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Professor Louisa Remedios

Adjunct Professor

IHW - Operations


IHW - Operations


Churchill Campus, Online

Are physiotherapists expected to be competent in digital health practice? Meta-synthesis of international physiotherapy practice competency standards

Health information and resources in hospital outpatient waiting areas may not meet the needs of older adults from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: A cross-cultural qualitative study

Do health service waiting areas contribute to the health literacy of consumers? A scoping review

Education for sustainable healthcare: Setting the educational agenda for our future

  • Journals

Enriching research practices through knowledge about Indigenous research methodologies

"We are a unique breed": strategies to enhance physical activity participation for preschool-aged children born extremely preterm, a mixed-methods study

Barriers, Enablers, and Consumer Design Ideas for Health Literacy Responsive Hospital Waiting Areas: A Framework Method Analysis

Seeking Choice to Fulfill Health Literacy Needs: Health Literacy Opportunities for Consumers in Hospital Waiting Areas

Health Literacy in Hospital Outpatient Waiting Areas: An Observational Study of What Is Available to and Accessed by Consumers

Improving centre-based group exercise participation of older adults using the behaviour change wheel

Evidence, education and multi-disciplinary integration are needed to embed exercise into lung cancer clinical care: A qualitative study involving physiotherapists

Exploring learning goals and assessment approaches for Indigenous health education: a qualitative study in Australia and New Zealand

Learning with and from each other: promoting international and interprofessional collaborations in physiotherapy education research–a literature review

The conceptualisation of health-related quality of life in decision-making by intensive care physicians: A qualitative inquiry

What factors affect implementation of early rehabilitation into intensive care unit practice? A qualitative study with clinicians

Barriers to translation of physical activity into the lung cancer model of care a qualitative study of clinicians' perspectives

Health professional workforce education in the Asia Pacific

Identifying pedagogy and teaching strategies for achieving nationally prescribed learning outcomes

The use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to understand the health and functioning experiences of people with chronic conditions from the person perspective: A systematic review

Chinese students' groupwork practices and experiences in China

The reach project: Implementing interprofessional practice at Australia's first student-led clinic

The use of the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) in indigenous healthcare: A systematic literature review

Learning to listen and listening to learn: One student's experience of small group collaborative learning

Chinese students' perception of out-of-class groupwork in Australia

Feldenkrais Method balance classes are based on principles of motor learning and postural control retraining: A qualitative research study

The silent participant in small group collaborative learning contexts