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Dr. Shaun Watson

Senior Lecturer, Psychology



IHW - Operations


Mt Helen Campus, Online

The source of coronavirus anxiety: a longitudinal network analyses of the symptoms in the coronavirus anxiety scale (CAS) and their associations with depression, anxiety, stress and alcohol use

ADHD Symptoms Among Adolescents: Factor Structure Based on Mother and Adolescent Self-Ratings

Network Analyses of the Domains and Items of Personality Inventory for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth EditionBrief Form (PID-5-BF)

A Reevaluation of the Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire (SWBQ)

Association of Fear of Negative Evaluation with Performance Anxiety: Mediation by Negative Self-Statements and Moderation by Positive Self-Statements During Performance in Adults

Associations of reinforcement sensitivity theory personality constructs, cognitive biases for negative and threatening social information, and social anxiety

Associations of UPPS-P negative urgency and positive urgency with ADHD dimensions: Moderation by lack of premeditation and lack of perseverance in men and women

Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling of the factor structure of the Social Thoughts and Beliefs Scale (STABS)

  • Book Chapters

Efficacy of a Digital Mental Health Biopsychosocial Transdiagnostic Intervention With or Without Therapist Assistance for Adults With Anxiety and Depression: Adaptive Randomized Controlled Trial

Evaluation of Various Support Intensities of Digital Mental Health Treatment for Reducing Anxiety and Depression in Adults: Protocol for a Mixed Methods, Adaptive, Randomized Clinical Trial

Factor Structure of the Symptoms of Alcohol Use, Gaming, and Gambling Addictions

Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality Questionnaire: Measurement and Structural Invariance Across Age and Gender Groups

Therapist training in video chat technology for use in an adaptive digital mental health intervention: Challenges, facilitators and implications for training models

Video Chat Therapist Assistance in an Adaptive Digital Intervention for Anxiety and Depression: Reflections From Participants and Therapists

Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling of the factor structure of the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy (QCAE)

Inter-relationships between ADHD, ODD and impulsivity dimensions in emerging adults revealed by network analysis: extending the ‘trait impulsivity hypothesis’

Network analyses of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) symptoms in children

Personality Inventory for DSM–5-Brief Form (PID-5-BF): Measurement Invariance Across Men and Women

A preliminary investigation of the effect of ethical labeling and moral self-image on the expected and perceived flavor and aroma of beer

Ethical labelling has been shown to influence taste/flavour perception. Across two experiments,...

ROC Analyses of Relevant Conners 3–Short Forms, CBCL, and TRF Scales for Screening ADHD and ODD

Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to examine and compare the diagnostic...

Unique Associations of Revised-Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Constructs with Social Anxiety

Revised reinforcement sensitivity theory (r-RST) is a major neuropsychological theory of...

Associations of behavioral inhibition system with negatively biased social cognitions: Moderation by the behavioral approach system

Using the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and behavioral approach system (BAS) subscales of...

Happy Hour? A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Induced Joviality and Sadness on Beer Perception

Our emotions influence our perception. In order to determine whether emotion influences the...

Measurement Invariance Across Adult Self-Ratings of Current and Retrospective Childhood ADHD Symptoms

This study examined measurement invariance across adult self-ratings of current and retrospective...

Personality inventory for DSM-5, Brief Form: Factor structure, reliability, and coefficient of congruence

The Personality Inventory for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth...

Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality Questionnaire: Factor Structure Based on CFA and ESEM, and Associations with ADHD

Revised reinforcement sensitivity theory (r-RST) of personality is a major neuropsychological...

The influence of training and expertise on the multisensory perception of beer: A review

This review critically evaluates the literature documenting the impact of training on people's...

Peters ET Al.’s (2012) Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale Short Forms: Support for a Bifactor Model and Measurement Invariance across Gender

  • Book Chapters

"The loss was traumatic... some healthcare providers added to that": Women's experiences of miscarriage

Background: Miscarriage is a common event in Australia and is estimated to occur in up to one in...

The visual appearance of beer: A review concerning visually-determined expectations and their consequences for perception

This review critically evaluates the literature concerning the impact of visual appearance cues...

Bifactor model of WISC-IV: Applicability and measurement invariance in low and normal IQ groups

This study examined the applicability and measurement invariance of the bifactor model of the 10...

Cloninger's personality dimensions and ADHD: A meta-analytic review

A meta-analysis of up to 20 datasets is reported that examined the relationships between...

Confirmatory factor analysis of the combined social phobia scale and social interaction anxiety scale: Support for a bifactor model

For the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) together, this...

Glass shape influences the flavour of beer

It is often said that our perception of wine varies as a function of the receptacle in which it...

The Shame and Guilt Scales of the Test of Self-Conscious Affect-Adolescent (TOSCA-A): Factor Structure, Concurrent and Discriminant Validity, and Measurement and Structural Invariance Across Ratings of Males and Females

This study examined various psychometric properties of the items comprising the shame and guilt...

Interrelationships of the Rothbart's temperament model constructs with revised-reinforcement sensitivity theory constructs

Relationships between the constructs in Rothbart's temperament model and the...

Maternal fatigue, parenting self-efficacy, and overreactive discipline during the early childhood years: A test of a mediation model

BackgroundFatigue is common among mothers of infants and young children and associated with a...

Structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition in a Group of Children with ADHD

Objective: This study used confirmatory factor analysis to examine the factor structure for the...

The Shame and Guilt Scales of the Test of Self-Conscious Affect-Adolescent (TOSCA-A): Psychometric Properties for Responses from Children, and Measurement Invariance Across Children and Adolescents

This study examined various psychometric properties of the items comprising the shame and guilt...

The effects of playing Nintendo Wii on depression, sense of belonging and social support in Australian aged care residents: a protocol study of a mixed methods intervention trial

Background: The proportion of people aged 65 or older is the fastest growing age group worldwide....

Emotional Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Elevated Depressive Symptoms

Difficulties with emotion and its regulation are of central importance to the etiology and course...

Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Youth: A Research Update on Aetiological Factors

  • Journals