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Professor Robyn Brandenburg


Head of Primary & Early Childhood Teacher Education


Academic Operations - IEAC


Mt Helen Campus, Online

Contact Robyn


Robyn Brandenburg is a Professor in Education in the Institute of Education, Arts and Community (IEAC) at Federation University Australia. She is a past president of the Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA). Robyn is recognised for outstanding contributions to teacher education and received a prestigious Fulbright Scholar Award in 2020, recognising her international research excellence and leadership.

Dr Brandenburg’s research focuses on teacher shortages and teacher attrition; learning and teaching in teacher education; mathematics education and feedback, and reflective practice to enhance learning and teaching outcomes. She is engaged in researching the fusion of arts-based research with data science in Teacher Education, and with colleagues, is exploring new pedagogical knowledge and insights.  She is currently leading the National Research Project, “I left the teaching profession … and this is what I am doing now”: A National Study of Teacher Attrition.

Dr Brandenburg is an Executive member and Chapter lead of the Australian Association for University Professors (AAUP) and is the Victorian State Representative on the community of Associate Deans Research (cADRE).

For more details and information, please see Dr Brandenburg's staff profile:

Former teachers' perceptions of post-teaching career job satisfaction: lessons for the profession

'I left the teaching profession...and this is what I am doing now': a national study of teacher attrition

Making teacher educators experiences visible: seeing inside the hopeful and ambiguous dimensions of practice

Putting a stake in the ground: the development of a Professional Ethical Framework for Australian Academics

Putting a stake in the ground: the development of a Professional Ethical Framework for Australian Academics

A Study of Teacher Educators' Work: Complexity and Confrontation

Experienced teacher educators hunting assumptions to examine their pedagogy: An international collaborative study

'More than Marking and Moderation': A Self-Study of Teacher Educator Learning through Engaging with Graduate Teaching Performance Assessment

Navigating the neo-academy: Experiences of liminality and identity construction among early career researchers at one Australian regional university

Teachers now: Why I left and where Ive gone

  • CW - 1. Original Creative Work

A comparative study investigating the enablers and barriers facing teacher educators in a regional university: Snapshots from 2013 and 2020

The genesis, development and implementation of an interdisciplinary university Cross-School Research Group

Collaboratively designing a national, mandated teaching performance assessment in a multi-university consortium: Leadership, dispositions and tensions

Enacting a pedagogy of reflection in initial teacher education using critical incident identification and examination: a self-study of practice

This article examines what it means for a teacher educator to enact a pedagogy of reflective...

I started letting the teachers in: what factors contribute to successful educational outcomes for disengaged young adults?

This paper identifies and examines the narratives of the lived experience of young adults who had...

Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education

Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education

This book examines the nuanced and situated experiences of self-study researchers. It explores...

Self- Study in Mathematics teacher education

Self-study of teacher education practices is aimed at improvement of teacher education. Given the...

The "Wicked Problem" of Ethics in Self-Study Research: Dominant, Silent and Marginalised Discourses

Who owns this data? using dialogic reflection to examine an ethically important moment

There has been growing use of reflective practice as a means for examining ethically important...

Data Praxis: Teacher educators using data to inform and enhance pre-service teacher mathematics.

This paper explores how data can shape and enhance mathematics learning and teaching in an...

  • Journals

Pedagogical Confrontations as a Lens for Reflective Practice in Teacher Education

Being a teacher educator is a complex endeavour and it is through systematic, and evidence-based...

Shedding Light on our Assumptions

We are an international collaborative of self-study researchers who have begun work together to...

  • Conference Proceedings

Shedding light on our practices: Four assumption hunters on a quest

  • Book Chapters

Reflective Theory and Practice in Teacher Education.

This book offers a detailed examination of reflective practice in teacher education. In the...

Toward Transformative Reflective Practice in Teacher Education

This chapter advances the contention raised throughout the book, that reflective practice,...

Using critical incidents to reflect on Teacher Educator Practice

The purpose of this chapter is twofold – first, to examine the ways in which critical incident...

From pedagogical confrontations to pedagogical invitations: A Self-study of Teacher Educator Practice

For teacher educators, ethical dilemmas, tensions and ‘pedagogical confrontations’...

  • Book Chapters

Images of teaching: Discourses within which pre-service teachers construct their professional identity as a teacher upon entry to teacher education courses

Teacher Education: Innovation, Intervention and Impact

Teacher education research and the policy reform agenda

Research into teacher education is an Australian government high priority and teacher educators...

Competence, Confidence and Attitudes as factors in Mathematics Learning and Teaching for Pre-service Teachers

  • Book Chapters

Tandem research: Analysis as data for self-study research

  • Conference Proceedings

An Aboriginal Pathway to Learning: My Story

Bonnie Fagan is Manager of the Aboriginal Education Program at University of Ballarat. Although a...

Environmental science and experiential learning : A conversation

Peter Gell is Professor of Environmental Science and Associate Dean (Research) in the School of...

Pedagogies for the future

Pedagogies for the Future: Leading Quality Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Pedagogies for the Future illustrates a unique and exciting endeavor whereby a group of academics...

When their experience meets ours : Learning about teaching through reflection and student voice

To fully understand the impact of learning and teaching within the current university context, we...

Examining Assumptions About Teacher Educator Identities by Self-study of the Role of Mentor of Pre-service Teachers

Experiences Of Tunnel Vision: Learning About Teacher Educator Identities Through Studying Mentor Roles

  • Conference Proceedings

Rattling the Cage: Moving beyond ethical standards to ethical praxis in self-study research

The ethical practice underpinning self-study research has been addressed extensively in the...

Three Ethical Dilemmas in Self-Study Research: Ambiguities of Confidentiality

  • Conference Proceedings

How Students Teach You to Learn: Using Roundtable Reflective Inquiry to Enhance a Mathematics Teacher Educator's Teaching and Learning

Transcribing the unsaid: finding silence in a self-study

Self-study is an emerging methodology in researching teacher education, and central to the...

Engaging with ethical praxis: A study of ethical issues arising from self-study research

  • Conference Proceedings

Assumption Interrogation: An Insight into a Self-Study Researcher's Pedagogical Frame

  • Book Chapters

Caught in the middle: tensions rise when teachers and students relinquish algorithms

  • Conference Proceedings

Using a Concept Cartoon to Gain Insight Into Children's Calculation Strategies

  • Journals

Pathways to Change in Teacher Education: Dialogue, Diversity and Self-Study

  • Conference Proceedings

Powerful Pedagogy

  • Book

Understanding the unsaid: Deconstructing silence and reconstructing self

  • Conference Proceedings

Self-study as a means of understanding and embracing the complexities of (re)learning as a teacher educator

  • Conference Proceedings

Reflective practice as a means of identifying and challenging assumptions about learning and teaching: A self-study.

  • Conference Proceedings

Roundtable reflections: (Re)defining the role of the teacher educator and the pre-service teacher as 'co-learners'

This paper is an account of one aspect of a self-study - the 'roundtable reflections' - conducted...

  • Journals

Passions in the field: Initial student responses to a field placement initiative

  • Conference Proceedings