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Dr. Kimberley McFarlane

Lecturer, Psychology




Churchill Campus, Online

Measuring mental time travel: Is the hippocampus really critical for episodic memory and episodic foresight?

Mental time travel is an adaptive capacity that enables humans to engage in deliberate, prudent...

The adapted Autobiographical interview: A systematic review and proposal for conduct and reporting

The adapted Autobiographical Interview (AI)is one of the most commonly used and widely cited...

The measurement of episodic foresight: A systematic review of assessment instruments

Prospection, or thinking about the future, is currently a topic of significant interdisciplinary...

Brand name confusion: Subjective and objective measures of orthographic similarity

Determining brand name similarity is vital in areas of trademark registration and brand...

How important is the name in predicting false recognition for lookalike brands?

An underexploited role for psychology in trademark law is the testing of explicit or implicit...

Recognition in context: Implications for trade mark law

Context effects in recognition have played a major role in evaluating theories of recognition....

Maintenance Rehearsal: The Key to the Role Attention Plays in Storage and Forgetting

Research with the maintenance-rehearsal paradigm, in which word pairs are rehearsed as distractor...

Using Maintenance Rehearsal to Explore Recognition Memory

We examined associative and item recognition using the maintenance rehearsal paradigm. Our intent...