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Dr. Nicholas Schultz

Senior Lecturer, Environmental Science

Science 03


IISS - Operations


Mt Helen Campus, Online

Bioconcentration of pharmaceuticals by aquatic flora in an Australian river system

Disentangling Ecosystem Necromass Dynamics for Biodiversity Conservation

Exploring efficient techniques to decrease phosphorus levels in previously farmed land to promote the revival of indigenous grassland

Pharmaceutical pollution in marine waters and benthic flora of the southern Australian coastline

Relative contribution of photodegradation to litter breakdown in Australian grasslands

Transient shifts in composition of degraded temperate native grassland following grazing exclusion

A new perspective on Late Eocene and Oligocene vegetation and paleoclimates of South-eastern Australia

Biocrust Amendments to Topsoils Facilitate Biocrust Restoration in a Post-mining Arid Environment

Land-use legacies limit the effectiveness of switches in disturbance type to restore endangered grasslands

Temperate native grasslands in Australia have been decimated across their range since European...

Climate-mediated changes to grassland structure determine habitat suitability for the critically endangered plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus)

The critically endangered and iconic plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) is phylogenetically...

Soil reconstruction after mining fails to restore soil function in an Australian arid woodland

The biogeochemical properties of soils drive ecosystem function and vegetation dynamics, and...

Lower dormancy with rapid germination is an important strategy for seeds in an arid zone with unpredictable rainfall

Seed germination traits are key drivers of population dynamics, yet they are under-represented in...

Multivariate drivers of diversity in temperate Australian native grasslands

Disturbance has been considered essential for maintaining biodiversity in temperate grassy...

The risk-takers and -avoiders: Germination sensitivity to water stress in an arid zone with unpredictable rainfall

Water availability is a critical driver of population dynamics in arid zones, and plant...

Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity

Herbivores alter plant biodiversity (species richness) in many of the world’s ecosystems, but...

Systemic iron implants alleviate symptoms of Mundulla Yellows in roadside eucalypts in south east South Australia

Mundulla Yellows is a dieback disorder of trees (predominantly eucalypts) along roadsides in the...

The golf ball method for rapid assessment of grassland structure

A key task for native grassland managers is to assess when biomass reduction is necessary to...

Habitat specificity analyses reveal the importance of grazing refugia for plant diversity conservation in a warm-temperate grassy ecosystem

AimsThe effects of pastoralism on grassy vegetation are predicted to vary across spatial scales....

Broad-scale patterns in plant diversity vary between land uses in a variegated temperate Australian agricultural landscape

Plant diversity is threatened in many agricultural landscapes. Our understanding of patterns of...

Seasonal and interannual variation in vegetation composition: Implications for survey design and data interpretation

Understanding how vegetation composition varies with season and interannual climate variability...

Herbaceous vegetation response to grazing exclusion in patches and inter-patches in semi-arid pasture and woody encroachment

Semi-arid rangelands have strong feedbacks between vegetation and abiotic factors (rainfall and...

Effects of grazing exclusion on plant species richness and phytomass accumulation vary across a regional productivity gradient

Question: Does long-term grazing exclusion affect plant species diversity? And does this effect...