A 3D Numerical Model to Estimate Lightning Types for PyroCb Thundercloud
Active and reactive power injection of energy storage for short-term frequency stability in islanded power systems
CEREI: An open-source tool for Cost-Effective Renewable Energy Investments
Community Microgrids
Economic Model Predictive Control for Microgrid Optimization: A Review
Energy Recovery from Polluted Water using Capacitive Deionization Desalination System: A Review
Exploring the Potential Application of IEC 61850 to Enable Energy Interconnectivity in Smart Grid Systems
Interactions between Active Distribution and Transmission Networks: State of the Art and Opportunities
Low and medium voltage distribution network planning with distributed energy resources: a survey
Optimum battery sizing, scheduling and demand management for microgrids using slime mould algorithm
Prediction of fire danger index using a new machine learning based method to enhance power system resiliency against wildfires
Resiliency Assessment and Enhancement of Renewable Dominated Edge of Grid Under High-Impact Low-Probability EventsA Review
Stability Indices for Modern Power Systems Integrated with IBRs and Composite Load Models: A Review
Techno-economic assessment of an industrial prosumer with biomass investment and time varying tariffs: An Australian case study
A Case Study on the Energy Consumption Behaviour in Western Victoria for Implementing Demand Flexibility
Applications of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems
A proximal subgradient algorithm with extrapolation for structured nonconvex nonsmooth problems
Data-driven Modelling of Representative Rural Distribution Networks for Reliability Studies
Domestic Load Management with Coordinated Photovoltaics, Battery Storage and Electric Vehicle Operation
Forced oscillation management in a microgrid with distributed converter-based resources using hierarchical deep-learning neural network
Impact of MMC-HVDC Control on Power System Dynamics: Various Concepts and Parameterization
Improvement in Arc Flash Protection Based on IEC 61850 Protocol
Numerical Model of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning for PyroCb Thunderstorms
Reverse Blocking Over Current Busbar Protection Scheme based on IEC 61850 Architecture
Review of the Legacy and Future of IEC 61850 Protocols Encompassing Substation Automation System
An Overview of Demand Response Opportunities for Commercial and Industrial Customers in the Australian NEM
Blockchain Based Smart Auction Mechanism for Distributed Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading
Comparison between Wired versus Wireless Mode of Digital Protection Scheme Leveraging on PRP Topology
Design of Hybrid Power System Stabilizer for Dynamic Stability Improvement using Cultural Algorithm
False Data Detection in a Clustered Smart Grid Using Unscented Kalman Filter
Incorporating Price Information in Blockchain-based Energy Trading
Modelling and Experimental Assessment of High-Frequency Oscillation in DC Microgrid
Overview of Power Converter Control in Microgrids - Challenges, Advances, and Future Trends
Power Quality Improvement of a Solar Powered Bidirectional Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle Integration System
Prediction of Positive Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Striking Zones for Tilted Thundercloud Based on Line Charge Model
Resilience of Stablecoin Reserve for Distributed Energy Trading
Risk and Resiliency Assessments of Renewable Dominated Edge of Grid Under High-Impact Low-Probability Events -A Review
Vulnerability Assessment framework for a Smart Grid
A Fast and Reliable Blocked Bus Bar Protection Scheme Leveraging on Sampled Value and GOOSE Protection based on IEC 61850 Architecture
Assessing Reliability of Smart Grid Against Cyberattacks using Stability Index
Assessing Trust Level of a Driverless Car Using Deep Learning
The increasing adoption of driverless cars already providing a shift to move away from...
A Unified Model Predictive Voltage and Current Control for Microgrids With Distributed Fuzzy Cooperative Secondary Control
Dissolved Gas Analysis for Power Transformers within Distributed Renewable Generation-Based Systems
Enhanced power extraction from thermoelectric generators considering non-uniform heat distribution
Forced Oscillation in Power Systems with Converter Controlled-Based Resources-A Survey with Case Studies
Interpretation of transformer winding deformation fault by the spectral clustering of FRA signature
Frequency response analysis (FRA) has been accepted as a widely used tool for the power industry....
MATLAB/Simulink Modelling of Multi-junction PV Cell for Conversion Efficiency Improvement using Maximum Power Point Tracking Method
Mitigation of Power Quality Issues with Solar PV Penetration into LV/MV Distribution System
Model Predictive Control for Microgrids: From power electronic converters to energy management
Microgrids have emerged as a promising solution for accommodating the integration of renewable...
Optimal Placement of Synchronized Voltage Traveling Wave Sensors in a Radial Distribution Network
A transmission line fault generates transient high frequency travelling waves (TWs) that...
Protection of Feeders with High Rooftop PV Penetration
Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter Topologies for Renewable Energy Sources
This article proposes two generalized multilevel inverter configurations that reduce the number...
State estimation within ied based smart grid using kalman estimates
Toward a substation automation system based on iec 61850
With the global trend to digitalize substation automation systems, International Electro...
Transiently stable intentional controlled islanding considering post-islanding voltage and frequency stability constraints
Intentional controlled islanding (ICI) is proposed to split the power system into a certain...
Trustworthiness of Self-Driving Vehicles for Intelligent Transportation Systems in Industry Applications
To enhance industrial production and automation, rapid and faster transportation of raw materials...
A comprehensive analyses of aging characteristics of oil-paper insulation system in HVDC converter transformers
This paper investigates the dissolved gases evolution in transformer oil under combined DC/AC...
A New Data Driven Long-Term Solar Yield Analysis Model of Photovoltaic Power Plants
Historical data offers a wealth of knowledge to the users. However, often restrictively mammoth...
Enhancement of microgrid operation by considering the cascaded impact of communication delay on system stability and power management
Power management, system stability and communication structure are three key aspects of...
Experimental modelling of grid-tied thermoelectric generator from incinerator waste heat
This paper presents an experimental investigation of nano power generation, less than 1 kW size,...
Fault Location on Radial Distribution Networks via Distributed Synchronized Traveling Wave Detectors
This paper presents a new fault location algorithm for radial distribution networks employing...
Forced oscillation in power system with renewable generations
Forced disturbance (FD) with various bands of frequency may ignite forced oscillation (FO) in...
Impact of MMC-HVDC Control Parameter Selection on the Dynamic Performance of AC System
High penetration of voltage source converter (VSC) based system is anticipated in future power...
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Design Goals, Architecture, Suitability to Use Cases and Research Challenges
Previous survey articles on Low-Powered Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) lack a systematic analysis of...
Multi-agent based autonomous control of microgrid
Microgrid (MG), a revolutionary concept in the energy infrastructure, plays an important role for...
State Estimation in the Presence of Cyber Attacks Using Distributed Partition Technique
The security of smart grid (SG) is an open problem. False data injection attacks (FDIAs) could...
A magnetic linked modular cascaded multilevel converter for medium voltage grid applications
One of the key advantages of cascaded multilevel inverters (CMLI) is their ability to generate...
Assessing transformer oil quality using deep convolutional networks
Electrical power grids comprise a significantly large number of transformers that interconnect...
Classifying Transformer Winding Deformation Fault Types and Degrees Using FRA Based on Support Vector Machine
As an important part of power system, power transformer plays an irreplaceable role in the...
Diagnosing Transformer Winding Deformation Faults Based on the Analysis of Binary Image Obtained from FRA Signature
Frequency response analysis (FRA) has been widely accepted as a diagnostic tool for power...
Diagnostic of transformer winding deformation fault types using continuous wavelet transform of pulse response
Impulse Frequency Response Analysis (IFRA) provides an alternative technique for detection of...
Dual Mechanical Port Machine Based Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Reduced Switch Converters
Due to the increased environmental pollution, hybrid vehicles have attracted enormous attention...
Identification of Coherent Generators by Support Vector Clustering with an Embedding Strategy
Identification of coherent generators (CGs) is necessary for the area-based monitoring and...
Impact of Load Ramping on Power Transformer Dissolved Gas Analysis
Dissolved gas in oil analysis (DGA) is one of the most reliable condition monitoring techniques,...
Impact of scaled fitness functions on a floating-point genetic algorithm to optimise the operation of standalone microgrids
Standalone hybrid remote area power systems, also known as microgrids (MGs), can provide...
Improving voltage of remote connection using wind-solar farms equipped with new voltage control strategy based on virtual impedance monitoring enabled by IEC 61850 communication
This study explores how the voltage control of a remote part of the utility gird can be improved...
Market model for clustered microgrids optimisation including distribution network operations
This paper proposes a market model for the purpose of optimisation of clustered but sparse...
Measuring trustworthiness of IoT image sensor data using other sensors' complementary multimodal data
Trust of image sensor data is becoming increasingly important as the Internet of Things (IoT)...
Microgrid communications - protocols and standards
Multi-agent systems in ICT enabled smart grid: A status update on technology framework and applications
Multi-agent-based smart grid applications have gained much attention in recent times. At the same...
Multi-level supervisory emergency control for operation of remote area microgrid clusters
emote and regional areas are usually supplied by isolated and self-sufficient electricity...
Nano-structured photovoltaic cell design for high conversion efficiency by optimizing various parameters
This paper investigates the effect of different types of nano-grating structures embossed on top...
Operations of a clustered microgrid
Preface - Variability, scalability and stability of microgrids
The Impact of Number of Partitions on Transient Stability of Intentional Controlled Islanding
Intentional Controlled Islanding (ICI) is the last protective measure that must be adopted in...
Variability, scalability and stability of microgrids
Verification of latency and delays related to a digital topology based on IEC 61850
Digital Communication systems have matured to a point of acceptance in the last decade enormously...
Voxel-based extraction of individual pylons and wires from LiDAR point cloud data
Extraction of individual pylons and wires is important for modelling of 3D objects in a power...
A New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology with Galvanic Isolation
This paper presents a new compact three-phase cascaded multilevel inverter (CMLI) topology with...
A novel concept for three-phase cascaded multilevel inverter topologies
One of the key challenges in multilevel inverters (MLIs) design is to reduce the number of...
Detection of Power Transformer Winding Deformation Using Improved FRA Based on Binary Morphology and Extreme Point Variation
Frequency response analysis (FRA) has recently been developed as a widely accepted tool for power...
Electrical Power Engineering Education Down Under: Australia and New Zealand Are Adding Energy to Their University Curricula
On 4 August 1888, Reefton became the first town in New Zealand to have its own public electricity...
Experimental Modeling of Nano Power Generation using Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) from Incinerator Waste Heat
This paper presents experimental investigation of nano power generation, less than 1 kW size,...
High voltage substation automation and protection system based on IEC 61850
Digital Communication is the future of High Voltage (HV) substation automation, protection and...
Impact of gearbox oil contamination on the performance of the wind turbine drivetrain
Wind turbine gearbox is a key component in any wind energy conversion system and online...
Implementing PRP and HSR Schemes in a HV Substation based on IEC62439-3
High speed communication is an essential feature of Substation Automation and Control. Existing...
Improved Method to Obtain the Online Impulse Frequency Response Signature of a Power Transformer by Multi Scale Complex CWT
Mitigation of sympathetic tripping leveraging on IEC 61850 protocol
Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) diagnose faults and traffic issues of data packets in a...
Nano-structured gaas solar cell design, simulation and analysis for conversion efficiency improvement
This paper discusses nano-structured GaAs solar cell design and analysis for conversion...
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Sources
Time-Delay Analysis of Wide-Area Voltage Control Considering Smart Grid Contingences in a Real-Time Environment
This paper addresses the time-delay effects of the wide-area monitoring and control systems...
A Novel Generalized Concept for Three Phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topologies
Many new cascaded multilevel inverter (MLI) topologies have recently been proposed and published...
Application of Order Analysis to Diagnose Fatigue within Wind Turbine Gearbox
One of the most expensive and critical component in wind turbines is the gearbox. Gearbox failure...
Application of S transform for detection of external interferences in online transformer impulse frequency response analysis
Online impulse frequency response analysis is a recently-developed diagnostic method for in...
A three-phase half-bridge cascaded inverter with reduced number of input DC supply
Cascaded multilevel inverters (MLI) have recently received much attention due to its ability to...
Correlation between dissolved gases and oil spectral response
Spectroscopy is a powerful non-destructive technique that utilizes electromagnetic radiation...
Guest Editorial Modeling and Advanced Control of Wind Turbines/Wind Farms
Impact of Distributed Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems on Short-Circuit Faults in the Supplying Low Voltage Networks
This article evaluates the effect of randomly distributed, residential single-phase rooftop...
Improved condition monitoring technique for wind turbine gearbox and shaft stress detection
Condition monitoring has been widely used to detect mechanical and electrical faults of wind...
Investigation of microgrid instability caused by time delay
This paper investigates the impact of time delay in the control of a grid-connected microgrid...
Master control unit based power exchange strategy for interconnected microgrids
Large remote area networks normally have self-suffi-cient electricity systems. These systems also...
Online detection of partial discharge inside power transformer winding through IFRA
Predictive maintenance offers substantial benefits for detecting the early signs of power...
Online Transformer Internal Fault Detection Based on Instantaneous Voltage and Current Measurements Considering Impact of Harmonics
This paper investigates the performance of a recently proposed online transformer internal fault...
Performance evaluation of two interconnected high voltage utility substations using PRP topology based on IEC 62439-3
In a modern power system network having multiple interconnected High Voltage (HV) substations,...
Power transaction management amongst coupled microgrids in remote areas
Large remote areas normally have isolated and self-sufficient electricity supply systems, often...
Application of online impulse technique to diagnose inter-turn short circuit in transformer windings
Inter-turn short circuit fault is a significant problem in power transformers which if not...
A preliminary study on conversion efficiency improvement of a multi-junction PV cell with MPPT
This chapter presents a preliminary study conducted to improve photovoltaic (PV) cell conversion...
A travelling wave detector based fault location device and data recorder for medium voltage distribution systems
This paper presents a hardware design for a Travelling Wave (TW) Detector and data recorder for a...
Challenges and opportunities in grid connected commercial scale PV and wind farms
Wind power generation and Solar PV installations continues to grow and are the two key...
Combined Online and Delayed Coordinated Charging of Plug-In Electric Vehicles Considering Wind and Rooftop PV Generations
Emerging smart grid technology is creating unique opportunity for wide applications of renewable...
Condition assessment of power transformer bushing using SFRA and DGA as auxiliary tools
Dielectric insulation of a transformer bushing deteriorates as a function of temperature,...
Customized pathway for smart grid development-A case study in Oman
A team of researchers at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman in conjunction with the Curtin...
Design and analysis of nano-structured gratings for conversion efficiency improvement in GaAs solar cells
This paper presents the design and analysis of nano-structured gratings to improve the conversion...
Detection of power transformer bushing faults and oil degradation using frequency response analysis
Frequency response analysis (FRA) has been globally accepted as a reliable tool to detect...
Determination of nanosecond pulse parameters on transfer function measurement for power transformer winding deformation
Transfer function method is now a widely acceptable tool to diagnose transformer winding...
Digital applications in implementation of smart grid
A smart grid is an electricity transmission and distribution network that embeds digital and...
Disconnection of single-phase rooftop PVs after short-circuit faults in residential feeders
This paper presents an analysis on the disconnection time of single-phase rooftop photovoltaic...
Fundamentals of power systems
The chapter describes the history, evolution, and fundamental analysis frameworks of a power...
Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems
The percentage of renewable power demand met by renewable power generators is increasing rapidly....
Impact of capacitive coupling circuit on online impulse frequency response of a power transformer
Detecting the early signs of mechanical failures of power transformer winding is necessary and is...
Micro grid planning and operation
Increasing penetrations of renewable power as well as deregulation of electricity markets have...
Modelling and simulation of power systems
This chapter presents major modelling and simulation techniques applied in power systems...
Online optimal variable charge-rate coordination of plug-in electric vehicles to maximize customer satisfaction and improve grid performance
Participation of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is expected to grow in emerging smart grids. A...
Performance evaluation of a process bus architecture in a zone substation based on IEC 61850-9-2
Ethernet communication has been the back bone of high speed communication in digital substations...
Performance monitoring of a PMU in a microgrid environment based on IEC 61850-90-5
Reliable protection, communication and control are the key features of a digital protection...
Software implementation of two seamless redundant topologies in a digital protection system based on IEC 62439-3
Substations are the junctions of any transmission and distribution network in utilities. They...
Stochastic modeling of the output power of photovoltaic generators in various weather conditions
The intermittency of solar-powered energy sources prompt the uncertainty of load management. The...
Understanding online frequency response signatures for transformer winding deformation: Axial displacement simulation
The power transformer is considered as the most critical and expensive device in substation,...
Voltage profile modification in harmonically affected power networks
Considering importance of power quality in power systems especially in distribution systems and...
Analysis of end-To-end delay characteristics for various packets in IEC 61850 substation communications system
Analysis of end-To-end delay characteristics for various packets in IEC 61850 substation communications system
Substation plays an important role in power system communications for safe and reliable operation...
A new technique to measure interfacial tension of transformer oil using UV-Vis spectroscopy
Interfacial tension (IFT) and acid numbers of insulating oil are correlated with the number of...
Application of high temperature superconductor to improve the dynamic performance of WECS
Application of high temperature superconductor to improve the dynamic performance of WECS
Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) are currently extensively used in variable speed wind...
Assessment of post-contingency congestion risk of wind power with asset dynamic ratings
Large scale integration of wind power can be deterred by congestion following an outage that...
Assessment of post-outage congestion risk of wind power with dynamic line ratings
Assessment of post-outage congestion risk of wind power with dynamic line ratings
One of the factors hindering the large scale integration of wind power is the post contingency...
Congestion management with dynamic line ratings considering network imbalance
Dynamic Line rating can be used as a temporary alternative to manage congestion in networks that...
Disconnection time and sequence of rooftop PVs under short-circuit faults in low voltage networks
Disconnection time and sequence of rooftop PVs under short-circuit faults in low voltage networks
This paper presents an analysis on the disconnection time of single-phase rooftop PVs, located in...
Forecasting plug-in electric vehicles load profile using artificial neural networks
Forecasting plug-in electric vehicles load profile using artificial neural networks
Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are becoming very popular these days and consequently, their...
Guest editorial: Special section on large-scale grid integration and regulatory issues of variable power generation
Guest Editorial Special Section on Large-Scale Grid Integration and Regulatory Issues of Variable Power Generation
No Abstract
High performance communication redundancy in a digital substation based on IEC 62439-3 with a station bus configuration
High performance communication redundancy in a digital substation based on IEC 62439-3 with a station bus configuration
High speed communication is critical in a digital substation from protection, control and...
Impact of insulating oil degradation on the power transformer frequency response analysis
Impact of insulating oil degradation on the power transformer frequency response analysis
Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) has become a reliable tool to detect mechanical deformation...
Improved power transformer winding fault detection using FRA diagnostics-part 1: Axial displacement simulation
Frequency response analysis (FRA) has become a widely accepted tool to detect power transformer...
Improved power transformer winding fault detection using FRA diagnostics-part 2: Radial deformation simulation
Frequency response analysis (FRA) is proven to be a powerful tool to detect winding deformation...
Modeling of multi-junction photovoltaic cell using MATLAB/Simulink to improve the conversion efficiency
This paper focuses on modeling of multi-junction solar cell (MJSC) to improve the conversion...
Monte Carlo based method for managing risk of scheduling decisions with dynamic line ratings
Monte Carlo based method for managing risk of scheduling decisions with dynamic line ratings
Dynamic line ratings have been shown as an attractive alternative to conventional congestion...
Optimal scheduling of LTC and switched shunt capacitors in smart grid concerning overnight charging of plug-in electric vehicles
Optimal scheduling of LTC and switched shunt capacitors in smart grid concerning overnight charging of plug-in electric vehicles
It is well-known that load variation and nonlinearity have detrimental impacts on the operation...
Overnight coordinated charging of plug-in electric vehicles based on maximum sensitivities selections
Overnight coordinated charging of plug-in electric vehicles based on maximum sensitivities selections
The future smart grid (SG) will be populated with high penetrations of plug-in electric vehicles...
Real-time charging coordination of plug-in electric vehicles based on hybrid fuzzy discrete particle swarm optimization
Abstract The main impact of uncoordinated plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging is adding new...
Risk constrained short-term scheduling with dynamic line ratings for increased penetration of wind power
Limited transmission capacity may lead to network congestion which results in wind curtailment...
Travelling wave fault location in rural radial distribution networks to reduce wild fire risk
Travelling wave fault location in rural radial distribution networks to reduce wild fire risk
This paper introduces a new fault location algorithm for radial MV distribution networks...
Alleviating post-contingency congestion risk of wind integrated systems with dynamic line ratings
Alleviating post-contingency congestion risk of wind integrated systems with dynamic line ratings
One of the factors hindering the large scale integration of wind power is the post contingency...
Analysis of power system communication architectures between substations using IEC 61850
Analysis of power system communication architectures between substations using IEC 61850
Interoperability among multi-vendor substations automation devices, is now achievable due to the...
A new control approach to improve the overall performance of DFIG-based WECS
Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) are currently extensively used in variable speed wind...
Application of SMES unit to improve the overall performance of DFIG-based WECS
Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) are nowadays extensively used in variable speed wind...
A review of dissolved gas analysis measurement and interpretation techniques
Contributions of single-phase rooftop PVs on short circuits faults in residential feeders
Contributions of single-phase rooftop PVs on short circuits faults in residential feeders
Sensitivity analysis results are presented to investigate the presence of single-phase rooftop...
Conversion efficiency improvement in GaAs solar cells
The finite-difference time domain (FDTD) tool is used to simulate the reflection losses of...
Conversion efficiency improvement in GaAs solar cells
DFIG-based WECS fault ride through complying with Australian grid codes
DFIG-based WECS fault ride through complying with Australian grid codes
Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) are widely used in variable speed wind turbine owing to...
Digital implementation of a fault emulator for transient study of power transformers used in grid connection of wind farms
A real-time digital hardware simulation tool is developed to study the transient performance of...
Finite element performance evaluation of online transformer internal fault detection based on instantaneous voltage and current measurements
This paper investigates the performance of a recently proposed online transformer internal fault...
Fuzzy logic approach in power transformers management and decision making
Investigation on architectures for power system communications between substations using IEC 61850
Investigation on architectures for power system communications between substations using IEC 61850
This paper investigates the communication network architectures for power systems between...
Modelling and analysis of multi-junction solar cells to improve the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic systems
Modelling and analysis of multi-junction solar cells to improve the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic systems
This paper presents modelling and analysis of multi-junction solar cells to improve the...
Offline to online mechanical deformation diagnosis for power transformers
Offline to online mechanical deformation diagnosis for power transformers
Internal winding deformations of power transformers can be detected using the conventional...
Online coordination of plug-in electric vehicle charging in smart grid with distributed wind power generation systems
Online coordination of plug-in electric vehicle charging in smart grid with distributed wind power generation systems
Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and wind distributed generations (WDGs) will represent key...
Optimal scheduling with dynamic line ratings and intermittent wind power
Limited transmission capacity may lead to wind curtailment during periods of high availability of...
Performance analysis of substation automation systems architecture based on IEC 61850
Performance analysis of substation automation systems architecture based on IEC 61850
Digital Communications amongst multi-vendor intelligent electronic devices (IED's) is an...
Performance evaluation of data transmission in a single and double bus network within the utility substation based on IEC 61850
Performance evaluation of data transmission in a single and double bus network within the utility substation based on IEC 61850
Communication between intelligent electronic devices (IED's) is an important feature of a utility...
Performance evaluation of on-line transformer winding short circuit fault detection based on instantaneous voltage and current measurements
Performance evaluation of on-line transformer winding short circuit fault detection based on instantaneous voltage and current measurements
This paper investigates the performance of a recently proposed on-line transformer winding short...
Reactive power/voltage control for unbalanced distribution system using genetic algorithms
Reactive power/voltage control for unbalanced distribution system using genetic algorithms
The unbalanced conditions are taken into account in the Reactive Power/Voltage control of...
Risk of supply insecurity with weather conditionbased operation of plug in hybrid electric vehicles
Plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) can be a strategic source to mitigate risk of supply...
Security assessment in active distribution networks with change in weather patterns
Security of supply of an active distribution network is constrained with increased presence of...
Security of energy supply with change in weather conditions and dynamic thermal limits
Aging network assets, significant variations in weather conditions, increased accommodation of...
Security of supply in active distribution networks with PHEV-based strategic microgrids
With the increased integration of intermittent distributed generation (DG) into active...
Steady-state security in distribution networks with large wind farms
Aging network assets, forced and unforced outages, and the way the networks are operated in a...
Analysis of IEC 61850 for a reliable communication system between substations
IEC 61850 Standard was introduced to address the challenge presented by existence of the multiple...
Analysis of incident light angles on nano-grating structure for minimizing reflection losses in GaAs solar cells
Subwavelength grating (SWG) structures make an excellent alternative antireflective (AR) coating...
Analysis of incident light angles on nano-grating structure for minimizing reflection losses in GaAs solar cells
A new fuzzy logic approach for consistent interpretation of dissolved gas-in-oil analysis
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) of transformer oil is one of the most effective power transformer...
A review on chemical diagnosis techniques for transformer paper insulation degradation
Energized parts within power transformer are isolated using paper insulation and are immersed in...
Assessment of distributed generation capacity mixture for hybrid benefits
The distributed generation (DG) mixture in an active distribution network can provide different...
Estimation of induction motor parameters using hybrid algorithms for power system dynamic studies
This paper proposes a hybrid Newton-Raphson and genetic algorithm for the estimation of double...
Image processing-based on-line technique to detect power transformer winding faults
Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) has been growing in popularity in recent times as a tool to...
Impact of axial displacement on power transformer FRA signature
Frequency response analysis (FRA) is gaining global popularity in detecting power transformer...
Impact of buckling deformation on the FRA signature of power transformer
This paper investigates the impact of conducting materials on the correlation of furan...
Impact of conducting materials on furan-spectral correlation of transformer oil
This paper investigates the impact of conducting materials on the correlation of furan...
Impact of PEV charging and rooftop PV penetration on distribution transformer life
As Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) take a greater share in the automobile market; their...
Photovoltaic cell modeling for maximum power point tracking using MATLAB/Simulink to improve the conversion efficiency
Photovoltaic cell modeling for maximum power point tracking using MATLAB/Simulink to improve the conversion efficiency
This paper focuses on the behavior of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) on photovoltaic (PV)...
Power transformer winding fault analysis using transfer function
Condition monitoring of power transformers is essential to maintain the reliability of...
Process-to-bay level peer-to-peer network delay in IEC 61850 substation communication systems
This paper presents the application of IEC 61850 protocol in electrical power engineering...
Security enhancement with nodal criticality based integration of PHEV micro grids
Modern distribution networks are increasingly vulnerable to disturbances and improving the...
Two-stage approach for the assessment of distributed generation capacity mixture in active distribution networks
Distribution networks are limited with spare capacities to integrate increased volumes of...
Understanding power transformer frequency response analysis signatures
The majority of transformers currently in service worldwide were installed prior to 1980, and...
A new approach to identify power transformer criticality and asset management decision based on dissolved gas-in-oil analysis
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) of transformer oil is one of the most effective power transformer...
A novel fuzzy-logic approach for furan estimation in transformer oil
An ultraviolet-to-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopic analysis based on the fuzzy-logic approach has...
A novel online technique to detect power transformer winding faults
Frequency-response analysis (FRA) has been growing in popularity in recent times as a tool to...
Assessment of stress in active distribution networks with asset dynamic ratings
Assessment of stress in active distribution networks with asset dynamic ratings
Active distribution networks are vulnerable to random disturbances and the severity of stress of...
Characterization of transformer FRA signature under various winding faults
Frequency response analysis (FRA) is gaining global popularity in detecting power transformer...
Comparison of individual and combined forecasting of wind power output of two wind farms in Western Australia
Large penetration of wind farms in the electricity grid is expected to be an unknown challenge in...
Comparison of individual and combined forecasting of wind power output of two wind farms in Western Australia
Comparison study of various factors affecting end-to-end delay in IEC 61850 substation communications using OPNET
Comparison study of various factors affecting end-to-end delay in IEC 61850 substation communications using OPNET
The use of IEC 61850 communication protocol has more widely applied in electrical engineering, it...
Design of the experimental setup for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
This paper identifies the procedure utilized to determine the required ratings of components for...
Distribution transformer life optimisation in a smart feeder embedded with photovoltaic power generation
Distribution transformer life optimisation in a smart feeder embedded with photovoltaic power generation
Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) are set to take a large share of the automobile market. While...
Impact of transformer model parameters variation on FRA signature
Power transformers are critical components within the electrical power network. In the event that...
Impact of wind forecasting and probabilistic line rating on reserve requirement
Using wind power forecasts to optimize scheduling of reserves is an active area of research....
New approach to estimate furan contents in transformer oil using spectroscopic analysis
The presence of furan derivatives in aged-transformer oil has been one of the key indicators for...
Probabilistic optimisation of generation scheduling considering wind power output and stochastic line capacity
Probabilistic optimisation of generation scheduling considering wind power output and stochastic line capacity
Optimising the power flow in a system has been a challenge for decades. Due to the complexities...
Real time digital controller of grid connected Doubly-Fed Induction wind turbine generator
Real time digital controller of grid connected Doubly-Fed Induction wind turbine generator
In this paper, a real time digital hardware simulation tool to study the performances and...
Real-time dynamic security assessment of power systems with large amount of wind power using Case-Based Reasoning methodology
The method of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for assessing in real-time the dynamic security...
Real-time dynamic security assessment of power systems with large amount of wind power using Case-Based Reasoning methodology
Review of international grid codes for wind power integration: Diversity, technology and a case for global standard
This paper presents a comprehensive study on the latest grid code regulations enforced by...
Standardization of DGA interpretation techniques using fuzzy logic approach
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) of transformer oil is one of the most effective power transformer...
Transient control of DFIG-based wind power plants in compliance with the australian grid code
Australian Grid Code has recently enforced stringent regulations on the transient response of...
2011 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies: Welcome message
Contains various advertisements, welcome messages, committee or program information, and other...
A case-based reasoning approach for dynamic security assessment of power systems with large penetration of wind power
A case-based reasoning approach for dynamic security assessment of power systems with large penetration of wind power
This paper presents Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), a novel methodology for dynamic security...
An artificial intelligence approach for on-line dynamic security assessment of wind farm connected active power systems
An artificial intelligence approach for on-line dynamic security assessment of wind farm connected active power systems
An artificial intelligent technique is proposed for online dynamic security assessment of active...
A new approach for three-phase rectification with minimum measurement and computational requirements for wind power applications
A new approach for AC-DC power conversion with fast dynamic response is proposed, which is based...
A new approach for three-phase rectification with minimum measurement and computational requirements for wind power applications
A novel direct active power control method for DFIG wind turbine applications
A new approach for ac-dc power conversion with fast dynamic response is proposed which is based...
A novel predictive direct power control
A novel predictive direct power control
In this paper a recently introduced predictive direct power control (P-DPC) method for...
A novel SVM-based average current controller for three-phase power rectification for improving the grid loads
A novel SVM-based average current controller for three-phase power rectification for improving the grid loads
This paper presents a new vector-based average current controller (ACC) with constant frequency...
A novel vector-based hysteresis current regulator for doubly-fed induction generator wind turbines under non-ideal supply conditions
This paper proposes a novel vector-based hysteresis current regulator (VBHCR) in the rotor-side...
A novel vector-based hysteresis current regulator for doubly-fed induction generator wind turbines under non-ideal supply conditions
Application of SMES unit in improving the performance of an AC/DC power system
This paper investigates the use of a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit to...
A review of enabling technologies for large wind power plants to comply with recent grid codes
With the ever increasing penetration of wind power in modern electric networks, international...
Building a state of the art laboratory for teaching and research in renewable electric energy systems and microgrids
Green Electric Energy Park at Curtin University will be a state of the art renewable energy...
Building a state of the art laboratory for teaching and research in renewable electric energy systems and microgrids
Comparing technical connection requirements for large wind power plants
This paper presents a comparative study of the gird code regulations stipulated by international...
Emergency control of DFIG-based wind turbines to meet new European grid code requirements
New regulatory requirements outlined in the European Grid Code dictate fault ride-through and...
Enhanced hysteresis-based current regulators in vector control of DFIG wind turbines
This paper proposes enhanced hysteresis-based current regulators in the field-oriented vector...
Enhanced vector control of doubly-fed induction generator based wind turbines to comply with the Australian Grid Code requirements
Recent regulatory requirements outlined in the Australian Grid Code dictates fault ride-through...
Fault ride-through capability enhancement of doubly-fed induction wind generators
Recent fault ride-through (FRT) requirements have proven problematic for variable-speed wind...
High efficiency plasmonics-based solar cells for smarter electricity grids
High efficiency plasmonics-based solar cells for smarter electricity grids
This paper presents an improvement method for future smart electricity grid performance using...
Hybrid genetic-fuzzy algorithm for volt/var/total harmonic distortion control of distribution systems with high penetration of non-linear loads
A hybrid genetic-fuzzy algorithm (GA-Fuzzy) is proposed for optimal volt/var/total harmonic...
Impact of uncoordinated and coordinated charging of plug-in electric vehicles on substation transformer in smart grid with charging stations
Impact of uncoordinated and coordinated charging of plug-in electric vehicles on substation transformer in smart grid with charging stations
With the rapidly growing interest in smart grid technology, plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are...
Impacts of symmetrical and asymmetrical voltage sags on DFIG-based wind turbines considering phase-angle jump, voltage recovery, and sag parameters
This paper presents a new analysis into the impacts of various symmetrical and asymmetrical...
Improved predictive direct power control
In this paper a recently introduced predictive direct power control (P-DPC) method for...
International regulations on the transient response of large wind power plants
This paper presents a comprehensive study on the latest requirements imposed by international...
Low and high voltage ride-through of DFIG wind turbines using hybrid current controlled converters
Doubly fed induction generators have been recognized as the dominant technology used in wind...
Low voltage ride-through of DFIG wind turbines complying with Western-Power grid code in Australia
Western Power has recently imposed stringent low voltage ride-through (LVRT) requirements on wind...
On the improvement of energy efficiency in existing fixed speed WECS
Due to simplicity and cost advantage, a significant opportunity of an existing and proposed wind...
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Sources
This chapter focuses on solar photovoltaic and wind power. Stand-alone PV energy system requires...
Reliability based optimum location of distributed generation
The increasing penetration of distributed generation and changing electricity industry...
Security of supply with dispersed integration of wind power in distribution networks
Increased penetration of wind power into distribution networks can be limited by intermittency of...
Significance of Cellulose Power Transformer Condition Assessment
Power transformers are designed to withstand system abnormalities such as over voltages and...
Specialist power engineering programs for the rapid development of new graduate capabilities
A specialist graduate program, the Master of Engineering Science (Electrical Utility...
Stabilization of fixed-speed wind generators using adjacent doubly fed induction wind generators
Stabilization of fixed-speed wind generators using adjacent doubly fed induction wind generators
Current grid codes stipulate wind power plants to stay connected to the network under sever fault...
Using equidistant vector-based hysteresis current regulators in DFIG wind generation systems
This paper proposes a novel equidistant vector-based hysteresis current regulator (VBHCR) in the...
Wind power forecasting with dynamic regression models and ageing considerations
Wind power forecasting with dynamic regression models and ageing considerations
The penetration of wind power is increasing rapidly in electricity grids around the world. Many...
A class of intelligent algorithms for on-line dynamic security assessment of power systems
This paper proposes intelligent algorithms for on-line dynamic security assessment (DSA) of power...
Analytical approaches to assess embedded wind generation effects on distribution networks
Among the intermittent distributed generation technologies the wind generation play a key role in...
A new vector-based hysteresis current control scheme for three-phase PWM voltage-source inverters
This paper presents a new vector-based hysteresis current controller (HCC) for three-phase...
A novel current regulator for DFIG wind turbines with enhanced performance under unbalanced supply voltage condition
A novel current regulator for DFIG wind turbines with enhanced performance under unbalanced supply voltage condition
This paper proposes a new vector-based hysteresis current regulator (VBHCR) in the rotor-side...
Fuzzy logic approach to identify transformer criticality using dissolved gas analysis
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) of transformer oil is one of the most effective power transformer...
Home Area Network technology assessment for demand response in smart grid environment
Modern electricity network will increasingly rely upon a set of intelligent communication and...
Investigation of feasibility of integrating alternative energy sources in a roadside assistance vehicle
Investigation of feasibility of integrating alternative energy sources in a roadside assistance vehicle
An energy audit was conducted on a RAC test vehicle to provide a reference for the amount of...
Low voltage ride-through requirements at the PCC versus wind generator terminals
Low voltage ride-through (LVRT) requirements, listed in modern grid codes, have proven to be a...
Mitigation of harmonics in smart grids with high penetration of plug-in electric vehicles
Smart grids provide an excellent opportunity to improve the performance and the power quality of...
Robust sensorless decoupled P-Q control of doubly fed induction generators for wind power applications
Robust sensorless decoupled P-Q control of doubly fed induction generators for wind power applications
Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is the most dominant technology used in wind energy...
The effect of nonsinusoidal current waveforms on electromechanical and solid-state overcurrent relay operation
Gypsum rocks are widely exploited in the world as industrial minerals. The purity of the gypsum...
Tired of continuous time-series analysis or calculations?
Novel analytical approach of reliability evaluation for a wind-diesel hybrid power system with a...
Value based strategic integration of distributed generation
Modern distribution networks are vulnerable to increased disturbances. The uncertainties with...
An improved modeling and control approach for DFIG-based wind generation systems
A novel current controller for three-phase voltage-source inverters
A space vector-based current controller for doubly fed induction generators
Performance enhancement of grid-connected fixed speed wind energy conversion systems (WECS)
Power transfer capability improvement of an induction generator wind energy conversion system
Probabilistic assessment of distribution network capacity for wind power generation integration
Remnant life estimation of power transformer using oil UV-Vis spectral response
Teaching research nexus - An Australian experience
Time domain analysis of a synchronous generator in distorted power systems
A novel application of gene expression programming in transformer diagnostics
A reliability based model for electricity pricing
Correlation between UV-Vis spectral response and furan measurement of transformer oil
Design and implementation of automatic generation control algorithms in a single chip FPGA
Evaluation of several techniques and additives to de-moisturise vegetable oils and bench mark the moisture content level of vegetable oil-based dielectric fluids
Furan measurement in transformer oil by UV-Vis spectral response using Fuzzy Logic
Impact of a SG nonlinear model on the harmonic distortion of a distribution generation system
Impact of SG damper windings on small-signal stability of A distorted SMIB including time and space harmonics
Operation of synchronous generator under the influence of time and space harmonics
Optimal scheduling of LTC and shunt capacitors in large distorted distribution systems using evolutionary-based algorithms
Optimal voltage restoration in electric power system using genetic algorithms
Reliability issues of offshore wind farm topology
Substantial control strategies of DFIG wind power system during grid transient faults
Superconducting magnetic energy storage unit, an efficient energy technology for power systems
A comparative study of sensor-less control strategies in PMSG wind turbine system
Adaptive setting of OLTC to improve power transfer capability of power systems
A low voltage electronic ballast designed for hybrid wind-solar power systems
A review of safety by design concept in electric utilities
Design of a wind turbine pitch angle controller for power system stabilisation
Development and application of probabilistic criteria in value-based transmission system adequacy assessment
Harmonic power flow calculations for a large power system with multiple nonlinear loads using decoupled approach
High frequency transformer computer modeling
Hybrid passive filter design for distribution systems with adjustable speed drives
Impact of harmonics on tripping time of overcurrent relays
Improved fault-ride-through capability of grid connected wind turbine driven DFIG
Power electronics for renewable energy sources
Power system safety management and audit protocols
Power transformer condition assessment using oil UV - Spectrophotometry
Small-signal stability analysis of distorted power systems installed with SSSC
Unbalance power flow calculation for a radial distribution system using Forward-Backward Propagation algorithm
An intelligent transformer load estimation model using artificial neural networks
A novel fuzzy logic technique for power transformer asset management
Australian experience with the development, ageing and maintenance of vegetable-based insulating oils
Automatic generation controller in a chip
Harmonic mitigation in wind turbine energy conversion systems
Impact of time and space harmonics on synchronous generator load angle
Optimal dispatch of LTC and shunt capacitors in the presence of harmonics using Genetic Algorithms
Wind-diesel-battery hybrid generation system reliability analysis on site and size factors
Analyses of electro-chemical characteristics of vegetable oils as an alternative source to mineral oil-based dielectric fluid
Analyses of physical characteristics of vegetable oils as an alternative source to mineral oil-based dielectric fluid
Effect of loss modeling on optimum operation of wind turbine energy conversion systems
Mitigation of harmonics in wind turbine driven variable speed permanent magnet synchronous generators
Power transformer life cycle management using fuzzy logic technique
Stabilizing control of series capacitor power system using a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage unit under unequal ?-mode
Demand side management for remote area power supply systems incorporating solar irradiance model
Optimum control strategies in energy conversion of PMSG wind turbine system without mechanical sensors
Power transformer aging and life extension
Power transformer asset management
Power transformer critical diagnostics for reliability and life extension
Power transformer insulation response and risk assessment
Turbo generator stator winding condition assessment
Using PFC for harmonic mitigation in wind turbine energy conversion systems
IGBT based static transfer switch
Performance comparison of a current controlled and line commutated inverter in maximum wind energy conversion
Seasonally adjusted voltage estimation on LV distribution networks
Transformer reliability enhancement using online dissolved gas monitoring and diagnostics
A neuro-fuzzy model for the control operation of a wind-diesel-battery hybrid power system
A battery management system for stand-alone photovoltaic energy systems
Power quality issues in a wind turbine driven induction generator and diesel hybrid autonomous grid
Steady-state performance of a grid interactive voltage source inverter
An improved in-line uninterruptible power supply system
A novel fuzzy logic approach to transformer fault diagnosis
A novel supervisory control approach to switching operations for hybrid wind/diesel/battery/mains energy systems
Detection of shorted turns and winding movements in large power transformers using frequency response analysis
Dynamic response of a remote area power system to fluctuating wind speed
Effect of load management and optimal sizing on the economics of a wind-diesel hybrid power system
Investigation of harmonics from variable speed drives with six pulse rectifiers under imperfect supply conditions
Mitigation of line and neutral current harmonics in three-phase distribution systems
Novel scheme for mitigation of line current harmonics and compensation of reactive power in three phase low voltage distribution systems
On the development of transfer function method for fault identification in large power transformers on load
Power quality simulation of a variable speed wind generator connected to a weak grid