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Dr. Lauren Petrass

Senior Lecturer, Health and Physical Education

Head of Secondary Teacher Education


Academic Operations - IEAC


Mt Helen Campus, Online

Negative prior aquatic experiences and children's aquatic competency: Do parent perceptions differ from reality?

Cricket players' perceptions of playing on artificial turf

A systematic review of demographic and background factors associated with the development of children's aquatic competence

Cross disciplinary teaching: A pedagogical model to support teachers in the development and implementation of outdoor learning opportunities

The impact of an outdoor learning experience on the development of English creative writing skills: an action research case study of year 7 and 8 secondary school students in Australia

Predicting Young Adults’ Intentions and Involvement in Alcohol-Influenced Aquatic Activity

A systematic review of alcohol education programs for young people: do these programs change behavior?

Numerous education programs have addressed young peoples' alcohol use. To date, no peer-reviewed...

Exploring the impact of a student-centred survival swimming programme for primary school students in Australia: the perceptions of parents, children and teachers

Teaching basic swimming, water safety and rescue skills is recommended by the World Health...

Getting In: Safe Water Entry Competencies

Respecting alcohol, respecting the water: Young adult perspectives on how to reduce alcohol-influenced drownings in Australia

Issue addressed: Alcohol-influenced drowning among young Australians (aged 18-24 years) is a...

"They don't think it will ever happen to them": Exploring factors affecting participation in alcohol-influenced aquatic activity among young Australian adults

Issue addressed: Young adults are over-represented in alcohol-related drownings in high-income...

Alcohol consumption in aquatic settings: a mixed-method study exploring young adults’ attitudes and knowledge

Retrospective studies have identified alcohol as a significant risk factor in drownings involving...

Alcohol_Focused drowning prevention campaigns: What do we know and what should we do now?

Alcohol and drugs have been identified as key risk factors for youth (aged 15-24 years) and adult...

Abrasion injuries on artificial turf: A systematic review

Objectives: To review the incidence of abrasion injuries sustained on artificial turf playing...

A Lack of Aquatic Rescue Competency: A Drowning Risk Factor for Young Adults Involved in Aquatic Emergencies

Drowning is an important public health issue with major impacts on young adults aged 15–24...

Drowning deaths among anglers: Are waders a contributing factor?

Recreational fishing has been a popular activity for Australians over at least the past two...

Ensuring Natural Grass Sports Fields Are Safe for Athlete Participation: A Risk-Assessment Process for Assessing Field Conditions Before Sports Activity

Public safety is critical to the provision of sports fields and is dependent on maintaining...

Selection and Management of Sports Grounds: Does Surface Heat Matter?

Little evidence exists on the surface temperatures experienced on third generation (3G)...

Understanding contributing factors to child drownings in public pools in Australia: A review of national coronial records

This study examined the incidence and circumstances associated with child drowning in public...

Comparison of surface temperatures of different synthetic turf systems and natural grass: Have advances in synthetic turf technology made a difference

Few studies have considered surface temperatures on the most recent synthetic turf products, and...

Abrasion injuries on artificial turf: A real risk or not?

Can you swim? Teaching teachers of swimming and water safety

  • Conference Proceedings

Ground condition as a risk factor in sports injury aetiology studies: the level of concordance between objective and subjective measures

BACKGROUND: It is well known that the condition and type of sporting ground influences the risk...

One, two, three or four: Does the number of Clegg hammer drops alter ground hardness readings on natural grass?

The Clegg hammer is currently used to measure hardness of natural turf surfaces to inform...

Preventing adolescent drowning: Understanding water safety knowledge, attitudes and swimming ability. The effect of a short water safety intervention

Worldwide, epidemiological data indicate that children are a high-risk group for drowning and...

Rotational traction testing: How can we improve the current test device?


Understanding how the components of a synthetic turf system contribute to increased surface temperature

The effect of stud configuration on rotational traction using the studded boot apparatus

Due to its associated injury risk, rotational traction is a frequently measured natural turf...

The relationship between ground conditions and injury: What level of evidence do we have?

Objectives: To identify studies which address the relationship between ground conditions and...

Unobtrusive observation of caregiver-child Pairs at public pools and playgrounds: Implications for child unintentional injury risk

This study aimed to determine and compare the nature of supervision children received in two...

Can you swim? An exploration of measuring real and perceived water competency

Can you swim? Self-report and actual swimming competence among young adults in Ballarat, Australia

This paper reports the Australian findings in an international study comparing self-reported and...

Caregivers' perceptions of environmental risk factors for child drowning in different aquatic environments

  • Book Chapters

Swim instructor beliefs about toddler and preschool swimming and water safety education

To study the teacher component of the parent-teacher-learner triad in preschool aquatics and...

The nature of caregiver supervision of young children in public pools

This study examined the level of caregiver supervision when children were engaged in active play...

Adapting an established measure of supervision for beach settings. Is the parent supervision attributes profile questionnaire reliable?

The Parent Supervision Attributes Profile Questionnaire (PSAPQ), developed to measure aspects of...

Lack of caregiver supervision: a contributing factor in Australian unintentional child drowning deaths, 2000-2009

Objectives: To establish how frequently supervision was explicitly identified as a factor in...

Observations of caregiver supervision of children at beaches: identification of factors associated with high supervision

Objective To identify independent factors associated with caregiver supervision levels at...

Re-Lack of caregiver supervision: A contributing factor in Australian unintentional child drowning deaths, 2000-2009

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

Self-reported supervisory behavior and beliefs vs. actual observations of caregiver behavior at beaches

This study examined self-reported supervisory behaviours of caregivers at beaches and ascertained...

Methodological approaches used to assess the relationship between parental supervision and child injury risk

Objective: To describe and rate the quality of methodological approaches used to measure parental...

Parent/Caregiver Supervision and Child Injury: A systematic review of critical dimensions for understanding this relationship

This study reviewed the relationship between recognized dimensions of supervision and children's...

How do parents supervise their children at pools and playgrounds?

  • Conference Proceedings

Moving forward - how best do we investigate parental supervision of children at the beach?

  • Conference Proceedings

Preventing child drowning and unintentional injury at beaches with supervision

  • Conference Proceedings

The role of child supervision as a risk or protective factor for childhood injury in active play

  • Conference Proceedings

Understanding the nature of caregiver supervision at Victorian and Queensland beaches.

  • Conference Proceedings

An overview of methodological approaches to assess parental supervision and child behaviour in relation to child injury

  • Conference Proceedings