A 3D Numerical Model to Estimate Lightning Types for PyroCb Thundercloud
Active and reactive power injection of energy storage for short-term frequency stability in islanded power systems
A Data-Driven Trajectory Approach for Dynamic VAr Support in Renewable Rich Power Grid
Advanced Voltage Balancing Discontinuous PWM Technique for Solar PV Fed Grid-tied NPC Inverters
A Hybrid PWM Technique for SMES Integrated Solar PV Based Grid-Tied Transformerless Inverters
Assessing the Impacts of Cross-border Interconnection to Renewable Energy Penetration in Power Systems: Case Study of ASEAN Subregion
A Survey of Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Flexibility with Energy Storage Systems and Renewable Energy
A Switched-Capacitor MLI with Modified Single-Carrier PWM for Transformerless PV Interfacing
CEREI: An open-source tool for Cost-Effective Renewable Energy Investments
Energy Recovery from Polluted Water using Capacitive Deionization Desalination System: A Review
Fault classification and localization of multi-machine-based ieee benchmark test case power transmission lines using optimizable weighted extreme learning machine
Hybrid Energy Storage Modeling and Control for Power System Operation Studies: A Survey
Interactions between Active Distribution and Transmission Networks: State of the Art and Opportunities
Low and medium voltage distribution network planning with distributed energy resources: a survey
Optimum battery sizing, scheduling and demand management for microgrids using slime mould algorithm
Prediction of fire danger index using a new machine learning based method to enhance power system resiliency against wildfires
Predictive Torque Control with Reduced Voltage Vectors for Voltage Source Inverter Driven Induction Motor Drives
Resiliency Assessment and Enhancement of Renewable Dominated Edge of Grid Under High-Impact Low-Probability EventsA Review
Stability Indices for Modern Power Systems Integrated with IBRs and Composite Load Models: A Review
Techno-economic assessment of an industrial prosumer with biomass investment and time varying tariffs: An Australian case study
Wildfire Impacts on Security of Electric Power Systems: A Survey of Risk Identification and Mitigation Approaches
A Case Study on the Energy Consumption Behaviour in Western Victoria for Implementing Demand Flexibility
A Heuristic Technique For EV Hosting Capacity Enhancement In Power Distribution Network
A Hybrid PWM Strategy for SMES Integrated Grid-Feeding Transformerless PV Inverters
A hydrogen supply-chain model powering Australian isolated communities
A proximal subgradient algorithm with extrapolation for structured nonconvex nonsmooth problems
Data-driven Modelling of Representative Rural Distribution Networks for Reliability Studies
Design of Energy Storage for Frequency Stability in Low-Inertia Power Grid
Forced oscillation management in a microgrid with distributed converter-based resources using hierarchical deep-learning neural network
Impact of MMC-HVDC Control on Power System Dynamics: Various Concepts and Parameterization
Improved Model Predictive Torque Control with Reduced Active Prediction Vectors for Voltage Source Inverter Driven Induction Motor Drives
Improved Switching Scheme to Reduce the Junction Temperature and Power Loss of CHB Inverters
Improved Voltage Balancing Discontinuous PWM Scheme for Solar PV Fed Grid-tied NPC Inverters
Investigation of Oscillation and Resonance in the Renewable Integrated DC-Microgrid
Numerical Model of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning for PyroCb Thunderstorms
Small-Signal Stability and Resonance Perspectives in Microgrid: A Review
Software-Defined Access Control in Smart Grids
Techno-economic Assessment of a Hydrogen-based Islanded Microgrid in North-east
A New Modulation Technique for H6 Transformerless Inverter to Minimize Leakage Current with Reduced Power Loss
A New Transformer-Less Common Grounded Nine-Level Grid-Connected Boost Inverter
An Extreme Learning Machine Based Adaptive VISMA for Stability Enhancement of Renewable Rich Power Systems
An Overview of Demand Response Opportunities for Commercial and Industrial Customers in the Australian NEM
A study on green hydrogen-based isolated microgrid
A unified damping controller for non-stationary forced oscillation
Dynamic Signature-based Alignment Factor for Var Allocation
High Step-up Common Grounded Switched Quasi Z-Source dc-dc Converter Using Coupled Inductor
Implementation and Efficiency Calculation of Fuel-Cell Vehicles Using a Bidirectional DC/DC Converter with ZVS
Modelling and Experimental Assessment of High-Frequency Oscillation in DC Microgrid
Multi-Mode Damping Control Approach for the Optimal Resilience of Renewable-Rich Power Systems
Prediction of Positive Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Striking Zones for Tilted Thundercloud Based on Line Charge Model
Risk and Resiliency Assessments of Renewable Dominated Edge of Grid Under High-Impact Low-Probability Events -A Review
Threshold-free localized scheme for DC fault identification in multiterminal HVDC systems
A new global index for short term voltage stability assessment
The utility scale of non-conventional generators (NCGs), such as wind and photovoltaic (PV)...
Benefit Based Transmission Expansion Planning for ASEAN Power Grid
DC Fault Identification in Multiterminal HVDC Systems Based on Reactor Voltage Gradient
With the increasing number of renewable generations, the prospects of long-distance bulk power...
Dynamic VAr Planning of Large-Scale PV Enriched Grid
Effects of Non-stationary Forced Oscillation on Electromechanical Modes
Enhanced profitability of photovoltaic plants by utilizing cryptocurrency-based mining load
Examination of Effective VAr with Respect to Dynamic Voltage Stability in Renewable Rich Power Grids
High penetrations of inverter-based renewable resources (IBRs) diminish the resilience that...
Forced Oscillation Detection Amid Communication Uncertainties
This article proposes a novel technique for the detection of forced oscillation (FO) in a power...
Forced Oscillation in Power Systems with Converter Controlled-Based Resources-A Survey with Case Studies
Impact of Active Current Ramping of Large-Scale PV Plant on the Dynamic Voltage Stability
Impact of Meshed HVDC Grid Operation and Control on the Dynamics of AC/DC Systems
The efficacy of long-distance and bulk power transmission largely depends on the efficient...
Novel Control Design for Simultaneous Damping of Inter-Area and Forced Oscillation
Forced oscillation (FO) has recently been detected in power grids, e.g., Nordic and Western...
RoCoF Restrictive Planning Framework and Wind Speed Forecast Informed Operation Strategy of Energy Storage System
A planning framework and operation strategy for energy storage are developed to limit the rate of...
Sizing HESS as inertial and primary frequency reserve in low inertia power system
Energy storage systems are recognised as the potential solution to alleviate the impacts of...
A New Data Driven Long-Term Solar Yield Analysis Model of Photovoltaic Power Plants
Historical data offers a wealth of knowledge to the users. However, often restrictively mammoth...
An Improved Energy and Cost Minimization Scheme for Home Energy Management (HEM) in the Smart Grid Framework
In the current energy perspective, home energy management (HEM) is an essential requirement for...
A review on rapid responsive energy storage technologies for frequency regulation in modern power systems
A paradigm shift in power generation technologies is happening all over the world. This results...
Development of cluster-based energy management scheme for residential usages in the smart grid community
Several efforts have been taken to promote clean energy towards a sustainable and green economy....
Dynamic Derivative-Droop Control for Supercapacitor Synthetic Inertial Support
Energy storage is recognized as a potential solution to alleviate the impacts of inertia...
Dynamic voltage signature of large scale PV enriched streesed power system
Renewable power generations including flexible demand and energy storage systems leverage...
Energy Storage for Short-Term Frequency Stability Enhancement in Low-Inertia Power Systems
Power systems with large scale integration of inverter interfaced generation plants become...
Exploring the Dynamic Voltage Signature of Renewable Rich Weak Power System
Large-scale renewable energy-based power plants are becoming attractive technically and...
Forced oscillation damping controller for an interconnected power system
Forced oscillation (FO) is a challenging problem as it could initiate power system instability...
Forced oscillation in power system with renewable generations
Forced disturbance (FD) with various bands of frequency may ignite forced oscillation (FO) in...
Frequency regulation of multiple asynchronous grids using adaptive droop in high-voltage direct current system
Frequency stability control in multiple asynchronous grids is a challenging and complex issue. An...
Frequency security constrained energy management in an isolated power system
Short-term frequency instability is one of the major challenges that arise due to large-scale...
Impact of MMC-HVDC Control Parameter Selection on the Dynamic Performance of AC System
High penetration of voltage source converter (VSC) based system is anticipated in future power...
Impact of PV plant and load models on system strength and voltage recovery of power systems
In recent years, non-conventional inverter-based sources, namely, wind, PV, and others have...
Influence of induction motor in stability of power system with high penetration of large-scale PV
Inverter-Based Energy Resources (IBERs) have become an ordinary portion of the generation mix in...
Study of voltage oscillation in multi-converter based DC microgrid
This paper presents the impact of various disturbances in the multi converter-based DC microgrid....
An assessment of the solar photovoltaic generation yield in Malaysia using satellite derived datasets
Precise and reliable estimation of energy yield for solar photovoltaic (PV) system is imperative...
Design of wide-area POD with resiliency using modified DEA for power systems with high penetration of renewable energy
Recently, the electromechanical oscillations are becoming the primary concerns in power grids due...
Dynamic voltage stability of unbalanced distribution system with high penetration of single-phase PV units
Dynamic voltage instability (DVI) issues are the primary concern in low-voltage distribution...
Enabling resilient wide-area POD at BESS in Java, Indonesia 500.kV power grid
The future Indonesian power grid will have significant REGs, especially in Java Island. Wind and...
Hybrid energy stoarage system for frequency regulation in microgrids with source and load uncertainties
The electrical energy required by the remote communities can be supplied efficiently and...
Impact of MTDC grid reconfiguration and control on the dynamics of the Gb system
Multi-terminal DC (MTDC) grids are becoming increasingly popular for interconnecting...
Improving Synthetic Inertial Response of Supercapacitor Using Supplementary Control Signal
Power systems with high penetration of inverter-based renewable generation units result in...
Large-scale PV Voltage Regulation: Survey of Recent Practice
Large-scale PV system is increasingly being installed in transmission and sub-transmission...
Performance Assessment of Prospective PV Systems in Queensland and New South Wales of Australia
Large-scale renewable energy, especially solar photovoltaic (PV), is increasing into the...
Resilient wide-area multi-mode controller design based on Bat algorithm for power systems with renewable power generation and battery energy storage systems
Modern power systems consist of power electronics devices, which are used in renewable energy...
Techno-economic evaluation of power electronics-assisted transmission system frequency regulation
In many future power systems, the power generation may be predominantly supplied from converter...
Towards Zero Emissions Noosa
This paper reports on a case study of the community group Zero Emissions Noosa, whose goal is for...
Comparison of Battery Energy Storage Models for Small Signal Stability in Power System
In the 21st century, integration of large-scale renewable energy sources (RESs) is increasing...
Damping of Power System Oscillations by using HVDC-based Multi-Modal POD Controller
Due to the increasing replacement of conventional generators with renewable energy sources...
Examination of Low-Frequency Oscillatory Stability of Power systems with Detailed Wind Farm Model
This paper presents the impact of dynamics within the wind farm on low-frequency oscillatory...
Low-Frequency Oscillatory Stability Study on 500 kV Java-Indonesian Electric Grid
The Java-Indonesia 500 kV network is the biggest interconnected system in Indonesia. This system...
Modelling of ASEAN power grid using publicly available data
Power industries around the world are becoming liberalized to meet the increasing electricity...
Simultaneous parameter optimization for coordinated control of BESS and DIPSS using clonal selection
This paper proposed a method for simultaneous parameter optimization for coordinated control of...
Stability and control of mixed AC-DC systems with VSC-HVDC: A review
Voltage-source converter-high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) systems have become an attractive...
The Impact of Voltage Regulation of Multiinfeed VSC-HVDC on Power System Stability
Due to the anticipated proliferation of HVDC links up to and beyond 2020 into transmission...
ASEAN power grid: A secure transmission infrastructure for clean and sustainable energy for South-East Asia
The efficient utilization of clean energy resources to meet increasing electricity demand is...
Characterisation of interaction in an offshore AC grid with large WPPs and VSC-HVDCs
To exploit the full and flexible capability of offshore voltage-sourced converter high-voltage DC...
Dual-loop primary frequency regulation controller for VSC-HVDC system
This paper presents a frequency control mechanism for an AC system through the active and...
Investigation into transmission options for cross-border power trading in ASEAN power grid
This work is a feasibility study of high voltage AC (HVAC) and high voltage DC (HVDC)...
Role of multi-infeed VSC-HVDC on dynamic behaviour of future north Scotland transmission system
Due to the expected proliferation of HVDC systems up to and beyond 2020 into the Great British...
Modelling and dynamic analysis of a power system with VSC-HVDC radial plus strategy
This work presents the analysis of a radial plus VSC-HVDC scheme in terms of its impact on AC and...
Offshore AC grid management for an AC integrated VSC-HVDC scheme with large WPPs
Point-to-point VSC-HVDC Wind power plant (WPP) links connected offshore by AC cables can be...
Technical challenges, security and risk in grid integration of renewable energy
Renewable energy sources, especially wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) are well on the way to...
A review of key power system stability challenges for large-scale PV integration
Global warming is the main driving force behind worldwide interest for the generation of bulk...
Chronological risk assessment approach of distribution system with concentrated solar power plant
It is anticipated that concentrated solar power (CSP) plant will become one of the significant...
Evaluation of medium scale linear fresnel reflector CSP: A case study in North Queensland
Future distribution networks in Australia are likely to include large volume of medium scale...
Expanding power system analysis toolbox (PSAT) functionalities for better result interpretation
The dynamic analysis of modern power systems often requires computational assistance from...
Low-order robust damping controller design for large-scale PV power plants
The paper presents a method of designing a low order robust wide-area damping controller (WADC)...
Performance assessment of solar thermal power plants: A case study in Queensland
Recent and ongoing improvements make the concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) as one of the...
Small-disturbance angle stability control with high penetration of renewable generations
Growth and penetration of renewable energy has been remarkable during the last few years in many...
Large-scale PV plant with a robust controller considering power oscillation damping
Transmission voltage-level photovoltaic (PV) plants are becoming reality in many developed and...
Oscillatory stability analysis with high penetrations of large-scale photovoltaic generation
Prompted by the need for clean energy sources, increasing amounts of photovoltaic (PV) generator...
Test systems for dynamic stability studies in electric power system
Electric power system is one of the largest and complex infrastructures made by mankind during...
Wide-area measurement signal-based stabiliser for large-scale photovoltaic plants with high variability and uncertainty
In this study, norm bounded linear quadratic Gaussian controller synthesis method is utilised to...
Assessment and choice of input for wide-area damping controller in large-scale PV taking time delay into consideration
This paper used a twofold method to assess and select suitable control input for PV supplementary...
Contingency ranking methodology for low frequency oscillations in power systems
This paper presents the contingency ranking methodology of large interconnected power system for...
Damping performance analysis of battery energy storage system, ultracapacitor and shunt capacitor with large-scale photovoltaic plants
As large-scale photovoltaic (PV) generation reaches higher penetration levels, there is a greater...
Design of robust power oscillation damping controller for large-scale PV plant
Large-scale photovoltaic (PV) plants are becoming a reality in many countries. Studies suggest...
Development of a dynamic model of solar farm and its impact on weak power system
This paper presents a comprehensive simulation study to show the adequacy of two solar farm...
Influence of large-scale PV on voltage stability of sub-transmission system
Voltage instability is considered as one of the main threats to secure operation of power systems...
A comparison of ultracapacitor, BESS and shunt capacitor on oscillation damping of power system with large-scale PV plants
Intermittent and slow generator like PV is augmented with auxiliary device to meet the certain...
Contribution of PV systems with ultra capacitor energy storage on inter-area oscillation
In this paper, the effect of increased solar power penetration by three Photovoltaic (PV)...
Power system voltage stability as affected by large-scale PV penetration
Voltage instability is considered as one of the main threats to secure operation of power system...
Impact of large-scale PV penetration on power system oscillatory stability
This paper presents the impact of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) generation on power system...