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Professor Robert Wallis

Professor, Research Development

Institute of Health and Wellbeing


Institute of Health and Wellbeing


Mt Helen Campus, Online


Professor Rob Wallis’s research interests include mammalian physiology, vertebrate ecology, wildlife management, environmental education and sustainable development. Dr Wallis has special interests in native mammals and their ecology and conservation management.

Rob’s recent research has included historical reports of mammals no longer present in south-west Victoria, use of raptors to manage pest bird populations, and use of Maremma dogs to manage foxes that prey on Little Penguins.

Rob is Professor of Research Development and Chair of the Animal Ethics Committee at Federation University Australia. Previously, he held various positions including Head of School, Ecology and Environment and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Rural and Rural Engagement at Deakin University and its predecessor institutions, where he worked for 35 years. He has been involved in native mammal research since 1968 and held executive positions in various scientific societies that deal with mammals and their conservation and management.

Edward Alexander Vidler: book-man and naturalist

  • Journals

James Dawson's muurang and yaakar

  • Journals

Teaching Sustainability in Australian Schools

Using birds of prey to manage pest bird flocks under lethal and non-lethal conditions A review

Animal ethics in biology teaching and research in selected Asian countries

Henry Watts - more on his life, vicissitudes, diatoms & seaweeds

  • Journals

Nature Study in Australia Past, Present and a Desirable Future

The Broad-toothed Rat 'Mastacomys fuscus' in Victoria: An update on research, occurrence records and future threats

  • Journals

The Need for Education about Threats to Biodiversity and Loss of Ecosystem Function in the Corporate Sector

Enhancing Sustainable Development on Land: Using birds of prey to disperse flocks of native birds that threaten resource use and human activities

  • Conference Proceedings

Using Live Animals in Biology Teaching and Research - a Comparison between Australia and Japan

  • Journals

Using live animals in teaching

  • Journals

Henry watts (1828-1889): 'the pioneer of freshwater phycology in victoria'

  • Journals

Historical reports of quolls in Victoria's south-west

  • Journals

The Little Penguin at Middle Island, Warrnambool

  • Journals

The Little Penguin in Warrnambool and the significance of Middle Island

  • Journals

Maremma guardian dogs to protect Little Penguins

  • Journals

Tower Hill and the role of the Warrnambool Field Naturalists Club in its restoration

  • Journals

Using raptors to disperse pest birds in Victoria

Birds are considered to be pests when they damage infrastructure and crops as well as being a...

  • Journals

When can raptors be cost-effective in dispersing pest birds?

  • Journals

Historical reports of Common (Bare-nosed) Wombats 'Vombatus ursinus' in the Warrnambool area, Victoria

The Common or Bare-nosed Wombat 'Vombatus ursinus' was once widespread in south-eastern...

  • Journals

The little penguin Eudyptula minor on middle island, warrnambool, victoria: An update on population size and predator management

Maremma guardian dogs have been protecting Little Penguins Eudyptula minor from canid predation...

  • Journals

Successful protection against predation on Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) in Australia using maremma guardian dogs: 'The Warrnambool Method'

The Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) is the world’s smallest penguin, weighing up to 1.2 kg. It...

  • Journals

Koalas Phascolarctos cinereus in Framlingham Forest, south-west Victoria: introduction, translocation and the effects of a bushfire

Koalas were introduced into Framlingham Forest, south-west Victoria, in 1971 and the population...

  • Journals

Biology Education in the Future

  • Book Chapters

The diet of powerful owls (Ninox strenua) and prey availability in a continuum of habitats from disturbed urban fringe to protected forest environments in south-eastern Australia