Exploring Adolescent Lucid Dreams: A Pathway to Learning, Growth, and Mental Well-Being
Health and wellbeing of staff working at higher education institutions globally during the post-COVID-19 pandemic period: evidence from a cross-sectional study
Previous education experience impacts student expectation and initial experience of transitioning into higher education
Psychometrics' Properties of Sports Commitment Questionnaire-2 among Racquet Sports Athletes in Malaysia
Reimagining the Coach-Athlete-Environment Relationships in the Digital Communications Era
Sleep and lucid dreaming in adolescent athletes and non-athletes
Sport students experiences of teaching and learning in the United Kingdom: A comparison between further and higher education settings
That's out! How expert umpires make leg-before-wicket judgements in cricket
Caffeine does not influence persistent inward current contribution to motoneuron firing
Coaches' Use of Remote Coaching: Experiences From Paralympic Sport
Coaching and talent development in esports: a theoretical framework and suggestions for future research
Correction to: The effects of α‑lactalbumin supplementation and handgrip contraction on soleus motoneuron excitability (European Journal of Applied Physiology, (2023), 123, 2, (395-404), 10.1007/s00421-022-05101-3)
Effects of a-lactalbumin on strength, fatigue and psychological parameters: a randomised double-blind cross-over study
Teaching efficacy of undergraduate PE students; what are the key predictors and what can PE educators learn from this?
Terminology matters: defining the esports athlete
The Effectiveness of Lucid Dreaming Practice on Waking Task Performance: A Scoping Review of Evidence and Meta-Analysis
The Effectiveness of Online Mental Health First Aid Training in Community Rugby: A Mixed-Methods Approach
The effects of a-lactalbumin supplementation and handgrip contraction on soleus motoneuron excitability
The influence of an esports-adapted coping effectiveness training (E-CET) on resilience, mental health, and subjective performance among elite league of Legends players: A pilot study
Undertaking the personal tutoring role with sports students at a United Kingdom university
Validation of the Interpersonal Regulation Questionnaire in sports: measuring emotion regulation via social processes and interactions
XR Programmers Give Their Perspective on How XR Technology can be Effectively Utilised in High-Performance Sport
Aging and Driving: A Comparison of Driving Performance Between Older and Younger Drivers in an On-Road Driving Test
A Narrative Review of the Current State of Extended Reality Technology and How it can be Utilised in Sport
A qualitative analysis of the perceived determinants of success in elite esports athletes
Examining the Impact of School Esports Program Participation on Student Health and Psychological Development
Home advantage and LBW decisions: The contribution of umpiring to the home-ground (dis)advantage in cricket
Longitudinal analysis of stressors, stress, coping and coping effectiveness in elite esports athletes
No expectation bias in elite-level cricket umpires’ leg-before-wicket (LBW) decisions according to batting order position
Perceived Stressors Experienced by Competitive Esports Athletes
Reliability of the ICECAP-O Quality of Life Scale With Community-Dwelling People With Dementia
Short-Term Effect of Additional Daily Dietary Fibre Intake on Appetite, Satiety, Gastrointestinal Comfort, Acceptability, and Feasibility
Adherence to the class-based component of a tai chi exercise intervention for people living with dementia and their informal carers
Exploration of the Specificity of Motor Skills Hypothesis in 7-8 Year Old Primary School Children: Exploring the Relationship Between 12 Different Motor Skills From Two Different Motor Competence Test Batteries
Exploring English Youth Academy Footballer' Experiences through Role Strain Theory
Motivational strategies to improve adherence to physical activity in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
People living with dementia and their family carers’ adherence to home-based Tai Chi practice
Practical and clinical approaches using pacing to improve self-regulation in special populations such as children and people with mental health or learning disabilities
Psychometric Properties of the ICECAP-O Quality of Life Measurement Tool When Self-reported by Community-dwelling Older People with Mild and Moderate Dementia
Run-up strategies in competitive long jumping: How an ecological dynamics rationale can support coaches to design individualised practice tasks
Social Support, Self-Regulation, and Psychological Skill Use in E-Athletes
The role of elite coaches’ expertise in identifying key constraints on long jump performance: how practice task designs can enhance athlete self-regulation in competition
An investigation of expertise in cycling: Eye tracking, Think Aloud and the influence of a competitor
Development of a Scale to Measure Social Capital in Recreation and Sport Clubs
Influence of Expertise on the Visual Control Strategies of Athletes During Competitive Long Jumping
Inter sport transfer: experiences of high performing Australian adolescent athletes
Leading us to be active: A two-wave test of relationships between identity leadership, group identification, and attendance
Role of a Ketogenic Diet on Body Composition, Physical Health, Psychosocial Well-Being and Sports Performance in Athletes: A Scoping Review
Role strain theory: Applicability in understanding developmental experiences of international junior acrobatic gymnasts
Stress and Coping in Esports and the Influence of Mental Toughness
The association between esports participation, health and physical activity behaviour
The effect of an 8 week prescribed exercise and low-carbohydrate diet on cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in obese individuals: A randomised controlled trial
The PAPHIO study protocol: a randomised controlled trial with a 2 x 2 crossover design of physical activity adherence, psychological health and immunological outcomes in breast cancer survivors
When in doubt, it's not out: Match format is associated with differences in elite-level cricket umpires’ leg-before-wicket decisions
Acceptability of a Dyadic Tai Chi intervention for older people living with dementia and their informal carers
A path analysis of adolescent athletes' perceived stress reactivity, competition appraisals, emotions, coping, and performance satisfaction
Changes in cognition over a 16.1 km cycling time trial using Think Aloud protocol: Preliminary evidence
Cold water immersion attenuates anabolic signaling and skeletal muscle fiber hypertrophy, but not strength gain, following whole-body resistance training
Confirmation of psychometric properties of the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale for Children (MSRS-C)
Leaders' creation of shared identity impacts group members' effort and performance: Evidence from an exercise task
Social identification, exercise participation, and positive exercise experiences: Evidence from parkrun
The utility of Role Strain Theory in facilitating our understanding of elite adolescent golfers developmental trajectories
Validating a self-report measure of student athletes' perceived stress reactivity: Associations with heart-rate variability and stress appraisals
Validation of a multidirectional locomotive dual-task paradigm to evaluate task-related differences in event-related electro-cortical activity
Domain specific life satisfaction in the dual careers of Junior Elite football players: The impact of role strain
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on gait in people with Parkinson's disease: Study protocol for a randomized, controlled clinical trial
eSport: Friend or Foe?
Expertise-related differences in the performance of simple and complex tasks: an event-related potential evaluation of futsal players
Goal orientation and the presence of competitors influence cycling performance
Influence of Coaches Behaviour on Elite Volleyball Players' Motivational Climate and Performance Satisfaction
Investigating the relationship between cognitions, pacing strategies and performance in 16.1 km cycling time trials using a think aloud protocol
Leaders promote attendance in sport and exercise sessions by fostering social identity
Older Adults’ Perceptions of a Novel Outdoor Exercise Initiative: A Qualitative Analysis
Outdoor physical activity for older people—the senior exercise park: Current research, challenges and future directions
Physical activity and breast cancer survivors: Importance of adherence, motivational interviewing and psychological health
The mediating role of coping between competitive anxiety and sport commitment in adolescent athletes
Type D personality, stress, coping and performance on a novel sport task
A Novel Exercise Initiative for Seniors to Improve Balance and Physical Function
A Social Identity Approach to Understanding and Promoting Physical Activity
Cold-water immersion and contrast water therapy: No improvement of short-term recovery after resistance training
Effectiveness of a 16 week gymnastics curriculum at developing movement competence in children
Familiarization protocol influences reproducibility of 20-km cycling time-trial performance in novice participants
No influence of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on exercise-induced pain and 5-Km cycling time-trial performance
Objective assessment of movement competence in children using wearable sensors: An instrumented version of the TGMD-2 locomotor subtest
Relationships between self perceptions and physical activity behaviour, fear of falling, and physical function among older adults
Self-determined motivation in rehabilitating professional rugby union players
Social sport and exercise psychology
The Impact of Gymnastics on Children’s Physical Self-Concept and Movement Skill Development in Primary Schools
The impacts of discriminatory experiences on lesbian, gay and bisexual people in sport
The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale for adolescent athletes
What is trained develops! theoretical perspective on skill learning
Working memory capacity limits motor learning when implementing multiple instructions
A holistic measurement model of movement competency in children
An acute bout of exercise improves the cognitive performance of older adults
Children's perspectives on the effectiveness of the Playing for Life philosophy in an afterschool sports program
Cycling in the absence of task-related feedback: Effects on pacing and performance
Development and initial validation of the Role Strain Questionnaire for Junior Athletes (RSQ-JA)
Effect of a non-dieting lifestyle randomised control trial on psychological well-being and weight management in morbidly obese pre-menopausal women
Evidence for skill level differences in the thought processes of golfers during high and low pressure situations
Light physical activity is positively associated with cognitive performance in older community dwelling adults
Psychometric properties of the movement-specific reinvestment scale for Chinese children
The influence of the social environment context in stress and coping in sport
Video Game Addiction, Engagement and Symptoms of Stress, Depression and Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Coping
A novel dynamic exercise initiative for older people to improve health and well-being: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Cross-cultural comparison of motor competence in children from Australia and Belgium
Do children emotionally rehearse about their body image?
Examination of the suitability of collecting in event cognitive processes using Think Aloud protocol in golf
Fundamental movement skills are more than run, throw and catch: The role of stability skills
Kinematic differences exist between transtibial amputee fallers and non-fallers during downwards step transitioning
Relationship between type-D personality, physical activity behaviour and climacteric symptoms
Stress, coping, coping effectiveness and emotions in Malaysian Elite tenpin bowlers: Role of context and importance
The Cortisol Awakening Response and Resilience in Elite Swimmers
The role of depressive symptomatology in peri- and post-menopause
Associations Between Behavior Regulation, Competence, Physical Activity, and Health for Adolescent Females
Background: This study investigated the association between the different types of behavior...
A Systematic Literature Review of Sport and Physical Activity Participation in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Migrant Populations
Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) migrants face significant health risks as they adapt...
Examining the role of parental self-regulation in family physical activity: A mixed-methods approach
From pre-elite to elite: The pathway travelled by adolescent golfers
How useful is the Rehearsal Scale for Children – Chinese in measuring emotional rehearsal in pre-adolescents of different ages?
Longitudinal changes in transtibial amputee gait characteristics when negotiating a change in surface height during continuous gait
Longitudinal kinematic and kinetic adaptations to obstacle crossing in recent lower limb amputees
Physical activity and mental health in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Physical activity behaviour in the tropics
Physical and immunological aspects of exercise in chronic diseases
The effects of relaxing music for anxiety control on competitive sport anxiety
To exercise, or, not to exercise, during menopause and beyond
Exploring individual differences in children's mathematical skills: A correlational and dimensional approach
Gender differences in stress, appraisal, and coping during golf putting
Pacing and awareness: Brain regulation of physical activity
Postural responses during volitional and perturbed dynamic balance tasks in new lower limb amputees: A longitudinal study
Temporal adaptations in generic and population-specific quality of life and falls efficacy in men with recent lower-limb amputations
The influence of a deliberate practice intervention on the putting performance and subsequent practice behaviours of aspiring elite adolescent golfers
The relationship between body image, physical activity, perceived health, and behavioural regulation among Year 7 and Year 11 girls from metropolitan and rural Australia
This study examined the relationship between educational year level, regional differences in...
Understanding the Contexts of Adolescent Female Participation in Sport and Physical Activity
Purpose: Participation in physical activity (PA) is reported to decline in adolescence,...
An explanation for the fallacy of facilitative anxiety: Stress, emotions, coping, andsubjective performance in sport
A path analysis of stress appraisals, emotions, coping, and performance satisfaction among athletes
Cognitive Appraisals in Sport: The Direct and Moderating Role of Mental Toughness
Effects of the Big Five personality dimensions on appraisal coping, and coping effectiveness in sport
Experiences of professional rugby union players returning to competition following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Gender differences in appraisal and coping: An examination of the situational and dispositional hypothesis
The effects of carbohydrate ingestion on the badminton serve after fatiguing exercise
The validity of retrospective recall in assessing practice regimes in golf
Type D personality and cardiovascular outcomes
Acute nonhypothermic exposure to cold impedes motor skill performance in video gaming compared to thermo-neutral and hot conditions
An exploration of the two-factor schematization of relation meaning and emotions among professional rugby union players
Daily L-leucine supplementation in novice trainees during a 12-week weight training program
Development of elite adolescent golfers
Factors associated with goals and goal scoring opportunities in professional soccer
Mental toughness, coping self-efficacy, and coping effectiveness among athletes
Mental toughness: Managerial and age differences
Overtraining during preseason: Stress and negative affective states among professional rugby union players
Pre-competitive confidence, coping, and subjective performance in sport
Relaxing music for anxiety control
The difference in kinematics of horses walking, trotting and cantering on a flat and banked 10 m circle
The fallacy of directional anxiety
Coping self-efficacy, pre-competitive anxiety, and subjective performance among athletes
Effects of various sodium bicarbonate loading protocols on the time-dependent extracellular buffering profile
Hull early walking aid for rehabilitation of transtibial amputees - Randomized controlled trial (HEART)
Lower limb kinematic and kinetic differences between transtibial amputee fallers and non-fallers
The facilitative nature of avoidance coping within sports injury rehabilitation
The mediating role of coping: A cross-sectional analysis of the relationship between coping self-efficacy and coping effectiveness among athletes
Type-D personality and body image in men: The role of exercise status
Type D personality, stress, and symptoms of burnout: The influence of avoidance coping and social support
Acute sport-related stressors, coping, and emotion among professional rugby union players during training and matches
Coping and coping effectiveness in relation to a competitive sport event: Pubertal status, chronological age, and gender among adolescent athletes
Effects of SAQ training and small-sided games on neuromuscular functioning in untrained subjects
Gait patterns in transtibial amputee fallers vs. non-fallers: Biomechanical differences during level walking
Kinematic gait adaptations in unilateral transtibial amputees during rehabilitation
Mental toughness in sport: Achievement level, gender, age, experience, and sport type differences
Mental toughness: Managerial and age differences
Mental toughness, stress, stress appraisal, coping and coping effectiveness in sport
Organisational Stressors, Coping, andCoping Effectiveness: A Longitudinal Study with an Elite Coach
Physical self-perceptions of adolescents in years 8, 9 and 10 in independent schools, state comprehensive schools and specialist sport colleges in England
Postural Responses to Dynamic Perturbations in Amputee Fallers Versus Nonfallers: A Comparative Study With Able-Bodied Subjects
Relative torque profiles of elite male youth footballers: Effects of age and pubertal development
Sport injury rehabilitation adherence: Perspectives of recreational athletes
Stress appraisals, coping, and coping effectiveness among international cross-country runners during training and competition
Stressors and affective states among professional rugby union players
ACL injury rehabilitation: A psychological case study of a professional rugby union player
Adherence to sport injury rehabilitation programs: An integrated psycho-social approach
Examining the Relationship Between Perceived Autonomy Support and Age in the Context of Rehabilitation Adherence in Sport
Mental toughness, optimism, pessimism, and coping among athletes
The lived experiences of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in relation to exercise
Think aloud: Acute stress and coping strategies during golf performances
Competitive anxiety in life savers and swimmers
Coping in sport: A systematic review
Criteria for determination of maximal oxygen uptake: A brief critique and recommendations for future research
Effective speed and agility conditioning methodology for random intermittent dynamic type sports
Effect of a single bout of exercise on the mood of pregnant women
Physical demands of different positions in FA Premier League soccer
Precompetitive state anxiety, objective and subjective performance, and causal attributions in competitive swimmers
Reliability of the Bloomfield Movement Classification
Short-term effects of a non-dieting lifestyle intervention program on weight management, fitness, metabolic risk, and psychological well-being in obese premenopausal females with the metabolic syndrome
Stressors, coping, and coping effectiveness: Gender, type of sport, and skill differences
The influence of game location and outcome on behaviour and mood states among professional rugby league players
Adherence to sport injury rehabilitation programmes: A conceptual review
Effects of sleep deprivation and exercise on cognitive, motor performance and mood
Mental toughness as a determinant of beliefs, pain, and adherence in sport injury rehabilitation
Stressors, coping, and coping effectiveness among professional rugby union players
Analysis of age, stature, body mass, BMI and quality of elite soccer players from 4 European Leagues
A phenomenological analysis of coping effectiveness in golf
Effects of score-line on intensity of play in midfield and forward players in FA Premier League
Stress and coping among international adolescent golfers
A cumulative stress and training continuum model: A multidisciplinary approach to unexplained underperformance syndrome
Effective conditioning of female soccer players
Relationship between psychological and biological factors for physical activity and exercise behaviour in Filipino students
The ‘Bloomfield Movement Classification’: Motion Analysis of Individual Players in Dynamic Movement Sports