Evaluation of tuberculin skin testing in tuberculosis contacts in Victoria, Australia, 2005-2013
The Association between Nursing Skill Mix and Patient Outcomes in a Mental Health Setting: An Observational Feasibility Study
Tuberculosis notifications in regional Victoria, Australia: Implications for public health care in a low incidence setting
Service User and Carer Views and Expectations of Mental Health Nurses: A Systematic Review
The Association between Nursing Skill Mix and Patient Outcomes in a Mental Health Setting: Protocol for an Observational Feasibility Study
What are the core competencies of a mental health nurse? A concept mapping study involving five stakeholder groups
TB contact tracing for young children: an Australian cascade of care review
Why has the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing stopped publishing registered reports?
The association between mental health nurse to registered nurse ratio and patient outcomes in psychiatric inpatient wards: Protocol for a systematic review
The association between nursing skill mix and mortality for adult medical and surgical patients: Protocol for a systematic review
The association between the mental health nurse-to-registered nurse ratio and patient outcomes in psychiatric inpatient wards: A systematic review
What are the core competencies of a mental health nurse? Protocol for a concept mapping study
'Know Your Epidemic': Are prisons a potential barrier to TB elimination in an Australian context?
Tuberculosis screening in an aged care residential facility in a low-incidence setting
Risk of active tuberculosis in the five years following infection ⋯ 15%?
The safety of nurses during the restraining of aggressive patients in an acute psychiatric unit