The last decade has witnessed an increase in interest in the application of airborne LiDAR data...

Design of Synthetic Impact Response Functions for Flood Vulnerability Assessment under Climate Change Conditions: Case Studies in Two Selected Coastal Zones in Australia and Japan

Sustainable coastal zone management strategies are imperative to avoid extreme social upheaval in...

Recruitment of Eucalyptus strzeleckii ( Myrtaceae) in remnant patches of native vegetation in the Latrobe Valley and South Gippsland, Victoria

Eucalyptus strzeleckii K.Rule (Strzelecki gum) is a medium to tall, forest swamp gum endemic to...

Traditional ecological knowledge in nontraditional communities: a case study in Jiuzhaigou National Park

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is increasingly recognised as a useful...

  • Journals

Providing a flexible learning environment: Are on-line lectures the answer?

As universities embrace new technologies to increase flexibility and enhance students' learning...

  • Journals

Terrain and canopy surface modelling from lidar data for tree species classification

  • Conference Proceedings

Cool temperate rainforest and adjacent forests classification using airborne LiDAR data

The traditional methods of forest classification, based on the interpretation of aerial...

'Ecologically complex carbon' - linking biodiversity values, carbon storage and habitat structure in some austral temperate forests

Aim We assessed how avian biodiversity and above-ground carbon storage were related in different...

Identification of key environmental variables associated with the presence of Toothed Leionema (Leionema bilobum serrulatum) in the Strzelecki Ranges, Victoria, Australia

Toothed Leionema is one of four subspecies of Leionema bilobum from the Rutaceae family. A dense...

Off-campus learning: what do students want?

  • Conference Proceedings

Recorded lectures don't replace the 'real thing': what the students say

  • Conference Proceedings

Statistical analysis of airborne LiDAR data for forest classification in the Strzelecki Ranges, Victoria, Australia

  • Conference Proceedings

Synthetic impact response functions for flood vulnerability analysis and adaptation measures in coastal zones under changing climatic conditions: a case study in Gippsland coastal region, Australia

There is an increasing concern that the current management practices for many coastal regions are...

Thinning, fire and birds in Boola Boola State Forest, Victoria, Australia

Thinning is a silvicultural technique used extensively throughout Australia's production forests....

Acquisition of laboratory skills by on-campus and distance education students

  • Book Chapters

Flood vulnerabillity analysis in coastal zones: a comparative analysis across five asia-pacific countries

  • Conference Proceedings

Use of synthetic impact response functions for the analysis of vulnerability to flood damage in Gippsland coastal zones

  • Conference Proceedings

Large versus small wood in streams: the effect of wood dimension on macroinvertebrate communities

Conventionally, most research and restoration involving in-stream wood focuses on large wood (>...

Reintroducing wood to streams in agricultural landscapes: changes in velocity profile, stage and erosion rates

A holistic approach for analysing impacts of climatic changes on coastal zone systems

  • Conference Proceedings

Long term land use and land cover change and its impact on cool temperate rainforest in the Strzelecki ranges, Australia

  • Conference Proceedings

Revealing long term land use and land cover change in a severely disturbed environment

  • Conference Proceedings

Does adding wood to agricultural streams enhance biodiversity? An experimental approach

Riparian clearing and the removal of wood from channels have affected many streams in...

Modelling land use and land cover change in the Strzelecki ranges

[No abstract available]

  • Conference Proceedings

Determining target loads of large and small wood for stream rehabilitation in high-rainfall agricultural regions of Victoria, Australia