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Mr. Robert Teese

Lecturer - Psychology




Mt Helen Campus, Online

Prospective associations between traditional masculinity and cannabis, hard drug, and alcohol use in Australian emerging adult men

Emotion-driven problem behaviour: The predictive utility of positive and negative urgency

An Investigation of Alternative Factor Models of Impulsivity using the UPPS-P

The UPPS-P measures impulsivity as a five-factor construct (lack of premeditation, lack of...

Prospective associations between hegemonic masculinity and incident depression/depressive symptoms: Results from a national sample of Australian emerging adult men

Emerging adulthood is associated with several freedoms and opportunities, but is also a period of...

UPPS-P facets of impulsivity and alcohol use patterns in college and noncollege emerging adults

Background: Alcohol use and related problems reach a peak in emerging adulthood. Impulsivity is a...

Predicting Problem Gambling in Australian Adults Using a Multifaceted Model of Impulsivity

Impulsivity is a factor that has been linked strongly to problem gambling; however,...

Masculine identity negotiation in everyday australian life: An ethno-discursive study in a gym setting

Identity formation and negotiation is a key contributor to the health and wellbeing of men and...

Prior exposure to words in meaningful conceptual hierarchies improves recall of randomly arranged words

  • Book Chapters

Predicting Recklessness in Emerging Adults: A Test of a Pyschosocial Model

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