Spam Email Categorization with NLP and Using Federated Deep Learning
AFES: An Advanced Forensic Evidence System
Cross-compiler bipartite vulnerability search
Open-source libraries are widely used in software development, and the functions from these...
Malware Variant Identification Using Incremental Clustering
Reanimating Historic Malware Samples
API Based Discrimination of Ransomware and Benign Cryptographic Programs
Ransomware is a widespread class of malware that encrypts files in a victim’s computer and...
Function Similarity Using Family Context
Finding changed and similar functions between a pair of binaries is an important problem in...
Identifying cross-version function similarity using contextual features
The identification of similar functions in malware assists analysis by supporting the exclusion...
Reanimating historic malware samples
Evolved similarity techniques in Malware Analysis
Malware authors are known to reuse existing code, this development process results in software...
A survey of similarities in banking malware behaviours
Banking malware are a class of information stealing malicious software that target the financial...
Mining malware secrets
Malware analysts, besides being tasked to create signatures, are also called upon to generate...
Anti-Analysis Trends in Banking Malware
Be careful who you trust: Issues with the public key infrastructure