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Dr. Nathan Robinson

Senior Research Fellow, Soil Science

Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI)


Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI)


Mt Helen Campus, Online


Dr Nathan Robinson has a background in agricultural and environmental sciences with a focus on soil and landscape analysis and assessment. Dr Robinson has led research on proximal sensors and rapid sensing techniques to assess soil properties and links to crop yield.

Nathan has served in advisory roles to catchment management authorities and is an active member of the Australian Digital Soil Assessment Working Group, Geomorphology Reference Group of Victoria, Soil Science Australia, and the Royal Society of Victoria. He is currently focused on the advancement of spatial analysis to better understand the links of soil to agricultural production systems.

Nathan joined Federation University Australia in 2017 as a Senior Research Scientist in soil sciences. He completed his PhD in digital soil mapping at Federation University in 2016 and received the CG Stephens Medal for the best PhD thesis in soil science granted by an Australian university.

Munsell Soil Colour Prediction from the Soil and Soil Colour Book Using Patching Method and Deep Learning Techniques

A smart agriculture information system delivering research data for adoption by the Australian grains industry

Identification of high-performing soil groups in grazing lands using a multivariate analysis method

Analysis of Uncertainty in the Depth Profile of Soil Organic Carbon

Determination of Munsell Soil Colour Using Smartphones

Matching the model to the available data to predict wheat, barley, or canola yield: A review of recently published models and data

Soil-Water Dynamics Investigation at Agricultural Hillslope with High-Precision Weighing Lysimeters and Soil-Water Collection Systems

Use of digital technology for research data and information transfer within the Australian grains sector: A case study using Online Farm Trials

Epistemic Uncertainties in the Assessment of Regional Soil Acidification

Digital soil mapping and assessment for Australia and beyond: A propitious future

Digital Soil Mapping and Assessment (DSMA) has progressed from challenging traditional soil...

Using agricultural metadata: A novel investigation of trends in sowing date in on-farm research trials using the Online Farm Trials database

Development of pedotransfer functions by machine learning for prediction of soil electrical conductivity and organic carbon content

The pedotransfer function is a mathematical model used to convert direct soil measurements into...

Operationalising digital soil mapping – Lessons from Australia

Australia has advanced the science and application of Digital Soil Mapping (DSM). Over the past...

Improving the FAIRness of Australia’s grains research sector data

Across Australia’s arable landscapes, thousands of crop trials have been conducted to improve...

  • Conference Proceedings

Online Farm Trials (OFT) – the past, present and future

Online Farm Trials (OFT) ( is a free web-based resource and trial discovery...

  • Conference Proceedings

Testing the public-private soil data and information sharing model for sustainable soil management outcomes

Soil data form the basis of soil information systems across the globe. Soil information needs,...

Accounting for measurement errors when harmonising incongruent soil data - A case study

When collating soil data from different sources, the data should be congruent. Ordinary linear...

Assessment of Error Sources in Measurements of Field pH: Effect of Operator Experience, Test Kit Differences, and Time-Of-Day

Various methods exist to measure soil pH, and while there is general agreement between the...

Error propagation in computer models: analytic approaches, advantages, disadvantages and constraints

Uncertainty and its propagation in computer models has relevance in many disciplines, including...

Improving the information content in soil pH maps: a case study

Uncertainties associated with legacy data contribute to the spatial uncertainty of predictions...

Quantification of Uncertainty in Mathematical Models: The Statistical Relationship between Field and Laboratory pH Measurements

The measurement of soil pH using a field portable test kit represents a fast and inexpensive...

Soil data for biophysical models in Victoria, Australia: Current needs and future challenges

The use of biophysical models to support increased food production and environmental protection...

The 3D distribution of phyllosilicate clay minerals in western Victoria

The mineralogy of the clay fraction of soils is a major determinant of the behavior of soil....

100 Years of superphosphate addition to pasture in an acid soil - Current nutrient status and future management

Identification and interpretation of sources of uncertainty in soils change in a global systems-based modelling process

What can legacy datasets tell us about soil quality trends? Soil acidity in Victoria

Purpose-built soil monitoring networks have been established in many countries to identify where...

A digital soil map of Victoria-VicDSMv1

This paper describes the production of the first version of a digital soil map for Victoria...

Multi-source data integration and identification of uncertainties affecting production of a digital soil map

Production of a digital soil map for the state of Victoria in Australia is subject to various...

  • Conference Proceedings

Reflections on, DSM and the legacy of soil survey information in Victoria, Australia-The pedology matters

The project has provided an impetus to apply DSM across the state of Victoria....

A pragmatic quantitative model for soil organic carbon distribution in eastern Australia

A readily applied quantitative relationship between topsoil organic carbon levels and several...

Prediction of field capacity and permanent wilting point using rapid soil sensing approaches

Field Capacity (FC) and Permanent Wilting Point (PWP) are required in various biophysical models....

Spatial and temporal prediction of soil properties from legacy data

Soil monitoring networks are expensive to implement and can only predict rates of change once...

Dual oxidase 2 and glutathione peroxidase gene expression are elevated in hyperimmunised sheep challenged with Haemonchus contortus

A sequential biopsy sampling method was used to investigate oxidant and antioxidant gene...

Modelling and prediction of soil water contents at field capacity and permanent wilting point of dryland cropping soils

Field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) are two critical input parameters required...

Immune cell kinetics in the ovine abomasal mucosa following hyperimmunization and challenge with Haemonchus contortus

Sheep were sensitized by repeated infection with Haemonchus contortus L3, followed by a 12 week...

Land use change: Understanding and managing soil dynamics

Lessons of the past show that care for the soil is fundamental to the rise and sustainability of...

The relationship between the rapid rejection of Haemonchus contortus larvae with cells and mediators in abomasal tissues in immune sheep

  • Journals