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Dr. Suryani Lim

Senior Lecturer, Information Technology

Information Technology 08


Information Technology 01


Churchill Campus, Online

BioBERT based text mining for incorporating prior knowledge in the inference of genetic network models

Children's Perceived Ease of Use of a Projected Augmented Reality Game Designed for Balance and Coordination Training

Analogical Classifier as a Surrogate for Explanations

Curating Electronic Health Record Data to Assess Causal Inference Effect of Metformin on Hypertension Population Progression to Chronic Kidney Disease

GRAMP: A gene ranking and model prioritisation framework for building consensus genetic networks

Large language model based framework for automated extraction of genetic interactions from unstructured data

Physics-Informed Explainable Continual Learning on Graphs

A Robust Ensemble Regression Model for Reconstructing Genetic Networks

Knowledge-Based Intelligent Text Simplification for Biological Relation Extraction

MICFuzzy: A maximal information content based fuzzy approach for reconstructing genetic networks

Review of water quality monitoring using Internet of Things

User authentication and access control to blockchain-based forensic log data

Blockchain Based Smart Auction Mechanism for Distributed Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

  • Conference Proceedings

Incorporating Price Information in Blockchain-based Energy Trading

  • Conference Proceedings

Resilience of Stablecoin Reserve for Distributed Energy Trading

Theoretical study and empirical investigation of sentence analogies

  • Conference Proceedings

Using Analogical Proportions for Explanations

2021 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB) : 13-15 Oct. 2021

Analogies Between Sentences: Theoretical Aspects - Preliminary Experiments

Classifying and completing word analogies by machine learning

Analogical proportions are statements of the form ‘a is to b as c is to d’, formally denoted...

Delivery and assessment of a systems analysis course during COVID-19

In this paper, we review and reflect on our experience in the teaching of a Systems Analysis (SA)...

  • Conference Proceedings

Assessing transformer oil quality using deep convolutional networks

Electrical power grids comprise a significantly large number of transformers that interconnect...

Distortion Robust Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Discrete Cosine Transform

Convolutional Neural Networks are highly effective for image classification. However, it is still...

Solving word analogies: A machine learning perspective

Analogical proportions are statements of the form ‘a is to b as c is to d’, formally denoted....

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Local Descriptor Based Image Matching

Image registration has received great attention from researchers over the last few decades. SIFT...

Multi agent carbon trading incorporating human traits and game theory

Browsing texture image databases

Gene Selection and Classification of Human Lymphoma from Microarray Data

Spatial statistics for content based image retrieval