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Dr. Michael Barbagallo

Senior Lecturer, Healthcare

IHW - Operations


IHW - Operations


Churchill Campus, Online


Dr Michael Barbagallo’s research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, reflective practice, community evaluation, and the biosciences.

Dr Barbagallo has extensive research experience in data collection and analysis techniques, and a growing research portfolio with publications in peer reviewed journals and competitive grants.

Michael has worked at the School of Health at Federation University Australia’s Gippsland campus since 2016. Michael’s main teaching roles include Undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology and Research Methods courses, as well as teaching into the Masters program. Michael has also supervised Honours projects within the school and he is experienced at supervising higher degree by research students.

Michael works as a member of the University’s Collaborative Evaluation Unit, which collaborates extensively with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Latrobe Health Assembly.

Field of Research

  • Health and community services
  • Medicine, nursing and health curriculum and pedagogy
  • Nursing not elsewhere classified

Student led community health checks in regional Victoria: A mixed methods study

An exploration of the influencing factors for effective public health messaging during disasters: a scoping review

Indigenous experiences and underutilisation of disability support services in Australia: a qualitative meta-synthesis

Patient and family members' experiences with language and environment when receiving bad news: A qualitative exploratory study

An exploration into early childhood physical literacy programs: A systematic literature review

A systematic literature review of workplace physical activity programs: an exploration of barriers and enabling factors

Australian Men's Sheds and Their Role in the Health and Wellbeing of Men: A Systematic Review

Patient and family members' experiences with language and environment when receiving bad news: A qualitative exploratory study

Public health messaging during disasters: A qualitative study of emergency department key informants

Public health messaging during disasters: Practice and attitudes of Australian emergency nurses

Simplifying Qualitative Case Study Research Methodology: A Step-By-Step Guide Using a Palliative Care Example

The Effects of the Ward Environment and Language in Palliative Care: A Qualitative Exploratory Study of Victorian Nurses’ Perspectives

The impact of nature-led recovery initiatives for individual and community health post disaster: a systematic literature review

A creative approach for undergraduate nursing students to learn anatomy and physiology: a qualitative exploratory study

A Scoping Review of Community-Based Adult Suicide Prevention Initiatives in Rural and Regional Australia

Public health education by emergency nurses: A scoping review and narrative synthesis

The experiences of health professionals, patients, and families with truth disclosure when breaking bad news in palliative care: A qualitative meta-synthesis

The Impact of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic on Undergraduate Nursing Students' Study of Anatomy and Physiology

The Physical Hospital Environment and Its Effects on Palliative Patients and Their Families: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis

Aim: To review the latest qualitative literature on how the physical hospital environment...

A thematic analysis of the perceptions of a community-based exercise program on the health and well-being of ageing adults

This study explores a weekly community-based exercise program (CBEP) for ageing adults in...

Nursing students’ perceptions and experiences of reflective practice: A qualitative meta-synthesis

Reflective practice is a vital component of nursing education. It allows for the integration of...

Evaluation of a Blended Online and Digital Learning Mode of Anatomy and Physiology for Undergraduate Nursing Students

Blended online and digital learning includes a variety of activities that combine engaging...

Immune System

  • Book Chapters

The academic experiences of transitioning to blended online and digital nursing curriculum

Background: The blended online digital (BOLD) approach to teaching is popular within many...

Completing reflective practice post undergraduate nursing clinical placements: A literature review

Reflective practice post clinical placement in nursing education is essential to integrate...

Potential Control of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 asp Expression by Alternative Splicing in the Upstream Untranslated Region

The negative-sense asp open reading frame (ORF) positioned opposite to the human immunodeficiency...