Cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia and depression: qualitative reflections from older adults who participated in a randomised controlled trial
Objectives: To explore the experiences of older adults who participated in a randomised...
Advancing cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with comorbid insomnia and depression
Insomnia and depression are two of the most common mental health problems that negatively impact...
Cognitive behavior therapy for older adults with insomnia and depression: A randomized controlled trial in community mental health services
Study Objectives: To investigate whether cognitive behavior therapy was effective for older...
Internalized Homonegativity, Sense of Belonging, and Depressive Symptoms Among Australian Gay Men
Internalized homonegativity has been directly linked to depression among gay men. The aim of the...
Cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults experiencing insomnia and depression in a community mental health setting: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Background: Cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a well-established treatment;...
Sense of Belonging to Specific Communities and Depressive Symptoms Among Australian Gay Men
Sense of belonging to the general and broader gay communities has been shown to be beneficial for...
The Relationships Between Sense of Belonging to a Community GLB Youth Group; School, Teacher, and Peer Connectedness; and Depressive Symptoms: Testing of a Path Model
Research indicates belonging to a gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) support group is indirectly...
The relationship between geographic remoteness and intentions to use a telephone support service among Australian men following radical prostatectomy
ObjectiveThe objective is to investigate the influence of characteristics related to place of...
A psychological pathway from insomnia to depression among older adults
Background: Higher levels of insomnia predict greater depression severity among older adults;...
If it's not on, is it still on? A model of condom use for rural Australian adolescents