Dr Huy Nguyen is a medical doctor, Master and PhD with expertise in statistical modelling, epidemiology, research methods, and health policy and management. He is a highly experienced biostatistician and is currently working at HITC. He has contributed to the success of dozens of research projects, in which he has served as investigator, co-investigator, biostatistician and coordinator. He is productive in research outputs, with more than 90 peer-reviewed publications, including Lancet.
Crosstalk between genomic variants and DNA methylation in FLT3 mutant acute myeloid leukemia
An examination of nursing students' performance in and Satisfaction with a Patient Safety E-Learning Module
Current Gaps in the Control of Cardiovascular Disease in Vietnam: A Systematic Review of Vietnamese-based Studies
Knowledge, Attitudes and Confidence in Providing Dementia Care to Older Adults Among Nurses Practicing in Hanoi, Vietnam: A Cross-Sectional Study
Mental health nurses' attitudes towards consumers with co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems: A descriptive study
Mental health nurses' caring efficacy towards consumers with dual diagnosis: A descriptive study
Mental health nurses' empathy towards consumers with dual diagnosis: A descriptive study
Predictors of Free Sugars Intake Trajectories across Early Childhood-Results from the SMILE Birth Cohort Study
A Fully Automated Self-help Biopsychosocial Transdiagnostic Digital Intervention to Reduce Anxiety and/or Depression and Improve Emotional Regulation and Well-being: Pre-Follow-up Single-Arm Feasibility Trial
A Robust Ensemble Regression Model for Reconstructing Genetic Networks
Efficacy of a Digital Mental Health Biopsychosocial Transdiagnostic Intervention With or Without Therapist Assistance for Adults With Anxiety and Depression: Adaptive Randomized Controlled Trial
Exploration of the preliminary effectiveness and acceptability of a self-help digital intervention to support benzodiazepine cessation and improve mental health and wellbeing: A one-group pilot trial
Gambling-related suicide in Victoria, Australia: a population-based cross-sectional study
Pairwise approach for analysis and reporting of child's free sugars intake from a birth cohort study
Suicidality among older Australian adults
The impact of progressively increasing run intensity on the proportion and frequency of positive cardio-respiratory fitness responders
The impact of progressive overload on the proportion and frequency of positive cardio-respiratory fitness responders
Trajectories of child free sugars intake and dental caries - a population-based birth cohort study
Age-sex differences in the global burden of lower respiratory infections and risk factors, 1990-2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Dysphagia and associated factors among patients with acute ischemic stroke in Vietnam
Group-based trajectories of maternal intake of sugar-sweetened beverage and offspring oral health from a prospective birth cohort study
The COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: Public health responses, opportunities and challenges
The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010-19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
The relationship between team dynamics with healthcare coordination and clinical work satisfaction among Commune Health Workers: A Bayesian model averaging study
Translation, validation and psychometric properties of Effort-Reward Imbalance questionnaire among nurses in Vietnam
Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in non-communicable disease management indicators in Vietnam 2010–2030 and progress toward universal health coverage: A Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels
Viral load monitoring for people living with HIV in the era of test and treat: progress made and challenges ahead – a systematic review
Adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV and associated high-risk behaviours and clinical characteristics: A cross-sectional survey in Vietnam
Changes in, and predictors of, quality of life among patients with unstable angina after percutaneous coronary intervention
Rationale, aims and objectives: Changes in, and predictors of, quality of life (QoL) among...
Clustering Lifestyle Risk Behaviors among Vietnamese Adolescents and Roles of School: A Bayesian Multilevel Analysis of Global School-Based Student Health Survey 2019
Impact of domestic travel restrictions on transmission of COVID-19 infection using public transportation network approach
The international spread of COVID-19 infection has attracted global attention, but the impact of...
Normal Values and Associated Factors in High-resolution Anorectal Manometry in Healthy Vietnamese Adults
Introduction: The present study aims to identify normal high-resolution anorectal manometry...
Physical exercise and health-related quality of life in office workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Office workers are at high risk for many chronic diseases, lowering their health-related quality...
Progress toward HIV elimination goals: Trends in and projections of annual HIV testing and condom use in Africa
Rapid impact assessments of COVID-19 control measures against the Delta variant and short-term projections of new confirmed cases in Vietnam
PREVIOUS SUCCESS OF ZERO-NEW-CASE-APPROACH IN VIETNAM As of 2020, the cumulative number of...
The COVID-19 global pandemic: a review of the Vietnamese Government response
Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service coverage in Vietnam 2000-2030: A Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels
This article discussed Vietnam’s ongoing efforts to decentralize the health system and its...
An adaptive model of health system organization and responses helped Vietnam to successfully halt the Covid-19 pandemic: What lessons can be learned from a resource-constrained country
Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic has been painful and no single model for such a purpose is...
Factors associated with high-risk behaviors of people newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS: results from a cross-sectional study in Vietnam
Towards the elimination of this global epidemic, understanding the high-risk behaviors of people...
Healthcare workers' knowledge and attitudes regarding the world health Organization's "my 5 moments for hand hygiene": Evidence from a Vietnamese central general hospital
Objectives: Although the World Health Organization (WHO) initiative "My 5 Moments for Hand...
Patterns of behavioral risk factors for non-communicable diseases in Vietnam: A narrative scoping review
This review describes both magnitude and patterns of major behavioral risk factors for NCDs....
Progress towards health for all: Time to end discrimination and marginalization
[No abstract available]
Relationship between family functioning and health-related quality of life among methadone maintenance patients: a Bayesian approach
Purpose: To examine the relationship of family functioning on health-related quality of life...
The COVID-19 pandemic in the ASEAN: A preliminary report on the spread, burden and medical capacities
Objective: To provide preliminary descriptions of the spread, burden and related medical capacity...
The validation of organisational culture assessment instrument in healthcare setting: Results from a cross-sectional study in Vietnam
Background: Organisational culture (OC) has increasingly become a crucial factor in defining...
Trends and changes in the knowledge of mother-to-child transmission means of HIV among Vietnamese women aged 15-49 years and its associated factors: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2000-2014
This study aims to characterize trends and changes in the prevalence of knowledge of...
Adherence to Antiplatelet Therapy after Coronary Intervention among Patients with Myocardial Infarction Attending Vietnam National Heart Institute
Adherence to antiplatelet therapy is critical to successful treatment of cardiovascular...
Human Resources for Commune Health Centers as per National Standards: The Case of Vietnam
Vietnam is among a few countries which have established a model of Commune Health Centers (CHCs)...
Knowledge and Determinants of Health Consequences of Cigarette Smoking Among Vietnamese Adults, 2015
Background. Vietnam was one of 16 countries that implemented the second round of the GATS (Global...
Smoke-free environment policy in Vietnam: What did people see and how did they react when they visited various public places?
Introduction. Since Vietnam has signed WHO framework on tobacco control (FCTC) in 2003 and has...
Stakeholder Engagement in Late-Stage Translation Phase 4 Research for Noncommunicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: What Works and Why—The Vietnam Experience (UMMS–Vietnam Team)
Background: Stakeholder engagement is crucial for conducting high-quality implementation research...
Study design for the 2016 baseline survey of a health system strengthening project in Quoc Oai District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Background: In order to provide essential scientific evidence on the population's health status...
Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in full vaccination coverage among vietnamese children aged 12–23 months, 2000–2014: Evidence for mitigating disparities in vaccination
There has been no report on the situation of socioeconomic inequalities in the full vaccination...
A systematic review of effort-reward imbalance among health workers
The purpose of this article is to systematically collate effort-reward imbalance (ERI) rates...
Factors Associated with Depression among the Elderly Living in Urban Vietnam
The proportion of elderly people in big cities of developing countries, including Vietnam, is...
Health Service Utilization Among People With Noncommunicable Diseases in Rural Vietnam
CONTEXT: Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) have been shown to be major causes of morbidity...
HIV/AIDS in Vietnam: A Gender Analysis
Global statistics of HIV/AIDS infection reveals the disastrous effects of discrimination against...
Individual and Occupational Differences in Perceived Organisational Culture of a Central Hospital in Vietnam
Many hospitals in developing countries, including Vietnam, are facing the challenges of...
Measuring the progress of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance in Vietnam between 2006-2014: A decomposition analysis
Vietnam launched the national Expanded Program on Immunization in 1981. Since then, this program...
Patient satisfaction with health care services at a national institute of ophthalmology
Little is known about how patients in developing countries, such as Vietnam, are satisfied with...
The roles of, activities of, and competencies for, community nursing services in rural Vietnam: Implications for policy decisions
Community health workforce plays a vital role in providing primary health care services as per...
WHO's Service Availability and Readiness Assessment of primary health care services of commune health centers in a rural district of Northern Vietnam(
The objective of this study was to assess the availability and readiness of the primary health...
Difference in quality of life and associated factors among the elderly in rural Vietnam
Background. In Vietnam today, many generations remain living together in a family. With...
Factors associated with job satisfaction among district hospital health workers in Northern Vietnam: a cross-sectional study
Background: In many developing countries, including Vietnam, little is known about job...
Factors Associated With Risky Alcohol Consumption Among Male Street Laborers in Urban Vietnam
Background: Alcohol consumption is of global concern. However, drinking patterns and associated...
Risky Behaviors and Associated Factors among the Elderly in Rural Vietnam
Background: The number of older people in Vietnam has increased substantially for recent years...
Determinants of early childhood morbidity and proper treatment responses in Vietnam: Results from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2000-2011
Background: Despite significant achievements in health indicators during previous decades,...
Early sexual initiation and multiple sexual partners among Vietnamese women: Analysis from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2011
Introduction: Under current HIV transmission mechanisms operating in Vietnam, women are seen as...
Medical students need a core curriculum based on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
The traditional approach to teaching English in Vietnamese medical schools prioritises grammar...
Predictors of condom use behaviour among male street labourers in urban Vietnam using a modified Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) model
HIV risk in vulnerable groups such as itinerant male street labourers is often examined via a...
Secular trends in HIV knowledge and attitudes among Vietnamese women based on the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2000, 2006, and 2011: What do we know and what should we do to protect them?
Background: In Vietnam, women are at risk of HIV infection due to many factors. However, there is...
Establishing smoke-free hospitals in Vietnam: A pilot project
In Vietnam, a pilot ‘smoke-free hospital’ model was implemented in nine hospitals in 2009–2010 to...
Factors Associated with Depression Among Male Casual Laborers in Urban Vietnam
This study examined the level, the prevalence of and the factors associated with depression among...
Factors associated with HIV testing among male motorbike taxi drivers in urban Vietnam
Using the Attitude-Skills-Knowledge (ASK) model, this study examined the prevalence of, and...
Factors associated with self-medication among medicine sellers in urban Vietnam
In Vietnam, many medicine sellers serving pharmacies and retail outlets do not have adequate...
Factors associated with drug use among male motorbike taxi drivers in urban vietnam
A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 291 male motorbike taxi drivers (MMTDs)...
Knowledge of HIV and factors associated with attitudes towards HIV among final-year medical students at Hanoi medical university in Vietnam
Background: The success of HIV care strongly depends upon skills of the healthcare worker....
Predictors of recent HIV testing among male street laborers in urban Vietnam
This study assessed the prevalence of and factors associated with HIV testing among male street...
Gender Difference in Academic Planning Activity among Medical Students
Background: In Vietnam, as doctor of medicine is socially considered a special career, both men...
Modeling predictors of risky drug use behavior among male street laborers in urban Vietnam
Background: The application of theoretical frameworks for modeling predictors of drug risk among...
Risks for HIV infection among male street laborers in urban Vietnam
Risks for HIV infection remain unknown in male street laborers. This research investigates...
Social contexts of risk behaviors for HIV among male, unskilled, unregistered laborers in urban Vietnam
In Vietnam there has been relatively little success in controlling the HIV epidemic, in part...
The effect of participatory community communication on HIV preventive behaviors among ethnic minority youth in central Vietnam
Abstract. Background. In Vietnam, socially marginalized groups such as ethnic minorities in...
Association of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)preventive information, motivation, self-efficacy anddepression with sexual risk behaviors among malefreelance laborers
The waves of rural-urban migration are increasingly growing in many developing countries,...
Propensity score matching in estimating the effect of managerial education on academic planning behavior. Study design: A cross-sectional study
Background: In many academic settings teaching a particular topic is applied to every student...
Epidemiology training needs assessment in Vietnam.
[No abstract available]
Stress and coping among migrant labourers in urban Vietnam: An adaptation cycle and health vulnerabilities
Rural-urban migration continues to grow in many developing countries including Vietnam. The...
Gender, development and HIV/AIDS in Vietnam: Towards an alternative response model among women sex workers
[No abstract available]
Smoking among Vietnamese health professionals: knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and health care practice.
The study aimed to investigate smoking patterns and compare knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes, as...
Smoking among Vietnamese medical students: prevalence, costs, and predictors.
This cross-sectional study investigated smoking patterns and predictors among Vietnamese medical...