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Professor Simon Cooper

Adjunct Professor

Institute of Health and Wellbeing


Institute of Health and Wellbeing


Berwick Campus, Online


Professor Simon Cooper is an experienced health professional and senior manager, with a PhD in leadership studies and 40 years’ work in the clinical and academic fields. Professor Cooper has worked in emergency care in the UK and Australia.

Simon has led innovative educational and research programs across the world in the field of advanced practice development, patient safety, emergency care, leadership, teamwork, education and clinical simulation. He has published over 150 peer reviewed papers, books and reports, and has secured a range of competitive grants to the value of approximately $6 million.

Simon is the Associate Dean (Research) for the School of Health at Federation University Australia. He is also  the Co-Director of the Health Innovation and Transformation Centre, where he also leads the Patient Safety and Care Quality stream.

Contextual determinants impacting final year nursing students' emergency team communication during deteriorating patient simulations: A grounded theory study

Exploring Hospital Inpatients' Awareness of Their Falls Risk: A Qualitative Exploratory Study

Falls risk perception measures in hospital: a COSMIN systematic review

Perceptions of being a registered nurse (PRN): development and validation of a survey tool

Review article: Use of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure in the rating of emergency teams' non-technical skills: A mapping review

Adult Inpatients' Perceptions of Their Fall Risk: A Scoping Review

An Update on the Most Influential Nursing Simulation Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis

Bachelor of Science in Nursing students' perceptions of being a nurse: A scoping review

Contextual factors influencing patients' experiences of acute deterioration and medical emergency team (MET) encounter: A grounded theory study

Decision-Making Errors During Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration: Gaze Path-Cued Retrospective Think-Aloud

Upskilling Australian registered nurses to enhance students’ clinical placement experiences: a contemporary discussion

Using virtual simulation to teach evidence-based practice in nursing curricula: A rapid review

An Evidence-Based Checklist for Improving Scoping Review Quality

A scoping review aims to systematically explore and map the research available from a wide range...

Enhancing nursing and midwifery students' clinical placements: Development of the national placement evaluation centre

  • Journals

Measuring the safety climate in an Australian emergency department

Nursing degree students’ clinical placement experiences in Australia: A survey design

Aim: This study aimed to evaluate Australian nursing students’ views of placements at seven...

Nursing students' evaluation of clinical practice placements using the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale – A systematic review

Objectives: To review undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of the quality of their...

The impact of intellectual disability nurse specialists in the United Kingdom and Eire Ireland: An integrative review

Aim: To identify and evaluate the impact of Intellectual Disability Nurse Specialists...

The impact of web-based and face-to-face simulation education programs on nurses' response to patient deterioration: A multi-site interrupted time series study

Background: Nurses' response to patient deterioration in acute hospital wards is a priority...

The prevalence and management of deteriorating patients in an Australian emergency department

Background: Complex human and system factors impact the effectiveness of Rapid Response Systems...

The TEAM instrument for measuring emergency team performance: validation of the Swedish version at two emergency departments

Background The Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) questionnaire is designed for rating the...

Undergraduate Health Professional Students’ Team Communication in Simulated Emergency Settings: A Scoping Review

What Helps, What Hinders? Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Clinical Placements Based on a Thematic Synthesis of Literature

A cross-sectional survey of nursing students' patient safety knowledge

Background: Knowledge provides a foundation for safe and effective nursing practice. However,...

Corrigendum to “Patients’ experiences of acute deterioration: A scoping review” [Int. J. Nur. Stud. 101 (2020) 103404](S0020748919302111)(10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103404)

Measuring the quality of nursing clinical placements and the development of the Placement Evaluation Tool (PET) in a mixed methods co-design project

Background: The quality of nursing clinical placements has been found to vary. Placement...

Non-pharmacological depression therapies for older Chinese adults: A systematic review & meta-analysis

Purpose: To conduct a systematic review of randomized controlled trials to evaluate the evidence...

Nurses' cognitive and perceptual bias in the identification of clinical deterioration cues

Background: Perception and processing of clinical cues have rarely been investigated in the...

Nursing teamwork in general ward settings: A mixed-methods exploratory study among enrolled and registered nurses

Aim: To examine the perceived level of nursing teamwork and factors influencing teamwork among...

Patients' experiences of acute deterioration: A scoping review

Background: Patient experience is recognised as a means of assessing healthcare delivery with...

Progress in the Quest to Improve Patient Safety through Simulation

[No abstract available]

The Impact of Emerging Simulation-Based Technologies on the Management of Deteriorating Patients: Aiming for a Gold Standard Educational Evaluation

Background: Measuring the impact of patient safety interventions is challenging. This article...

The Nominal Group Technique: Generating Consensus in Nursing Research

The purpose of this article is to describe the Nominal Group Technique and its application as a...

Bibliometric Scan of the 100 Most Cited Nursing Simulation Articles

Background: Bibliometrics involves statistical analyses of publication data, particularly...

Clinical deterioration of ward patients in the presence of antecedents: A systematic review and narrative synthesis

Aim: The aim of this review was to identify and synthesise published accounts of recognising and...

Clinical placements in contemporary nursing education: Where is the evidence?

[No abstract available]

Exploring the extent to which simulation-based education addresses contemporary patient safety priorities: A scoping review

Background: There is unprecedented increase in use of simulation-based education in healthcare...

Locating "gold standard" evidence for simulation as a substitute for clinical practice in prelicensure health professional education: A systematic review

Aims and objectives To extract, examine and report the highest available levels of evidence from...

Talking the talk and walking the walk: Are patient safety priorities addressed by simulation-based education?

  • Conference Proceedings

Telling it like it is: What do we really know about replacing clinical practice with simulation?

  • Conference Proceedings

The influence of anxiety on student nurse performance in a simulated clinical setting: A mixed methods design

Background: Anxiety has a powerful impact on learning due to activation of anxiety hormones,...

What factors influence midwives to provide obstetric high dependency care on the delivery suite or request care be escalated away from the obstetric unit? Findings of a focus group study

Background: In the United Kingdom, midwives will engage in discussions with the multidisciplinary...

What's in a Name? Clarifying the Nomenclature of Virtual Simulation

Clinical simulation is an essential component of health professional education. Digital...

Best practice in clinical simulation education ? are we there yet? A cross-sectional survey of simulation in Australian and New Zealand pre-registration nursing education

Background: Simulation is potentially a means of increasing clinical education capacity....

Can scholarship in nursing/midwifery education result in a successful research career?

Development and psychometric testing of a Clinical Reasoning Evaluation Simulation Tool (CREST) for assessing nursing students' abilities to recognize and respond to clinical deterioration

Background The development of clinical reasoning skills in recognising and responding to clinical...

Exploring young Australian adults' asthma management to develop an educational video

Objective: This study explored young university students’ (aged 18–24 years) health literacy,...

Inattentional blindness and pattern-matching failure: The case of failure to recognize clinical cues

Eye-tracking methodology was used to investigate lapses in the appropriate treatment of ward...

Nursing students' educational experience in regional Australia: Reflections on acute events. A qualitative review of clinical incidents

Concerns have been expressed relating to healthcare professionals' ability to manage...

Rating teams' non-technical skills in the emergency department: A qualitative study of nurses' experience

Introduction: Non-technical skills (NTS) teamwork training can enhance clinicians’...

Research publication performance of Australian Professors of Nursing & Midwifery

[No abstract available]

The educational impact of web-based and face-to-face patient deterioration simulation programs: An interventional trial

Background: There are international concerns relating to the management of patient deterioration....

Anxiety and Clinical Performance in Simulated Setting in Undergraduate Health Professionals Education: An Integrative Review

Background Undergraduate health professionals clearly experience anxiety during simulation....

A Systematic Review of Reciprocal Peer Tutoring within Tertiary Health Profession Educational Programs.

Introduction Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (RPT) is a form of collaborative learning that involves...

Designing and evaluating the effectiveness of a serious game for safe administration of blood transfusion: A randomized controlled trial

Background Preparing nursing students for the knowledge and skills required for the...

Deteriorating Patients: Global Reach and Impact of an E-Simulation Program

Background E-simulation may enable a feasible education solution to the management of...

Effectiveness of paracetamol versus ibuprofen administration in febrile children: A systematic literature review

Aim: The use of antipyretics to manage the febrile child is becoming increasingly popular....

Eye tracking to investigate cue processing in medical decision-making: A scoping review

Eye-tracking techniques have been adopted as a research tool for a wide range of applications in...

Teamwork: What should we measure and how should we measure it?

The factors that influence junior doctors' capacity to recognise, respond and manage patient deterioration in an acute ward setting: An integrative review

Objectives Junior doctors are frequently the first doctor to be called by a nurse to review...

The impact of a Web-based educational program on the recognition and management of deteriorating patients

Aims and objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of a Web-based educational program to enhance...

The impact of walk-in centres and GP co-operatives on emergency department presentations: A systematic review of the literature

Background Internationally, non-urgent presentations are increasing the pressure on Emergency...

The value of simulation-based learning in pre-licensure nurse education: A state-of-the-art review and meta-analysis

Simulation modalities are numerous in nursing education, with a need to reveal their range and...

Use of simulation-based learning in undergraduate nurse education: An umbrella systematic review

Objective To conduct a systematic review to appraise and review evidence on the impact of...

Access to, interest in and attitude toward e-learning for continuous education among Malaysian nurses

Background: Continuous nursing education (CNE) courses delivered through e-learning is believed...

An analysis of nursing students' decision-making in teams during simulations of acute patient deterioration

' Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the decision-making of nursing students during team...

A registered nurse in 20 Weeks?

This paper raises concerns and issues related to the adequacy of nursing students' clinical...

  • Journals

Barriers and enablers to the use of high-fidelity patient simulation manikins in nurse education: an integrative review

Objective: This integrative review identified, critically appraised and synthesised the existing...

Enhancing the management of deteriorating patients with Australian on line e-simulation software: Acceptability, transferability, and impact in Hong Kong

International concerns relating to healthcare professionals' failure to rescue deteriorating...

Improving the non-technical skills of hospital medical emergency teams: The Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM (TM))

Objectives: This prospective descriptive study aimed to test the validity and feasibility of the...

Measuring teamwork performance: Validity testing of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) with clinical resuscitation teams

Aim: To test the resuscitation non-technical Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) for...


Inadequate management of deteriorating patients is of international concern. In order to tackle...

  • Journals

Simulation versus lecture? Measuring educational impact: Considerations for best practice

[No abstract available]

Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) for the assessment of non-technical skills during resuscitation: Validation of the French version

Aim: Evaluation of team performances during medical simulation must rely on validated and...

The effectiveness of education in the recognition and management of deteriorating patients: A systematic review

Background: Survival from in-hospital cardiac arrest is poor. Clinical features, including...

The impact of web-based and face-to-face simulation on patient deterioration and patient safety: protocol for a multi-site multi-method design

Background: There are international concerns in relation to the management of patient...

The use and limits of eye-tracking in high-fidelity clinical scenarios: A pilot study

Aim: To explore the potential of mobile eye-tracking to identify healthcare students' area of...

A trial of e-simulation of sudden patient deterioration (FIRST2ACT WEB) on student learning

Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND: High-fidelity simulation pedagogy...

Attitudes towards vital signs monitoring in the detection of clinical deterioration: scale development and survey of ward nurses

To develop and determine the psychometrics properties of an instrument (V-scale) and to explore...

Designing a medical records review tool: an instructional guide

Background: Medical Records Reviews (MRR) are commonly used in research and quality activities in...

Developing situation awareness amongst nursing and paramedicine students utilizing eye tracking technology and video debriefing techniques: A proof of concept paper

Objective: The aims of this quasi-experimental before-and-after study were to first determine...

Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time Assessing Responses to Patient Deterioration in Electronic Simulation Scenarios Using Course-of-Action Analysis

International studies indicate that the recognition and management of deteriorating patients in...

E-simulation Preregistration Nursing Students' Evaluation of an Online Patient Deterioration Program

This study explores preregistration nursing students' views of a Web-based simulation program:...

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A survey of emergency personnel in Victoria, Australia

Background: Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR) has been endorsed internationally by...

Leadership and teamwork in medical emergencies: performance of nursing students and registered nurses in simulated patient scenarios

Aims and objectives. To examine nursing students' and registered nurses' teamwork skills whilst...

Patient Deterioration Education: Evaluation of Face-to-Face Simulation and e-Simulation Approaches

Background: Simulation-based education is one strategy that may be used to teach nursing students...

The time is right for Web-based clinical simulation programs in nursing education

E-simulation involves goal-based role play using digital simulations that take place via a...

Training paradigms to enhance clinical observational skills in clinical practice: A scoping review

A number of training approaches to improve the clinical observation skills of undergraduate...

Barriers and enablers to learning during team-based clinical simulations: reflective interviews with final year undergraduate nursing students

Background: Contemporary approaches to clinical simulation can enhance educational outcomes....

Current Continuing Professional Education Practice among Malaysian Nurses

Nurses need to participate in CPE to update their knowledge and increase their competencies. This...

Emergency Resuscitation team roles: What constitutes a team and who's looking after the family?

Aim of study: This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of personnel working in emergency...

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): Perceived benefits, barriers and enablers to implementation and practice

Introduction: There are a number of perceived benefits and barriers to family presence during...

Hybrid simulated patient methodology: Managing maternal deterioration

Measuring non-technical skills of medical emergency teams: An update on the validity and reliability of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM)

Medical emergency team performance including non-technical skills, is receiving increased...

Preparing nursing students for the future: Development and implementation of an Australian Bachelor of Nursing programme with a community health focus

This paper focuses on changes in the educational preparation of undergraduate nurses in line with...

Respiratory rate records: the repeated rate?


Simulation in the Internet age: The place of Web-based simulation in nursing education. An integrative review

Objective: The objective of this article was to review the literature on utilisation and place of...


Crown Copyright 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND: Nursing work...

Stethoscope hygiene: a best practice review of the literature

  • Journals

The implementation of Mask-Ed: Reflections of academic participants

This paper profiles the findings from a study that explored the perspectives and experiences of...

Undergraduate nursing students' performance in recognising and responding to sudden patient deterioration in high psychological fidelity simulated environments: An Australian multi-centre study

Background: Early recognition and situation awareness of sudden patient deterioration, a timely...

Assessing preregistration nursing students' clinical competence: A systematic review of objective measures

Nursing students are required to develop clinical knowledge, skills and attitudes for...

Attitudes, implementation and practice of family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A quantitative literature review

Aim: To undertake a review of the quantitative research literature, to determine emergency staff...

Can eye-tracking technology improve situational awareness in paramedic clinical education?

Human factors play a significant part in clinical error. Situational awareness (SA) means being...

Developing team based acute care scenarios: A rural hospital experience

Background: Health professionals work in teams in a variety of health care settings especially in...

Managing patient deterioration: assessing teamwork and individual performance

Objective To assess the ability of rural Australian nurse teams to manage deteriorating patients....

Measuring situation awareness in emergency settings: a systematic review of tools and outcomes

Background: Nontechnical skills have an impact on health care outcomes and improve patient...

Clinical decision-making: midwifery students' recognition of, and response to, post partum haemorrhage in the simulation environment

Background: This paper reports the findings of a study of how midwifery students responded to a...

Emergency training boosts confidence

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

Identifying patient deterioration: Using simulation and reflective interviewing to examine decision making skills in a rural hospital

Objectives: The study aim was to examine how Registered Nurses identify and respond to...

Managing patient deterioration: a protocol for enhancing undergraduate nursing students' competence through web-based simulation and feedback techniques

Aims: To describe a funded proposal for the development of an on-line evidence based educational...

Managing women with acute physiological deterioration: Student midwives performance in a simulated setting

Objective: Midwives' ability to manage maternal deterioration and 'failure to rescue' are of...

Patient deterioration simulation experiences: Impact on teaching and learning

Early recognition and management of patient deterioration are essential nursing skills, and can...

Simulation based learning in Australian midwifery curricula: Results of a national electronic survey

Objective: The primary aim of this paper is to describe the extent, nature and types of...

The divided self: Near death experiences of resuscitated patients - A review of literature

This paper explores the prevalence of 'near death experience' phenomena associated with a...

The FIRST2ACT simulation program improves nursing practice in a rural Australian hospital

Objective: To measure the impact of the Feedback Incorporating Review and Simulation Techniques...

The perspectives of Australian midwifery academics on barriers and enablers for simulation in midwifery education in Australia: A focus group study

Objective: to describe Australian midwifery academics' perceptions of the current barriers and...

Communication challenges in surgical oncology

In this essay we set out clinical communication challenges in surgical oncology. We draw directly...

Developing advanced rural nursing practice: A whole new scope of responsibility

Rural registered nurses' experiences of advanced clinical nursing practice were explored whilst...

FIRST(2)ACT: Educating nurses to identify patient deterioration - A theory-based model for best practice simulation education

Delayed assessment and mismanagement of patient deterioration is a substantial problem for which...

Improving emergency care pathways: an action research approach

Background Clinicians and managers across specialities are under pressure to review treatment and...

Is simulation a substitute for real life clinical experience in midwifery? A qualitative examination of perceptions of educational leaders

This paper describes the perceptions of midwifery educational leaders concerning the potential...

Managing deteriorating patients: registered nurses' performance in a simulated setting

AIM: To examine, in a simulated environment, rural nurses' ability to assess and manage patient...

Mixed methods research: a design for emergency care research?

This paper follows previous publications on generic qualitative approaches, qualitative designs...

Simulation: can it eliminate failure to rescue?

Evidence shows the management of deteriorating patients needs to be improved, particularly in...

  • Journals

The benefits of debriefing as formative feedback in nurse education

Objective This paper explores the nursing literature to identify the educative process and...

  • Journals

Final-year nursing students' ability to assess, detect and act on clinical cues of deterioration in a simulated environment

Aim. This is a report of a study investigating processes used by final-year nursing students to...

Managing the deteriorating patient in a simulated environment: Nursing students' knowledge, skill and situation awareness

Aim: To examine, in a simulated environment, the ability of final-year nursing students to...

Measuring non-technical skills in medical emergency care: A review of assessment measures

Aim: To review the literature on non-technical skills and assessment methods relevant to...

Rating medical emergency teamwork performance: Development of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM)

Aim: To develop a valid, reliable and feasible teamwork assessment measure for emergency...

Simulation-based learning in nurse education: Systematic review

Aim. This paper is a report of a review of the quantitative evidence for medium to high fidelity...

Use of educational games in the health professions: A mixed-methods study of educators' perspectives in the UK

Educational games have been shown to be effective in supporting learning, especially to reinforce...

A mixed-methods study of interprofessional learning of resuscitation skills

Objectives This study aimed to identify the effects of interprofessional resuscitation skills...

New and emerging roles in out of hospital emergency care: A review of the international literature

Aims: The aim of the literature review was to identify new and emerging out of hospital emergency...

Qualitative research: Specific designs for qualitative research in emergency care?

This article follows our description of generic qualitative approaches, focusing on the specific...