Dr Sharon McDonough is a researcher in initial teacher education and ongoing teacher development with advanced disciplinary knowledge of sociocultural theories of teacher emotion, resilience and wellbeing. Dr McDonough brings these to explore how best to prepare and support teachers for entry into the profession, how to support the professional learning of teachers and teacher educators across their careers, and how to support wellbeing in learning communities.
Sharon’s research expertise lies in methods of phenomenology and self-study; however, she also draws from mixed-methods approaches in her work. She has expertise in writing and editing as evidenced through her publication of multiple edited books and journal articles and through her invited seminars on writing for publication. She is co-author of the recent text Building and Sustaining a Teaching Career: Strategies for professional experience, wellbeing and mindful practice (Cambridge, 2020).
Exploring Time as a Resource for Wellness in Higher Education: Identity, Self-care and Wellbeing at Work
Interstate dialogues: Chronicles of rhythms of time and the art of self-care of a mobile academic
Making teacher educators experiences visible: seeing inside the hopeful and ambiguous dimensions of practice
Reconceptualising our relationship with time to enhance self-care and wellbeing in higher education
Stretched very thin: the impact of COVID-19 on teachers work lives and well-being
A Study of Teacher Educators' Work: Complexity and Confrontation
Creative research methods in a digital world: Problem-solving and collaboration in research
Fabric: The Map of Our Lives
"I Feel Like Nothing Else Will Ever Be This Hard": The Dimensions of Teacher Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Text, twitter and tweet
A comparative study investigating the enablers and barriers facing teacher educators in a regional university: Snapshots from 2013 and 2020
A gendered therapeutic learning landscape: Responding creatively to a pandemic
CREATING CARE-FULL COMMUNITIES AFTER COVID: Supporting Care as a Strategy for Wellbeing in Teacher Education
Daring Not to Lead: A Poetic self-study Examining the Tensions of Teacher Educator Identity
Making mindful moments: Made artefacts as a form of data visualisation to monitor and respond to self-care and wellbeing
Stepping into a shared vulnerability: Creating and promoting a space for self-care and wellbeing in higher education
Text, Twitter and Tweet: Literacy assessment
Ties That Bind or Exclude? Knitting and Craft Groups as Contested Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion
If Not Now, Then When? Wellbeing and Wholeheartedness in Education
The COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and political and social movements have required each...
Text, twitter and tweet: Literacies of our learners
Text, Twitter and Tweet: Literacy learning during COVID-19: Reading and learning from home
Building and Sustaining a Teaching Career; Strategies for Professional Experience, Wellbeing and Mindful Practice
Professional experience in initial teacher education programs can be both a challenging and...
Endings and Beginnings: Reflections on Crafting and Mothering
Front Matter: Part I: Foundations: It bends, but does not break
Front Matter: Part III: Future Directions: Time and transformation
Front matter: Part II, Implementation and applications: Tether Lines
Navigating Changing Times: Exploring Teacher Educator Experiences of Resilience
Text, twitter and tweet: Building connections
Text, twitter and tweet: Literacy as power: students as active empowered learners
Text, twitter and tweet: Tackling talk: oral language development
Thinking Dispositions for Teaching: Enabling and Supporting Resilience in Context
Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education
Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education
This book examines the nuanced and situated experiences of self-study researchers. It explores...
Text, twitter and tweet: Authors that move and inspire us
The "Wicked Problem" of Ethics in Self-Study Research: Dominant, Silent and Marginalised Discourses
Thinking dispositions as a resource for resilience in the gritty reality of learning to teach
While there is agreement that dispositions and resilience enable teachers to negotiate the...
Who owns this data? using dialogic reflection to examine an ethically important moment
There has been growing use of reflective practice as a means for examining ethically important...
A Glitch in the Machine or a Glimmer of What Could Be? Mindfulness as Resistance in Higher Education
The work of academics in higher education institutions is widely recognised as having intensified...
Building resilience in times of uncertainty and complexity: Teacher educator perceptions of pre-service teacher resilience
An emphasis on teacher quality in Australia has resulted in many changes in teacher education...
Inside the mentors' experience: Using poetic representation to examine the tensions of mentoring pre-service teachers
The supervision and mentoring of pre-service teachers during professional experience is complex...
Mindfully Living and Working in the Academy: Continuing the Conversation
As scholars and administrators in higher education institutions begin to implement mindfulness...
Mindfulness in the academy: An examination of mindfulness perspectives
In a complex and demanding higher education, environment wellness for scholars is an ethical...
Mindfulness in the Academy: Practices and Perspectives from Scholars
This book focuses on the way academics understand, embrace and enact the concepts of mindfulness...
Pedagogical Confrontations as a Lens for Reflective Practice in Teacher Education
Being a teacher educator is a complex endeavour and it is through systematic, and evidence-based...
Self-care for academics: a poetic invitation to reflect and resist
In newspapers and blogs, on Twitter, and in academic papers, stories of struggling academics...
Teaching and learning in the museum space: Developing a model for transformational partnerships in teacher education
Museums offer valuable opportunities for school students to learn about the Humanities and Social...
Text, twitter and tweet: Moving away from the Margins
Text, twitter and tweet: Reflecting on reading
Text, Twitter and tweet: Writing the greatest stories ever
Developing international partnerships for teacher education through digital platforms: possibilities for transformational partnership
As a vital element of continuing teacher professional learning, the development of international...
'Struck by the Way Our Bodies Conveyed So Much': A Collaborative Self-Study of our Developing Understanding of Embodied Pedagogies
Embodied pedagogies offer methodological and pedagogical possibilities for exploring and...
Taking a Return to School: Using Self-Study to Learn about Teacher Educator Practice Regresando a la escuela: El uso del self-study para aprender sobre la práctica de la formación de profesores
The work of teacher educators is complex and multifaceted and requires knowledge of pedagogy and...
Text, twitter and tweet: Digital Literacies
Text, twitter and tweet: Wonderment in literacy learning
Using critical incidents to reflect on Teacher Educator Practice
The purpose of this chapter is twofold – first, to examine the ways in which critical incident...
Writing Groups in the Digital Age: A case study analysis of Shut Up & Write Tuesdays
Social media writing groups are an emerging phenomenon in the academic world. Combining the...
Activating teaching dispositions in carefully constructed contexts: Examining the impact of classroom intensives
The current policy stance in Australia which seeks to produce ‘classroom ready’ teachers...
All brain and still no body: Moving towards a pedagogy of embodiment in teacher education
We are four teacher educators who are interested in the role of emotions and embodiment in...
From pedagogical confrontations to pedagogical invitations: A Self-study of Teacher Educator Practice
For teacher educators, ethical dilemmas, tensions and ‘pedagogical confrontations’...
Playing, moving and shifting: Finding your academic voice.
Teacher Education: Innovation, Intervention and Impact
Teacher education research and the policy reform agenda
Research into teacher education is an Australian government high priority and teacher educators...
Using ethical mapping for exploring two professional dilemmas in initial teacher education
Professional experience placements are recognised as a critical element in initial teacher...
Embodied approaches to S-STEP research into teacher education emotion.
Rewriting the Script of Mentoring Pre-Service Teachers in Third Space: Exploring Tensions of Loyalty, Obligation and Advocacy
Supporting pre-service teachers as they develop their understandings of teaching, learning and...
Editorial: Learning the business of teacher education research: Editorial work as capacity building
Learning to think like a teacher educator : Pedagogy , practice and performance
The rapid pace of change and reform in education requires teachers to be both the subjects and...
Examining Assumptions About Teacher Educator Identities by Self-study of the Role of Mentor of Pre-service Teachers
Experiences Of Tunnel Vision: Learning About Teacher Educator Identities Through Studying Mentor Roles