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Dr. Robert Davis

Senior Lecturer, Education

Bachelor of Education (Primary)


Academic Operations - IEAC


Mt Helen Campus, Online


Dr Rob Davis’s principal area of expertise is science and technology education in primary schools. Dr Davis is able to provide advice to interested parties on the development and implementation of classroom programs in these areas, utilising both his research and extensive teaching experience.

Rob’s primary research interests are in the field of technology education, but he also undertakes research in other curriculum areas, such as science, studies of society and environment, and mathematics. Recently he has been researching the use of asynchronous videos in online teaching contexts. He has written many refereed journal articles and contributed to refereed conference proceedings in his areas of expertise.

Rob is also currently a member of research teams investigating program support teacher preparation and experiences while at university and on professional experience. He is Senior Lecturer in education at Federation University Australia.

Mentoring for pre-service teachers and the use of inquiry-oriented feedback

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of feedback offered by school mentors...

Narrative Pedagogies in Science, Mathematics and Technology

Despite years of research, there remains serious concern regarding the engagement of students in...

Negotiating the dilemmas of community-based learning in teacher education

The Technological Narrative of a Teaching and Learning Space

  • Conference Proceedings

Can Twenty Years of Technology Education assist 'Grass Roots' Syllabus Implementation?

Teachers' informed acceptance of challenges associated with teaching technology might ensure the...

OK, please just tell us what to do: The challenge of freedom in teacher education

  • Conference Proceedings

Racetrack mapping: Engaging students in mathematics and geography

  • Journals

Structuring technology education for pre-service teachers

  • Conference Proceedings

Towards a pedagogy of group work

  • Journals

Can twenty years of technology education assist 'grass roots' syllabus implementation?

  • Conference Proceedings

Teacher change in response to student learning in technology

  • Conference Proceedings

Using a model of technology activity in the primary classroom

  • Conference Proceedings

Perceptions of curriculum implementation needs in design and technology

  • Conference Proceedings

The narrative in technology

  • Conference Proceedings

Elementary school students' understandings of technology concepts

  • Journals