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Professor Virginia Plummer

Professor, Nursing Research

Nursing - Leadership


IHW - Operations


Berwick Campus, Online

Field of Research

  • Nursing workforce
  • Clinical midwifery
  • Mental health nursing

Benefits of emergency department routine blood test performance on patients whose allocated triage category is not time critical: a retrospective study

Effectiveness of Protection Motivation Theory on clinical factors, behavior change, and cardiovascular disease: An integrative review

Effects of Job Crafting and Leisure Crafting on Nurses' Burnout: A Machine Learning-Based Prediction Analysis

Emergency Nurse Roles, Challenges, and Preparedness in Hospitals in the Context of Armed Conflict

International students' perspectives on factors impacting psychological well-being and early help-seeking behaviours in undergraduate nursing programs

Public Health Responses to CBRN Terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa

Registered nurses knowledge, attitudes and practices of pain management for aged care residents with dementia: an integrative review

"Resisting social identity threat and maintaining resilience": A qualitative study of Chinese parents following the loss of an only child

Senior Nurse Manager Perceptions of Nurse Practitioner Integration: A Quantitative Study

The sustainability effects of two reading interventions on Saudi nursing students' comprehension of scientific research

Core competencies of emergency nurses for the armed conflict context: Experiences from the field

Emergency care in the context of armed conflict: Nurses' perspectives of the essential core competencies

Evaluation of resource allocation for undergraduate nursing professional experience placements coordination in Australian Higher Education; A cross-sectional study with descriptive qualitative thematic analysis

Navigating Interoperability in Disaster Management: Insights of Current Trends and Challenges in Saudi Arabia

Public health messaging during disasters: Practice and attitudes of Australian emergency nurses

The extent, range and nature of the evidence on advanced practice among military nurses during war and terrorism: A scoping review

The Road to Developing Standard Time for Efficient Nursing Care: A Time and Motion Analysis

Associations between perceived overqualification, organisational commitment and work passion of nurses: A multicentre cross-sectional study

Associations between perceived overqualification, transformational leadership and burnout in nurses from intensive care units: A multicentre survey

Barriers to effective management of primary postpartum haemorrhage following in-hospital births in northwest Ethiopia: healthcare providers' views using a qualitative approach

Comparison of research hotspots and trends in long-term care for the elderly between China and Australia: a bibliometric analysis

Coping Strategies and Burden Dimensions of Family Caregivers for People Diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Decision-Making Errors During Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration: Gaze Path-Cued Retrospective Think-Aloud

Healthcare professional views on barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in prevention of ventilator-associated events: A qualitative descriptive study

How emergency nurses cope and motivate themselves to sustain their caring work: An integrative literature review

Aims and objectives The aim of this integrative review was to assess how emergency nurses cope...

Incidence, mortality, and factors associated with primary postpartum haemorrhage following in-hospital births in northwest Ethiopia

Mental health nurses perceptions of missed nursing care in acute inpatient units: A multi-method approach

Nursing perspectives on reducing sedentary behaviour in sub-acute hospital settings: A mixed methods study

Public health education by emergency nurses: A scoping review and narrative synthesis

Quality of life in cancer patients with different preferences for nurse spiritual therapeutics: The role of psychological capital

Aim To explore the status of quality of life and psychological capital and analyse the different...

"Resisting Social Identity Threat and Maintaining Resilience": A Qualitative Study of Chinese Parents Following the Loss of an Only Child

The experiences of people with diabetes during covid-19 pandemic lockdown

Association between psychological capital and spiritual care competencies of clinical nurses: A multicentre cross-sectional study

Aims: To investigate the status of spiritual care competencies among clinical nurses and their...

Attitudes and experiences of employed women when combining exclusive breastfeeding and work: A qualitative study among office workers in Northern Ethiopia

Evidence from different countries shows that the level of support given to mothers who return to...

Exclusive breastfeeding continuation and associated factors among employed women in North Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study

Background Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) can prevent up to 13% of under-five mortality in...

Exploration and model development for emergency department waiting room nurse role: Synthesis of a three-phase sequential mixed methods study

Background: To improve flow and care in waiting rooms, some emergency departments introduced a...

Influence of core competence on voice behavior of clinical nurses: A multicenter cross-sectional study

Background: Voice behavior, referred to as a positive guarantee for organizational development,...

Nurse educator knowledge, attitude and skills towards using high-fidelity simulation: A study in the vocational education sector

High-fidelity simulation has become an essential educational approach in nurse education...

Rapid Visual Search Games and Accuracy of Students' Clinical Observation Skills: A Comparative Study

Background: Rapid visual search (RVS) games require a player to search for a target against a...

Resilience-based multifactorial model of depression among people who lost an only-child in China


Strategies for Implementing Consumer Involvement in Nursing Handover on Acute Mental Health In-Patient Units

Consumer participation in the process of care delivery is crucial to recovery-oriented care....

The impact of COVID-19 on the service of emergency department

(1) Introduction: the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the number and acuity of emergency...

Ventilation bundle compliance in two Australian intensive care units: An observational study

Background: The ventilation bundle has been used in adult intensive care units to decrease harm...

A WeChat-based "Three Good Things" positive psychotherapy for the improvement of job performance and self-efficacy in nurses with burnout symptoms: A randomized controlled trial

Aim: To evaluate the effects of a WeChat-based “Three Good Things” on job performance and...

Bronchial thermoplasty reduces airway resistance

Background: The mechanism for symptomatic improvement after bronchial thermoplasty (BT) is...

Bronchial thermoplasty reduces ventilation heterogeneity measured by multiple breath nitrogen washout

Background: Despite demonstrated symptomatic benefit from bronchial thermoplasty (BT), the...

Bronchial thermoplasty versus mepolizumab: Comparison of outcomes in a severe asthma clinic

Background and objective: BT and interleukin-blocking monoclonal antibodies are both effective...

Chinese mental health professionals’ perceptions of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with schizophrenia: A qualitative study

The implementation of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with schizophrenia is...

Common Domains of Core Competencies for Hospital Health Care Providers in Armed Conflict Zones: A Systematic Scoping Review

Introduction:High rates of mortality and morbidity result from disasters of all types, including...

COVID-19 related suicide among hospital nurses; case study evidence from worldwide media reports

Nurses are acknowledged for their care and expertise on the front line of pandemics over the last...

Enablers and barriers of exclusive breastfeeding among employed women in low and lower middle-income countries

Objective: This systematic review and narrative synthesis aims to explore the specific...

Falls risk score removal does not impact inpatient falls: A stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial

Aims and objectives: To investigate the impact of removing a falls risk screening tool from an...

Feeling responsible: Family caregivers’ attitudes and experiences of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with schizophrenia: A qualitative study

Objective: To explore the attitudes and experiences of family caregivers concerning their...

I am the person who knows myself best: Perception on shared decision-making among hospitalized people diagnosed with schizophrenia in China

hared decision-making is related to better health outcomes in serious mental illness. It is not...

Impact of WeChat-based 'three good things' on turnover intention and coping style in burnout nurses

Background: Few studies have considered functions of nurses’ positive personality and behaviours...

International Operating Room Nurses' Challenges in Providing Person-Centered Care During Organ Procurement Surgery

Purpose: International operating room (OR) nurses assisting in organ procurement surgery believe...

Lived experiences of international operating room nurses in organ procurement surgery: A phenomenological study

International operating room nurses come from different regions of the world with diverse social...

Medication adherence among people of Indian ethnicity living with chronic disease following migration to Australia

Background: The self-management of chronic conditions is challenging for culturally and...

Nurse expertise: A critical resource in the covid-19 pandemic response

[No abstract available]

Nurses' cognitive and perceptual bias in the identification of clinical deterioration cues

Background: Perception and processing of clinical cues have rarely been investigated in the...

Nurses’ knowledge, experience and self-reported adherence to evidence-based guidelines for prevention of ventilator-associated events: A national online survey

Objective: To explore Australian intensive care nurses’ knowledge of ventilator-associated...

Perceptions of shared decision-making in severe mental illness: An integrative review

What is known about shared decision-making?: There is increasing evidence of the positive impact...

Practice priorities for acute care nursing: A Delphi study

Aims and objectives: To describe the risk and frequency of challenges in acute care nursing, and...

Predicting the Response to Bronchial Thermoplasty

Background: Although it is established that not all patients respond to bronchial thermoplasty...

Safety and Effectiveness of Bronchial Thermoplasty When FEV1 Is Less Than 50%

Background: Randomized clinical trials of bronchial thermoplasty (BT) were conducted in patients...

Shared decision-making in serious mental illness: A comparative study

Objective: To compare consumer and mental health professionals’ (MHPs) preferences for...

The benefits of consumer involvement in nursing handover on acute inpatient unit: Post-implementation views

The involvement of consumers in handover with nurses has been identified as reducing...

Translation and psychometric testing of a decision-making scale

What is known about shared decision-making?: There is increasing investigation of shared...

Using metaphor method to interpret and understand meanings of international operating room nurses' experiences in organ procurement surgery

Aims To demonstrate how metaphor method can be employed in health care research, through a...

Validation of the distress thermometer for caregivers of children and adolescents with schizophrenia

Aim: To develop and psychometrically test the distress thermometer for caregivers (DT-C) and...

Work-related factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding among employed women in ethiopia: Managers’ perspective using a qualitative approach

Background: Only 21% of employed mothers in Ethiopia breastfeed exclusively until six months....

Advanced practice in nursing and midwifery: The contribution to healthcare in Australia

This chapter presents examples of advanced nursing and midwifery practice, together with their...

An evaluation of a positive psychological intervention to reduce burnout among nurses

This quasi-experimental study aimed to evaluate the positive psychological intervention of...

A profile of the waiting room nurse in emergency departments: An online survey of Australian nurses exploring implementation and perceptions

Background: In response to increasing waiting times, adverse patient outcomes and patient...

A study protocol of mobile phone app-based cognitive behaviour training for the prevention of postpartum depression among high-risk mothers

Background: The changes in China's family planning policy in recent years have led to changes in...

A systematic review of prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression in Chinese immigrant women

Bronchial thermoplasty increases airway volume measured by functional respiratory imaging

Background: The purpose of this study was to use CT scanning with computational fluid dynamics to...

Bronchodilator responsiveness as a predictor of success for bronchial thermoplasty

Background and objective: A characteristic feature of asthma is hypertrophied airway smooth...

Clinical deterioration of ward patients in the presence of antecedents: A systematic review and narrative synthesis

Aim: The aim of this review was to identify and synthesise published accounts of recognising and...

Exploring the necessary disaster plan components in Saudi Arabian hospitals

This study aimed to identify the necessary or essential components for inclusion in hospital...

ICU nurses feel unprepared to care for patients with mental illness: A survey of nurses' attitudes, knowledge, and skills

Objectives: To examine the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of a cohort of Australian nurses...

Measuring the effects of bronchial thermoplasty using oscillometry

Background and objective: Bronchial thermoplasty (BT) has been consistently shown to reduce...

Mental health nurses' attitudes towards consumer involvement in nursing handover pre and post an educational implementation

Involving mental health consumers in nursing handover is a recent introduction to practise in...

Nurses' attitudes towards management of clinical aggression in general wards: A pilot study using actor-based simulation

Researchers explored nurses’ attitudes toward clinical aggression in medical-surgical units...

  • Journals

The effects of resilience and turnover intention on nurses' burnout: Findings from a comparative cross-sectional study

Aims and objectives: To investigate burnout among nurses from Australia and China and explore the...

The risk factors of antenatal depression: A cross-sectional survey

Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict nurse's intention to undertake dual practice in China: A multicentre survey

Aims and objectives: To identify the intention of nurses to dual practice (DP) and inform...

An exploration of participants’ experience of an intensive care nursing transition to specialty practice program

Background: Transition to specialty practice programs were developed to support, educate and...

Bronchial thermoplasty reduces gas trapping in severe asthma

Background: In randomized controlled trials, bronchial thermoplasty (BT) has been proven to...

Burnout and its association with resilience in nurses: A cross-sectional study

Aims and objectives: To investigate the prevalence and extent of burnout on nurses and its...

CPAP for infants in rural and metropolitan special care nurseries: Perspectives of Nurse Unit Managers

Background: Use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in the management of Respiratory...

Emergency department waiting room nurses in practice: An observational study

Aims and objectives: To identify the activities and behaviours of waiting room nurses in...

Inattentional blindness and pattern-matching failure: The case of failure to recognize clinical cues

Eye-tracking methodology was used to investigate lapses in the appropriate treatment of ward...

Knowledge, attitude, and practice of ambulance nurses in prehospital care in Malang, Indonesia

Background: Nurses are responsible for staffing ambulances in Indonesia. However, those nurses...

Nurse practitioner integration: Qualitative experiences of the change management process

Aim: The aim of this qualitative research was to explore perceptions of organisational change...

Relationship between diurnal patterns in Rapid Response Call activation and patient outcome

Background The Rapid Response Call (RRC) is a system designed to escalate care to a specialised...

The acute effects of bronchial thermoplasty on FEV1

Background: The most common adverse effect of bronchial thermoplasty (BT) is short-term...

Utility of a thin bronchoscope in facilitating bronchial thermoplasty

Background: A significant correlation has been previously demonstrated between the quantum of...

Views of mental health consumers about being involved in nursing handover on acute inpatient units

The involvement of consumers in handover with nurses has been identified as reducing...

What women have to say about giving birth in Saudi Arabia?

Background: Reporting the voices of women giving birth in KSA in order to inform policy...

  • Journals

A framework for transition to specialty practice programmes

Aim: To develop a framework for emergency nursing transition to specialty practice programmes....

Bronchial thermoplasty: Activations predict response

Background: Bronchial thermoplasty (BT) is an emerging bronchoscopic intervention for the...

Emergency department waiting room nurse role: A key informant perspective

Background Emergency departments have become overcrowded with increased waiting times. Strategies...

EMS systems in lower-middle income countries: A literature review

Introduction Prehospital care is one of the many issues that require addressing by lower-middle...

Experiences of ebola survivors: Causes of distress and sources of resilience

Introduction An appreciation of the experience of Ebola survivors is critical for community...

Exploring resilience in Chinese nurses: a cross-sectional study

Aims: To explore the state of resilience and its predictors among nurses in mainland China....

Eye tracking to investigate cue processing in medical decision-making: A scoping review

Eye-tracking techniques have been adopted as a research tool for a wide range of applications in...

Female nurses' burnout symptoms: No association with the Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis

Across the world, hospital nurses experience a high level of burnout. Exploring biochemical...

Healthcare System in Indonesia

The cultural diversity, its archipelago, and the major religion being Muslim have all influenced...

Healthcare Workforce in Indonesia

Introduction: Imbalanced distribution of healthcare providers between urban and rural areas is...

  • Journals

Integration of nurse practitioners using a change management framework: The way forward

Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate and describe the application of a...

Perioperative nurses' attitudes towards organ procurement: a systematic review

Aims and objectives: To explore and evaluate perioperative nurses’ experience of organ...

Positive psychotherapy for depression and self-efficacy in undergraduate nursing students: A randomized, controlled trial

Nursing students across the globe experience depressive symptoms, and many interventions have...

Survivors' perceptions of public health messages during an Ebola crisis in Liberia and Sierra Leone: An exploratory study

The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone was the largest epidemic...

The Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Emergency Health (Paramedic): Student views of their preparation and intention towards future practice.

ntroduction The Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Emergency Health (Paramedic) Degree (BN/BEH-P)...

  • Journals

The effectiveness of nurse education and training for clinical alarm response and management: a systematic review

Aims and objectives: To identify the effectiveness of education interventions provided for nurses...

The pre-hospital and healthcare system in Malang, Indonesia

Introduction Malang is the second largest city in East Java and consists of three districts:...

What are the most common domains of the core competencies of disaster nursing? A scoping review

Aim Scoping review was conducted to identify the most common domains of the core competencies of...

A new scale for disaster nursing core competencies: Development and psychometric testing

Background: All nurses must have core competencies in preparing for, responding to and recovering...

Collaboration between nurses and physicians in an Indonesian Emergency Department

Background: Positive collaboration between nurses and physicians is essential in emergency...

Facilitators and barriers to evidence-based practice: perceptions of nurse educators, clinical coaches and nurse specialists from a descriptive study

Background: Implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) is a major initiative within health...

Financing Healthcare in Indonesia

Introduction: There have been two major transitions for healthcare in Indonesia: the...

  • Journals

Hospitalisation impacts on oral hygiene: An audit of oral hygiene in a metropolitan health service

Background: Poor oral health has been associated with systemic diseases, morbidity and mortality....

Perceptions of NP Roles in Australia: Nurse Practitioners, Managers, and Policy Advisors

The aim of this study was to explore perceptions of nurse practitioner (NP) roles from NP, nurse...

Profiling nursing resources in Australian emergency departments

Background: Emergency nurses have a key role in managing the large numbers of patients that...

The Impact of Integrating Crisis Teams into Community Mental Health Services on Emergency Department and Inpatient Demand

This investigation focused on the impact of integrating crisis team members into community mental...

Transition to Specialty Practice Program characteristics and professional development outcomes

Background: Transition to Specialty Practice Programs was introduced to facilitate the transition...

Triage process in Emergency Departments: an Indonesian Study

Background: Triage process has rapidly developed in some countries in the last three decades in...

Care of patients in emergency department waiting rooms - an integrative review

Aim: To conduct an integrative review of primary research examining patient care roles introduced...

Creating 'pressure awareness" in health services

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

Enhancing alcohol and other drug (AOD) screening by emergency nurses

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

Managing aggression

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

Perceived knowledge, skills, attitude and contextual factors affecting evidence-based practice among nurse educators, clinical coaches and nurse specialists

Evidence-based practice (EBP) in the clinical setting is recognized as an approach that leads to...

Perceptions of knowledge of disaster management among military and civilian nurses in Saudi Arabia

Background: To date, emergency nursing Transition to Specialty Practice Program (TSPP)...

The effectiveness of orthopedic patient education in improving patient outcomes: a systematic review protocol

REVIEW OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review is to identify the effectiveness of patient...

The effect of Transition to Specialty Practice Programs on Australian emergency nurses' professional development, recruitment and retention

Background: To date, emergency nursing Transition to Specialty Practice Program (TSPP)...

Training paradigms to enhance clinical observational skills in clinical practice: A scoping review

A number of training approaches to improve the clinical observation skills of undergraduate...

Transition to specialty practice programs in emergency nursing

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

At the crossroads of violence and aggression in the emergency department: Perspectives of Australian emergency nurses

Objective Violence is widespread in Australian emergency departments (ED) and most prevalent at...

Attitudes of healthcare providers towards family involvement and presence in adult critical care units in Saudi Arabia: A quantitative study

Aims and objectives: To describe healthcare providers' attitudes to family involvement during...

Families' needs of critical care Muslim patients in Saudi Arabia: A quantitative study

Aim: To identify the needs of families of adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients in Saudi...

Needs and experiences of intensive care patients' families: A Saudi qualitative study

Aim: To identify the perceived needs of Saudi families of patients in Intensive Care in relation...

Providing culturally congruent care for Saudi patients and their families

This article aims to increase an awareness of caring for Saudi families by non-Saudi nurses to...

Family needs and involvement in the intensive care unit: A literature review

Aims and objectives: To understand the needs of critically ill patient families', seeking to meet...

Nurse practitioner roles in Australian healthcare settings

There is evidence of support for nurse practitioner (NP) roles in national and international...

Family presence during resuscitation: A descriptive study of nurses' attitudes from two Saudi hospitals

Background: The presence of family in the patient care area during resuscitation events is a...

Nurse staff allocation by nurse patient ratio vs. a computerized nurse dependency management system: A comparative cost analysis of Australian and New Zealand hospitals

Coding, costing, and accounting for nursing care requirements in Australian public and private...

  • Journals

Nursing Management in Saudi Arabia: evaluating strategies for succession planning

Objective: This paper describes a study undertaken to examine the visions of nurse managers and...

Time to clarify - the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care

Aim. This article presents a discussion of the importance of providing meaningful advanced...

Update on Competencies and Education

Nurses' perceptions of their preparation for triage

Background: Triage is the process of assessment and prioritisation of care for all patients...

Promoting careers in health to indigenous youth.

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

Inflammatory bowel disease management: A review of nurses' roles in Australia and the United Kingdom

Objective: To explore the role of Australian nurses in the provision of inflammatory bowel...

  • Journals

Using creativity to encourage reflection in undergraduate education

Preparing undergraduate nurses to meet the challenges of clinical reality and develop their...