Socially aversive dark traits and the drive for social connectedness
The dark triad, empathy, and motives to use social media
Do the metrics matter? An experimental investigation of Instagram influencer effects on mood and body dissatisfaction
Insta-identity: Dark personality traits as predictors of authentic self-presentation on Instagram
'Just checking': Vulnerable and grandiose narcissism subtypes as predictors of phubbing
More than a preference for online social interaction: Vulnerable narcissism and phubbing
This study was the first to examine whether the relationship between vulnerable narcissism and...
More than words: Using digital cues to enhance student perceptions of online assignment feedback
The impact of emoji use and feedback medium on perceptions of marker personality in online assessment feedback
The influence of textese on adolescents’ perceptions of text message writers
The Role of Individual Differences in Cyber Dating Abuse Perpetration
Accessibility and emotionality of online assessment feedback: Using emoticons to enhance student perceptions of marker competence and warmth
Dominance or deceit: The role of the Dark Triad and hegemonic masculinity in emotional manipulation
People may emotionally manipulate others in an attempt to control them and achieve personally...
Exploring anger as a moderator of narcissism and antisocial behaviour on tinder
In an attempt to address inconsistency in the literature regarding narcissism and online...
Inauthentic self-presentation on facebook as a function of vulnerable narcissism and lower self-esteem
This study was the first to delineate the role of grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism,...
'Just checking': Vulnerable and grandiose narcissism subtypes as predictors of phubbing
“Phubbing” (phone snubbing) refers to a set of behaviors where phone users focus on their mobile...
The dark side of emotional intelligence: the role of gender and the Dark Triad in emotional manipulation at work
Using Facebook to gain health information and support: How attitude, norms, and locus of control predict women's intentions
A risky investment? Examining the outcomes of emotional investment in Instagram
Masculinity might be more toxic than we think: The influence of gender roles on trait emotional manipulation
Previous research has established sex differences in emotional manipulation; specifically, men...
Student perceptions of marker personality and intelligence: The effect of emoticons in online assignment feedback
Netflix and Chill? What Sex Differences Can Tell Us About Mate Preferences in (Hypothetical) Booty-Call Relationships
The booty-call relationship is defined by both sexual characteristics and emotional involvement....
Self-ie love: Predictors of image editing intentions on Facebook
The dark side of emotion at work: Emotional manipulation in everyday and work place contexts
The Utility of the Health Belief Model Variables in Predicting Help-Seeking Intention for Anxiety Disorders
Thumbs up: A thematic analysis of image-based posting and liking behaviour on social media
Facebook as a source of social connectedness in older adults
Push or pull? Unpacking the social compensation hypothesis of Internet use in an educational context
Trolling on Tinder (and other dating apps): Examining the role of the Dark Tetrad and impulsivity
No longer conceptualised as only for the “desperate�, online dating offers many benefits over...
Unpacking the characteristics of Snapchat users: A preliminary investigation and an agenda for future research
Web of deceit: Relationships between the Dark Triad, perceived ability to deceive and cyberloafing
Assignments 2.0: The role of social presence and computer attitudes in student preferences for online versus offline marking
Employment testing online, offline, and over the phone: Implications for e-assessment
Social-economic theory and short-term mate preferences: The effects of gender roles and socioeconomic status
ObjectiveMen's and women's mate preferences in long-term relationships have been extensively...
The Psychological Benefits of Being Authentic on Facebook
Individual differences predicting social connectedness derived from Facebook: Some unexpected findings
Sex, sexual orientation, and the necessity of physical attractiveness and social level in long-term and short-term mates
In comparison to biological sex differences and mate preferences, differences in sexual...
Able and willing: Refining the measurement of emotional manipulation
Development and validation of a measure of cognitive and behavioural social self-efficacy
Face-to-face or face-to-screen? Undergraduates' opinions and test performance in classroom vs. Online learning
Predicting intentions to fake in psychological testing: Which normative beliefs are important?
Social Media as a Tool for Data Collection: Examining Equivalence of Socially Value-Laden Constructs
When Facebook is easier than face-to-face: Social support derived from Facebook in socially anxious individuals
Assessing the role of aggression, empathy, and self-serving cognitive distortions in trait emotional manipulation
Can social intelligence be measured? Psychometric properties of the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale - English Version
Cyberfaking: I can, so i will? Intentions to fake in online psychological testing
Does perceived ability to deceive=ability to deceive? Predictive validity of the perceived ability to deceive (PATD) scale
Face-to-face or Facebook: Can social connectedness be derived online?
Faked depression: Comparing malingering via the internet, pen-and-paper, and telephone administration modes
More of a (wo)man offline? Gender roles measured in online and offline environments
The increased availability of and access to the Internet has resulted in online psychological...
The Role of Personality, Psychopathy, and Previous Experience with Assessment in Intentions to Fake in Psychological Testing
Does online psychological test administration facilitate faking?
Mirror Mirror: The role of self-monitoring and sincerity in emotional manipulation
The emotional manipulation-psychopathy nexus: Relationships with emotional intelligence, alexithymia and ethical position
The role of fluid and emotional intelligence in malingering